Code-Native Integrations
When you build an integration, you can build it in the low-code designer, or as a TypeScript project in your favorite IDE. We call an integration built with code a "code-native integration" (or CNI). This article covers how to build an integration purely in code.

Please see GitHub for a few example code-native integrations.
Regardless of how you build your integrations, the rest of the platform is the same. Both code-native and low-code integrations are deployed to the same runner environment. Both can include OAuth 2.0 connections, data sources and other advanced configuration wizard steps. Integrations built using either tool can include multiple flows, and can be added to your integration marketplace. The same logging, monitoring, and alerting tools are available for both types of integrations.
The key difference between the two is how you build the integration - you either assemble as set of low-code steps in the designer, or you write blocks of TypeScript code to accomplish the same task.