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Testing Instances

Invoking instances

An instance's flows can be invoked one of four ways:

  1. You can set up your integration to run on a schedule
  2. You can invoke them through a webhook
  3. You can configure your flow to run on deployment or on instance removal
  4. You can test a flow manually

Testing instances from the web app

You can invoke an instance outside of its cron schedule or webhook invocations to ensure it functions properly. To run a test of an instance, open the Test tab. You can fill in a test payload body and custom HTTP headers to simulate a webhook trigger payload. Click the Run button to invoke the test.

Alternatively, look up the ID of a flow in an instance with prism instances:flow-configs:list ${INSTANCE_ID} and then run prism instances:flow-configs:test ${FLOW_ID} from the command line.

Test instance in Prismatic app

Logs from the test can be found by clicking the Logs tab.

Invoking instances with webhook triggers

If you choose to invoke your instance's flows with a webhook trigger, webhook URLs will be generated for each flow you when you deploy the instance.

To invoke an instance's flow programmatically, you can send a POST request to the webhook URL with an optional payload. Here's an example using curl, though you can use any language you like:

curl '' \
--location \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"examplePayloadKey": "examplePayloadValue"}'

More Information: Webhook Triggers