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Embedding Workflow Builder

In addition to using productized integrations from your marketplace, some of your customers may need to build unique integrations between your product and the other apps they use. These are often one-off, custom integrations that a single customer needs, but that wouldn't be of value to others.

Embedded workflow builder allows customers to log in to your product and build these integrations using the same workflow builder your teams use. And along with the builder, you can give your customers access to private components and templates they can use as starting points for these custom integrations.

This article covers how to embed the workflow builder in your product so that your customers can have the best integration building UX.

For information on how to install the embedded SDK and authenticate customer users, see Installing Embedded SDK. Note: you should include "role": "admin" in JWTs that you sign for customer users who build integrations.

Feature Availability

The embedded workflow builder feature is available to customers on specific pricing plans. Refer to your pricing plan or contract, or contact the Prismatic support team to learn more.

Enabling embedded workflow builder for a customer

Embedded workflow builder is disabled for all customers by default. To enable embedded workflow builder for a customer, open the customer from the Customers screen and then select the Details tab. Toggle the Allow Embedded Workflow Builder option.

Enable embedded workflow builder for a customer

Embedded screen configuration

Most embedded screens that show components, integrations, instances, etc., take three properties:

  • usePopover is a boolean that determines if the screen should display as a popover. By default, the screen is injected as an iframe into an existing DOM element.
  • selector identifies which element in the DOM to inject the iframe into when usePopover is false.
  • theme can override custom theming default behavior, and can be set to "LIGHT" or "DARK" mode.

Showing component screens

You can embed the component screens in your app using the prismatic.showComponents and prismatic.showComponent functions respectively. To show all components that are available in your tenant, use the showComponents() function:

Showing all components - ReactJS example
import prismatic from "@prismatic-io/embedded";
import { useEffect } from "react";

const id = "my-embedded-builder-div";

function ComponentListView() {
useEffect(() => {
selector: `#${id}`,
}, []);

return <div id={id}>Loading...</div>;

export default ComponentListView;

To show details about a specific component, use the showComponent() function and provide the function with the ID of a component. You will need to query for the ID of the component using prismatic.graphqlRequest function, which you can use to query the Prismatic API:

Showing a specific component
import prismatic from "@prismatic-io/embedded";
import { useEffect } from "react";

const id = "my-embedded-builder-div";

const getComponentId = async (key: string) => {
const query = `query getComponentByKey($componentKey: String!) {
components(key: $componentKey) {
nodes {
const result = await prismatic.graphqlRequest({
variables: { componentKey: key },

function DropboxComponent() {
useEffect(() => {
const showDropbox = async () => {
const componentId = await getComponentId("dropbox");
selector: `#${id}`,
}, []);

return <div id={id}>Loading...</div>;

export default DropboxComponent;

Additional documentation on querying the Prismatic API as a customer user from the embedded SDK is available on the Embedded API Requests article.

For an example of embedding the workflow builder, including a check if the current user has workflow builder permissions, see GitHub.

Showing integrations

The prismatic.showIntegrations function shows the customer user all of the integrations that are owned by their customer. Customers can create their own integrations, or integrations can be assigned to them.

import prismatic from "@prismatic-io/embedded";
import { useEffect } from "react";

const id = "integration-list-div";

function IntegrationList() {
useEffect(() => {
prismatic.showIntegrations({ selector: `#${id}` });
}, []);

return <div id={id}>Loading...</div>;

export default IntegrationList;

From the showIntegrations screen, customer users will be able to open existing integrations or create new integrations by clicking the +Add integration button (like an organization team member would do).

List integrations as a customer user in embedded
integrations are scoped to the customer

Integrations are scoped to a customer. If a customer creates a new integration, or if you assign an integration to a customer, only customer users for that customer see that integration.

Assigning an integration to a customer

You can build an integration and assign ownership of it to a customer. To do that, open the integration, select the Details tab on the top of the screen, and select the customer who should own the integration from the Customer dropdown menu.

Assign an integration to a customer

Opening the workflow builder directly

If you know the ID of an integration that you would like to open, you can open an integration directly using prismatic.showDesigner. You will need to query for the ID of the component using prismatic.graphqlRequest function, which you can use to query the Prismatic API:

Open an embedded workflow builder directly
import prismatic from "@prismatic-io/embedded";
import { useEffect } from "react";

const id = "my-embedded-builder-div";

* Get an integration's ID given its name
async function getIntegrationId(integrationName: string) {
const query = `query getMyIntegration($integrationName: String!) {
integrations(name: $integrationName) {
nodes {
const variables = { integrationName };
const result = await prismatic.graphqlRequest({ query, variables });

function EmbeddedDesigner() {
useEffect(() => {
const showDesigner = async () => {
const integrationId = await getIntegrationId("Acme Inc");
selector: `#${id}`,
theme: "LIGHT",
}, []);
return <div id={id}>Loading...</div>;

export default EmbeddedDesigner;
Build an integration as a customer user

Filtering components in the embedded workflow builder

If you would like to limit the components that a customer user can use in the embedded workflow builder, you can do so by specifying a filters.components.filterQuery object when you call prismatic.showIntegrations or prismatic.showDesigner. You can filter using a component's key, whether or not it's a public component, and component category.

In this example, we list a few file-related components, as well as a private version of the Slack component and all components in the "Logic" category (like Branch, Loop, etc):

Filter components in the embedded workflow builder
import prismatic, {
} from "@prismatic-io/embedded";

selector: `#my-integrations-div`,
filters: {
components: {
filterQuery: [
[TermOperator.equal, "key", "aws-s3"],
[TermOperator.equal, "key", "dropbox"],
[TermOperator.equal, "key", "google-drive"],
[TermOperator.equal, "key", "slack"],
[TermOperator.equal, "public", false],
[TermOperator.equal, "category", "Logic"],
Filter component list in the embedded workflow builder

Requiring components in the embedded workflow builder

If you would like to require that customers use certain components within their integrations, open your organization settings page and then open the Embedded tab. Add any components that you would like to require under the Required components section.

Require certain components in the embedded workflow builder

Embedded builder users must include components that you list before they are able to publish their integration.

Require certain components in the embedded workflow builder before publishing

Showing logs

The prismatic.showLogs function presents a customer user with the logs listview page. This gives them the chance to view logs from all of their instances in one place. It is the same view that you would see as an organization team member if you opened a customer's logs tab.

import prismatic from "@prismatic-io/embedded";
import { useEffect } from "react";

const id = "logs-div";

function InstanceLogs() {
useEffect(() => {
prismatic.showLogs({ selector: `#${id}` });
}, []);

return <div id={id}>Loading...</div>;

export default InstanceLogs;

Showing the customer dashboard

To give your customer a holistic view of their integrations, instances, etc, you can show them the customer dashboard.

import prismatic from "@prismatic-io/embedded";
import { useEffect } from "react";

const id = "dashboard-div";

function Dashboard() {
useEffect(() => {
prismatic.showDashboard({ selector: `#${id}` });
}, []);

return <div id={id}>Loading...</div>;

export default Dashboard;
Open the customer dashboard in embedded

Hiding tabs in the embedded customer dashboard

By default, all tabs are shown to customers when showDashboard() is invoked. To hide certain tabs, include screenConfiguration.dashboard.hideTabs parameter when you call showDashboard():

selector: `#${id}`,
theme: "LIGHT",
screenConfiguration: {
dashboard: {
hideTabs: ["Attachments"], // Hide the Attachments tab

Customer users and custom components

Your customers can build their own custom components and use them in their integrations. These private components are scoped to the customer, and are not visible to other customers. This is helpful if your customer needs to build a custom component that is specific to their business (for example, to wrap their own API).

The building of customer-scoped custom components is done in the same way as it is for organization-wide custom components. For information on building custom components, see the Building Custom Components article or the custom component getting started guide.

Customer users must be able to log in to Prismatic

In order for a customer user to publish a custom component, you must create a customer user account and assign them the "Admin" role. The customer user needs to be able to log in to Prismatic in order to authenticate the Prism CLI tool to publish custom components. A customer user cannot use a signed JWT to publish custom components.

Once a customer user has logged in to Prismatic, they can authenticate the Prism CLI tool by running prism login and then publish a component scoped to their customer with prism components:publish, as an organization team member would do.

If you would like to publish a component as an organization team member for a specific customer, you can run prism components:publish --customer <CUSTOMER ID> using an ID that you can fetch by running prism customers:list --columns "id,name".