When we reference customers, we're talking about your customers. Your organization creates customers and integrations in Prismatic. Then, your customers can either enable instances of your integrations themselves through your integration marketplace, or your team members can deploy instances to them. You can create users for your customers and assign them roles so that they can manage and have insight into the instances that are deployed to them.
Like all Prismatic resources, customers can be managed via Prismatic's CLI tool, prism, or through the web app by clicking the Customers link on the left-hand sidebar.
Creating new customers
- Web App
After clicking on the Customers link on the left-hand sidebar, click the + Add Customer button on the upper-right. Enter an appropriate name and description for your customer.
To create new customers, use the prism customers:create
prism customers:create \
--name 'FTL Rockets' \
--description 'Faster-Than-Light Rocket Inc'
Create a new customer using the createCustomer mutation:
mutation {
input: { name: "FTL Rockets", description: "Faster-Than-Light Rocket Inc" }
) {
customer {
Searching customers
- Web App
After clicking the Customers link on the left-hand sidebar, you can enter a portion of a customer's name into the search bar to filter customers by name. To filter customers by description, external ID, or label instead, click the Filter button to the right of the search bar.
You can list customers using prism customers:list
, and can --filter
or --sort
the results:
prism customers:list --filter "Name=Smith Rocket Company"
Query customers for a list of customers:
query {
customers {
nodes {
Modifying customers
After clicking the Customers link on the left-hand sidebar, you will be presented with a list of your customers.
Clicking the name of any customer will bring you to the customer's page. This page contains a menu with options to manage instances assigned to the customer, alert monitors, logs, customer users, and file attachments.
Editing customer name, description and logo
- Web App
From the customer's page, click into the Details tab on the top of the page to change the customer's name or modify the longer customer description. To modify the customer's avatar icon, click the Upload a photo link on the Details tab. The avatar icon you upload will be resized and cropped to 500 x 500 pixels. Transparent PNG images tend to look the best.
Update the customer name or description from the command line using the prism customers:update
subcommand with the customer's ID:
prism customers:update \
--name "New Customer Name" \
--description "New Customer Description"
Use the updateCustomer mutation to update a customer:
mutation {
input: {
name: "New Customer Name"
description: "New customer description"
) {
customer {
Customer labels
Labels help you keep your customers organized. You can assign any number of labels to a customer from the customer's summary tab, and can then search for customers by label. Note: for consistency, labels are always lower-cased.
Deploying instances to a customer
An instance of an integration is a versioned copy of an integration that is configured and deployed to a specific customer. Config variables that are unique to the customer can be applied to an instance.
For more information on attaching config variables, see the instances page.
- Web App
From the customer's page select the Instances tab. There, you will see any instances currently deployed to your customer, with information on when they were last run, what versions are deployed, etc.
To deploy a new instance, click the + Add instance button on the top-right corner. Select the integration you wish to deploy, and give the instance an appropriate name and description.
Once the instance is created, you will be prompted to configure any config variables required by the integration.
To deploy an instance to a customer, use the prism instances:create
# Get the Customer ID
prism customers:list \
--columns id \
--filter 'Name=^FTL Rockets$' \
# Find the ID of the integration you want to deploy
INTEGRATION_ID=$(prism integrations:list --columns id --no-header --filter 'name=Acme Inc')
# Find the version ID of the latest available published version
VERSION_ID=$(prism integrations:versions ${INTEGRATION_ID} --latest-available --columns id --no-header)
# Connection config variables must be escaped
# Create an instance given a specific $VERSION_ID,
# a customer $CUSTOMER_ID and required config variables
# ("My Endpoint", "Do Thing?" and "Acme Basic Auth"):
prism instances:create \
--name 'Acme Inc' \
--description 'Acme Inc instance for Smith Rocket Co' \
--integration ${VERSION_ID} \
--customer ${CUSTOMER_ID} \
--config-vars "[
\"key\": \"My Endpoint\",
\"value\": \"\"
\"key\": \"Do Thing?\",
\"value\": \"true\"
\"key\": \"Acme Basic Auth\",
\"values\": \"${CREDENTIALS}\"
]" \
--label 'Production' \
--label 'Paid'
Use the createInstance mutation to deploy an instance to a customer:
mutation {
input: {
name: "My Instance"
description: "Deployment of my integration"
integration: "SW50ZWdyYXRpb246ZDgwZjkyYmEtNTEyZS00N2IxLWEzMzgtZTAxOGE1OGNkMDRi"
customer: "Q3VzdG9tZXI6MmM4YmUxZDgtOTU5Ny00MTI3LWI5MTUtYjBmMjc3Y2YyNWYw"
) {
instance {
For More Information: Instances
Managing alert monitors
Alert monitors allow you to send alerts to your team when an alert trigger fires on an instance.
For example, you may want to your DevOps team to be alerted via text message when an instance fails to run, or you may want your project management team to be emailed when an instance is enabled.
- Web App
From the customer's page select the Monitors tab. There, you will see any monitors currently deployed to your customer, with information on if/when it was last triggered, which instance it is associated with, and what triggers the monitor.
To deploy a new monitor, click the + Add alert monitor button on the top-right corner. Give the monitor a name and and select the trigger that will activate this alert. The alert will be linked to the current instance.
After creating the new monitor, select the users to alert or webhooks to invoke when the monitor is triggered from the Details tab. You can add additional triggers that will trigger an alert. When you are finished editing the alert, be sure to click Save to save your changes.
To create an alert monitor on an instance, identify the alert trigger ID, instance ID, and groups, users, or webhooks you want to alert.
# Get a User ID
USER_ID=$(prism customers:users:list
--columns id \
--no-header \
--filter '')
# List available alert triggers
prism alerts:triggers:list --extended
Id Name
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────
QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOjgxNTY0MzAxLWUwZGEtNDI2ZC1hMDNlLWVmYWYzYzJhYzI5OA== Log Level Matched or Exceeded
QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOmQwZjFiMDkyLTBiMmUtNDI3OS1iZjY2LWI0ZDdiZjQwNWFmMQ== Execution Duration Matched or Exceeded
QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOmQ1ZTgzMDZmLTdjMTAtNDk4NC1iZDkwLWVlMjcwODE3NGMwZA== Execution Overdue
QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOjZlMWJmYWNkLTA3ODgtNGY2MC04MDFlLTE3MWU4ZDlhNGFiNA== Execution Started
QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOjlkMjkyM2MzLTZkYWEtNDY3NS05MWQ1LTg0YjVjNjQxODdkYw== Execution Completed
QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOjQyYmM2MDY5LTE5YTktNDE1MS04ZjAwLTQ4ZWExN2E3MzZjMQ== Execution Failed
QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOjA5NDI5ODIwLTJiMzgtNDEwZS1iNmRmLTM1MzJkZDdlYjdjNw== Execution Failed, Retry Pending
QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOjcxMDg4Mzg1LWRkYjMtNGU1MS04Y2YyLTgyNjQwNDMyNWEyYg== Instance Disabled
QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOjQ1YzQyYjI0LWI5YjItNDU2OC1iOTE1LTBjNzkwYTAwMDI1OQ== Instance Enabled
QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOmVjYTlkMGRmLTRlZWYtNDgwZC04MTE3LTYxZjQyMzBmMWZjZA== Instance Removed
# Create an alert monitor for Alex if the "Fabricate 3D Model" instance fails
prism alerts:monitors:create \
--users "[\"${USER_ID}\"]" \
--name 'Alert Alex on Execution Failure' \
--instance $(prism instances:list --columns id --filter 'name=Fabricate 3D Model' --no-header) \
--triggers "[\"QWxlcnRUcmlnZ2VyOjQyYmM2MDY5LTE5YTktNDE1MS04ZjAwLTQ4ZWExN2E3MzZjMQ==\"]"
To create an alert monitor for an instance, you will need to query alertTriggers and select which types of triggers should result in an alert:
query listTriggers {
alertTriggers {
nodes {
You will also need the ID of the instance you want to attach the alert to, and the IDs of any users or groups who should be notified. Then, use the createAlertMonitor mutation to create the alert monitor:
mutation (
$name: String!
$instance: ID!
$triggers: [ID]!
$groups: [ID]
$users: [ID]
) {
input: {
name: $name
instance: $instance
triggers: $triggers
groups: $groups
users: $users
) {
alertMonitor {
"name": "Alert Alex and DevOps on Execution Failure",
"instance": "SW5zdGFuY2U6OTc1YzgyMTEtYTIxZi00OTg1LThhODYtMTUxMTczM2ZiYTJh",
"triggers": [
"groups": ["QWxlcnRHcm91cDo5MDQyYmM1ZC1hYTU5LTQ3Y2EtOWE4NC00NWIxNDBmZjYzYmQ"],
"users": ["VXNlcjo4MzBjZTZmYS1iNDFlLTQ2MTQtODgzNi04NjA1MTcyY2IyOTc="]
For More Information: Alert Monitors
Accessing customer logs
At Prismatic we believe verbose and searchable logs are critical to any software ecosystem. Logs of all instance invocations are stored for all customers, and are searchable and filterable.
To access logs of instances for a specific customer, open the customer's page and select the Logs tab.
You can search log messages using the search bar on the top of the page.
Logs can be filtered by clicking the Filter button to the right of the search bar. You can filter logs by:
- Log Type
- Log Severity
- Date/Time Range
- Integration
- Version
- Instance
Clicking on a log line will open a pane with the full message of the log.
For More Information: Logging, Log Retention, Logging from Custom Components
Viewing instance execution results
It's useful for debugging purposes to be able to see execution results of instance invocations. Click the Executions tab from a customer's page to see the logs and step outputs of all instances deployed to that customer.
Managing customer users
Customer users are users at your customer locations who have access to instances deployed to them. Depending on the role you assign to the user, the user might have read or write access to their instances. That means that you can grant permission to your customers to update instances that are deployed to them, so they can do things like update config variables to third-party APIs without needing you to intervene.
Customer users' accounts are limited in scope. They cannot view instances belonging to your other customers, nor see organization-level resources.
- Web App
Users for your customers are managed by opening a customer's page and selecting the Users tab.
New users can be added by clicking the + Add user button. Enter the user's name and email address and give the user an appropriate role. More information about customer user roles can be found on the users page.
When users are added, they receive an email confirmation that will prompt them to log in and set their password and optional phone number.
To delete a user, select the user from the Users tab. Click the Delete user on the bottom of the page.
To list users with the prism
CLI tool, use the prism customers:users:list
# Get your customer's ID
prism customers:list \
--columns=id \
--filter 'Name=^FTL Rockets$' \
# List that customer's users
prism customers:users:list ${CUSTOMER_ID}
To add a new customer, use the prism customers:users:create
More information about user roles can be found on the users page.
# Get your customer's ID
prism customers:list \
--columns=id \
--filter 'Name=^FTL Rockets$' \
# Get the ID of the "Admin" role
ROLE_ID=$(prism customers:users:roles \
--columns id \
--no-header \
--filter 'name=^Admin$')
# Create a user "Lisa Nguyen" that has the "Admin" role
prism customers:users:create \
--email '' \
--name 'Lisa Nguyen' \
--customer ${CUSTOMER_ID} \
--role ${ROLE_ID}
To list all customers query customers, or query customer for a specific customer's users:
query {
customers {
nodes {
users {
nodes {
To create a new customer user, use the createCustomerUser mutation. You will need to know the ID of the role you want to assign the user, as well as the ID of the customer:
mutation {
input: {
name: "Lisa Nguyen"
email: ""
role: "Um9sZTplMTRlZjUzNC0yOTZiLTQ4MjAtYjhmNS1jZjQ1Zjg4N2I0YjM="
) {
user {
Delete a user using the deleteUser mutation:
mutation {
input: { id: "VXNlcjpmYjFiNDMyZC0zN2Y5LTQyZTUtOTljNy1hNjc1ZWIzZGUyNTA=" }
) {
user {
For More Information: Users
Using customer attachments
Attachments are a place to store documents that both customers and your team members can reference. After opening a customer's page select the Attachments tab.
Documents can be added using the +Add attachment button, and deleted by clicking the
icon.Deleting customers
When a customer is deleted, all associated users, and instances are also deleted. Use caution when deleting customers.
- Web App
After clicking on the Customers link on the left-hand sidebar, click the name of the customer you would like to delete, and then select the Details tab.
Verify that the name shown matches the customer you wish to delete, and click the Delete customer button. Confirm your choice by typing the customer name exactly, and then click Remove customer.
To delete a customer, use the prism customers:delete
# Get the customer's ID
CUSTOMER_ID=$(prism customers:list \
--columns id \
--filter 'Name=^FTL Rockets$' \
prism customers:delete ${CUSTOMER_ID}
Delete a customer using the deleteCustomer mutation:
mutation {
input: {
) {
customer {
Customer external IDs
A customer can be assigned an External ID - a unique identifier from an external system.
So, if you know "Smith Rocket Company" as a customer with an ID of abc-123
in another system you use, you can assign "Smith Rocket Company" in Prismatic the externalId
of abc-123
This is helpful if you need to quickly look up or associate customers in Prismatic with customers in your external system.
External IDs can be set programmatically (see the next section), or can be edited within the Prismatic we app by clicking the Customers link on the left-hand sidebar, selecting a customer, and then clicking on the Details tab.
External IDs are required if you want to route webhook requests to instances deployed to specific customers using shared webhook triggers.
Sync customers from an external system programmatically
If you use a customer management tool to keep track of your customers, like Salesforce or another tool specific to your company or industry, you can use Prismatic's API to programmatically sync customers from your external tool to Prismatic.
In addition at a name and description, a customer created through the createCustomer mutation can be assigned an externalId
, so that you can match customers in Prismatic to customers saved in other systems.
See our Syncing Customers to Prismatic quickstart guide for an example of how to sync customers to Prismatic using our API.