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Error Handling

Global error handlers

The actions in your component might all wrap API endpoints using an HTTP client, and that client might throw certain errors. You could handle those errors within each action, but you'd end up writing the same error handlers over and over.

You can now specify an error handler function to run whenever any of your actions throws an error. To specify an error handler, add a handlers block to your component({}) function definition:

// ...
hooks: {
error: (error) => doSomething(error),

For example, the popular HTTP client axios throws an error whenever it receives a status code that's not between 200-299. If your HTTP client receives a status code in the 4xx or 5xx range, an error is thrown with a minimal message. If you would like additional information, like the status code or full response to the HTTP request, you can inspect the error being thrown and return a more detailed error message, as illustrated in Spectral here.