ShipStation Component

ShipStation is an ecommerce shipping software solution.
Component key: shipstation
ShipStation is an e-commerce shipping solution that streamlines the order fulfillment process. This component allows you to list, create, update, and delete orders and shipments in your ShipStation account.
Documentation for the Axios client used in this component is available at Axios GitHub Repository.
A frequent integration pattern is to list orders or shipments from ShipStation and perform actions on the array of orders or shipments returned.
See our Looping Over Orders quickstart for details on how to create a loop over an array of orders.
ShipStation API Key
Prerequisites Before setting up a ShipStation connection, ensure you have:
ShipStation API Key ShipStation API Secret To acquire these, navigate to your ShipStation account dashboard and generate a new API Key and API Secret pair.
Setting up a ShipStation Connection in Your Application To interface with ShipStation, an API Key and API Secret are required for authentication.
Assign the User with Correct Permissions Make sure the API key you are using has the correct permissions to interact with the ShipStation API.
Generating API Credentials Go to your ShipStation account settings. Navigate to the 'API Settings' section. Generate or note down your API Key and API Secret. Adding API Credentials to Connection Once you have the API Key and API Secret, add these to your application’s ShipStation connection settings.
This will enable authenticated requests to ShipStation.
Input | Notes |
API Key string / Required apiKey | Get your API Key from your ShipStation account settings. |
API Secret password / Required apiSecret | Get your API Secret from your ShipStation account settings. |
Receive and validate webhook requests from ShipStation for webhooks you configure. | key: shipStationWebhookTrigger
Data Sources
Select Carriers
List and select from all of the carriers connected to this ShipStation account. | key: selectCarriers | type: picklist
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connection |
Select Customers
List and select from all of the customers based on specified criteria in this ShipStation account. | key: selectCustomers | type: picklist
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Country Code string countryCode | Returns customers that reside in the specified countryCode. Use the two-letter ISO Origin Country code. |
Marketplace ID string marketplaceId | Returns customers that purchased items from the specified marketplaceId. |
Page string page | Page number. |
Page Size string pageSize | Requested page size. Max value is 500. |
Sort By string sortBy | Sorts the order of the response based off the specified value. |
Sort Direction string sortDir | Sets the direction of the sort order. |
State Code string stateCode | Returns customers that reside in the specified stateCode. |
Tag ID string tagId | Returns customers that have been tagged with the specified tagId. |
Select Packages
List and select from all of the packages provided by the specified carrier in this ShipStation account. | key: selectPackages | type: picklist
Input | Notes |
Carrier Code string / Required carrierCode | The carrier's code |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput |
Select Services
List and select from all of the services provided by the specified carrier in this ShipStation account. | key: selectServices | type: picklist
Input | Notes |
Carrier Code string / Required carrierCode | The carrier's code |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput |
Select Stores
List and select from all of the installed stores in this ShipStation account. | key: selectStores | type: picklist
Input | Default | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Marketplace ID string marketplaceId | Returns customers that purchased items from the specified marketplaceId. | |
Show Inactive boolean showInactive | false | Determines whether inactive stores will be returned in the list of stores. |
Select Users
List and select from all of the users in this ShipStation account. | key: selectUsers | type: picklist
Input | Default | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Show Inactive Users boolean showInactiveUsersInput | false | Determines whether inactive users will be returned in the list of users. |
Create Label for Order
Creates a shipping label for a specified order. | key: createLabelForOrder
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Fields string Key Value List additionalFields | A list of additional fields to include in the label for order. | weight: {value: 2, units: 'pounds'} | |
Carrier Code string / Required carrierCode | The code for the carrier that is to appear on the label. | ||
Confirmation string / Required confirmation | The type of delivery confirmation that is to be used once the shipment is created. | none, delivery, signature, adult_signature, direct_signature | |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |||
Order ID string / Required orderIdInput | The system generated identifier for the Order. | ||
Service Code string / Required serviceCode | The code for the shipping service that is to appear on the label. | ||
Ship Date string / Required shipDate | The date the order should be shipped. | 2014-04-03 | |
Test Label boolean / Required testLabel | false | Specifies whether or not to create a test label. |
Create or Update Multiple Orders
Create or update multiple orders in one request. | key: createOrUpdateMultipleOrders
Input | Default | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Orders Array code ordersArray | Provide an array of order objects to create or update multiple orders. |
Create or Update Order
Create a new order or update an existing one. | key: createOrUpdateOrder
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Field string Key Value List additionalFields | A list of additional fields to include in the order. | paymentMethod: Credit Card | |
Billing Address code billTo | Provide the billing address in JSON format. | ||
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Order Date string / Required orderDate | 2023-09-08T12:34:56.000Z | The date the order was placed. | |
Order Key string orderKey | If the orderKey is provided, the createorder method will either: create a new order if the provided orderKey is not found, or, update the existing order if the orderKey is found. | 0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74 | |
Order Number string / Required orderNumber | User-defined order number to identify the order. | TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS | |
Order Status string / Required orderStatus | Filter orders by status. | awaiting_payment, awaiting_shipment, shipped, etc. | |
Shipping Address code shipTo | Provide the shipping address in JSON format. |
"data": {
"orderId": 140335319,
"orderNumber": "TEST-ORDER-API-DOCS",
"orderKey": "0f6bec18-3e89-4881-83aa-f392d84f4c74",
"orderDate": "2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000",
"createDate": "2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000",
"modifyDate": "2016-02-16T15:16:53.7070000",
"paymentDate": "2015-06-29T08:46:27.0000000",
"shipByDate": "2015-07-05T00:00:00.0000000",
"orderStatus": "awaiting_shipment",
"customerId": null,
"customerUsername": "",
"customerEmail": "",
"billTo": {
"name": "The President",
"company": null,
"street1": null,
"street2": null,
"street3": null,
"city": null,
"state": null,
"postalCode": null,
"country": null,
"phone": null,
"residential": null,
"addressVerified": null
"shipTo": {
"name": "The President",
"company": "US Govt",
"street1": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave",
"street2": "Oval Office",
"street3": null,
"city": "Washington",
"state": "DC",
"postalCode": "20500",
"country": "US",
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"residential": false,
"addressVerified": "Address validation warning"
"items": [
"orderItemId": 192210956,
"lineItemKey": "vd08-MSLbtx",
"sku": "ABC123",
"name": "Test item #1",
"imageUrl": null,
"weight": {
"value": 24,
"units": "ounces"
"quantity": 2,
"unitPrice": 99.99,
"taxAmount": 2.5,
"shippingAmount": 5,
"warehouseLocation": "Aisle 1, Bin 7",
"options": [
"name": "Size",
"value": "Large"
"productId": null,
"fulfillmentSku": null,
"adjustment": false,
"upc": "32-65-98",
"createDate": "2016-02-16T15:16:53.707",
"modifyDate": "2016-02-16T15:16:53.707"
"orderItemId": 192210957,
"lineItemKey": null,
"name": "10% OFF",
"imageUrl": null,
"weight": {
"value": 0,
"units": "ounces"
"quantity": 1,
"unitPrice": -20.55,
"taxAmount": null,
"shippingAmount": null,
"warehouseLocation": null,
"options": [],
"productId": null,
"fulfillmentSku": "SKU-Discount",
"adjustment": true,
"upc": null,
"createDate": "2016-02-16T15:16:53.707",
"modifyDate": "2016-02-16T15:16:53.707"
"orderTotal": 194.43,
"amountPaid": 218.73,
"taxAmount": 5,
"shippingAmount": 10,
"customerNotes": "Please ship as soon as possible!",
"internalNotes": "Customer called and would like to upgrade shipping",
"gift": true,
"giftMessage": "Thank you!",
"paymentMethod": "Credit Card",
"requestedShippingService": "Priority Mail",
"carrierCode": "fedex",
"serviceCode": "fedex_2day",
"packageCode": "package",
"confirmation": "delivery",
"shipDate": "2015-07-02",
"holdUntilDate": null,
"weight": {
"value": 25,
"units": "ounces"
"dimensions": {
"units": "inches",
"length": 7,
"width": 5,
"height": 6
"insuranceOptions": {
"provider": "carrier",
"insureShipment": true,
"insuredValue": 200
"internationalOptions": {
"contents": null,
"customsItems": null,
"nonDelivery": null
"advancedOptions": {
"warehouseId": 9876,
"nonMachinable": false,
"saturdayDelivery": false,
"containsAlcohol": false,
"mergedOrSplit": false,
"mergedIds": [],
"parentId": null,
"storeId": 12345,
"customField1": "Custom data that you can add to an order. See Custom Field #2 & #3 for more info!",
"customField2": "Per UI settings, this information can appear on some carrier's shipping labels. See link below",
"customField3": "",
"source": "Webstore",
"billToParty": null,
"billToAccount": null,
"billToPostalCode": null,
"billToCountryCode": null
"tagIds": null,
"userId": null,
"externallyFulfilled": false,
"externallyFulfilledBy": null
Create Shipment Label
Creates a shipping label. | key: createShipmentLabel
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Field string Key Value List additionalFields | A list of additional fields to include in the shipment. | testLabel: false | |
Carrier Code string / Required carrierCode | The carrier's code | ||
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |||
Package Code string / Required packageCode | Identifies the packing type that should be used for this label. | ||
Service Code string / Required serviceCode | Identifies the shipping service to be used for this label. | ||
Ship Date string / Required shipDate | The date the shipment will be shipped. | 2014-04-03 | |
Origin Address code shipFrom | Provide the origin address in JSON format. | ||
Shipping Address code shipTo | Provide the shipping address in JSON format. | ||
Shipment's Weight code weight | The weight of the shipment, following the Weight model. Note: WeightUnits is read-only. |
Create Warehouse
Adds a Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse) to your account. | key: createWarehouse
Input | Default | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Is Default Warehouse boolean isDefault | false | Specifies whether or not this will be your default Ship From Location. |
Origin Address jsonform / Required originAddress | The origin address. Shipping rates will be calculated from this address. | |
Return Address jsonform returnAddress | The return address. If not specified, the origin address will be used. | |
Warehouse Name string warehouseName | Name of Ship From Location. |
Deactivate Store
Deactivates the specified store. | key: deactivateStore
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Store ID string / Required storeId | Unique identifier for the store to retrieve. |
Delete Instanced Webhooks
Deletes all webhooks that point to a flow in this instance. | key: deleteInstancedWebhooks
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput |
Delete Order
Soft delete an order from the database, setting it to inactive. | key: deleteOrder
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Order ID string / Required orderId | The system generated identifier for the Order. |
Delete Warehouse
Removes a warehouse (or Ship From location) from ShipStation's UI. Sets it to Inactive status. | key: deleteWarehouse
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Warehouse ID string / Required warehouseId | Unique identifier for the warehouse to retrieve. |
Get Customer
Retrieve a specific customer by their system generated identifier | key: getCustomer
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Customer ID string / Required customerId | System generated identifier for the Customer. |
Get Order
Retrieve a single order from the database. | key: getOrder
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Order ID string / Required orderId | The system generated identifier for the Order. |
Get Product
Retrieve a specific product from the database by its ID. | key: getProduct
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Product ID string / Required productId | The system generated identifier for the Product. |
Get Store
Retrieve detailed information about a specific store. | key: getStore
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Store ID string / Required storeId | Unique identifier for the store to retrieve. |
Get Warehouse
Retrieve detailed information about a specific Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse). | key: getWarehouse
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Warehouse ID string / Required warehouseId | Unique identifier for the warehouse to retrieve. |
List Carriers
List all shipping providers connected to this ShipStation account. | key: listCarriers
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput |
List Customers
Retrieve a list of customers based on specified criteria | key: listCustomers
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Country Code string countryCode | Returns customers that reside in the specified countryCode. Use the two-letter ISO Origin Country code. |
Marketplace ID string marketplaceId | Returns customers that purchased items from the specified marketplaceId. |
Page string page | Page number. |
Page Size string pageSize | Requested page size. Max value is 500. |
Sort By string sortBy | Sorts the order of the response based off the specified value. |
Sort Direction string sortDir | Sets the direction of the sort order. |
State Code string stateCode | Returns customers that reside in the specified stateCode. |
Tag ID string tagId | Returns customers that have been tagged with the specified tagId. |
List Fulfillments
Retrieve a list of fulfillments based on specified criteria | key: listFulfillments
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Fulfillment ID string fulfillmentId | Provide the Fulfillment ID as a string. It will be converted to a number internally. | |
Order ID string orderId | Provide the Order ID as a string. It will be converted to a number internally. | 18324102 |
Page string / Required pageFulfillments | Page number. | 1 |
Page Size string / Required pageSizeFulfillments | Requested page size. Max value is 500. | 1 |
List Orders
Retrieve a list of orders based on specified criteria. | key: listOrders
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Customer Name string / Required customerName | Filter orders by customer name. | test |
Order Status string / Required orderStatusList | Filter orders by status. | awaiting_payment, awaiting_shipment, shipped, etc. |
Page string / Required pageFullorders | Page number. | 1 |
Page Size string / Required pageSizeFulfillorders | Requested page size. Max value is 500. | 1 |
List Packages
Retrieves a list of packages for the specified carrier. | key: listPackages
Input | Notes |
Carrier Code string / Required carrierCode | The carrier's code |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput |
List Products
Obtains a list of products that match the specified criteria. | key: listProducts
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |||
End Date string / Required endDate | Returns products that were created before the specified date. | 2014-05-04 | |
Page string page | Page number. | ||
Page Size string pageSize | Requested page size. Max value is 500. | ||
Product Category ID string / Required productCategoryId | Returns products that match the specified productCategoryId. | ||
Product Name string / Required productName | Returns products that match the specified product name. | ||
Product Type ID string / Required productTypeId | Returns products that match the specified productTypeId. | ||
Show Inactive boolean showInactive | false | Determines whether inactive stores will be returned in the list of stores. | |
SKU string / Required sku | Returns products that match the specified SKU. | ||
Sort By string sortBy | Sorts the order of the response based off the specified value. | ||
Sort Direction string sortDir | Sets the direction of the sort order. | ||
Start Date string / Required startDate | Returns products that were created after the specified date. | 2014-04-03 | |
Tag ID string tagId | Returns customers that have been tagged with the specified tagId. |
List Services
Retrieves the list of available shipping services provided by the specified carrier. | key: listServices
Input | Notes |
Carrier Code string / Required carrierCode | The carrier's code |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput |
List Shipments
Obtains a list of shipments that match the specified criteria. | key: listShipments
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Create Date End string createDateEnd | Returns shipments created on or before the specified date. | 2014-05-04 |
Create Date Start string createDateStart | Returns shipments created on or after the specified date. | 2014-04-03 |
Page string page | Page number. | |
Page Size string pageSize | Requested page size. Max value is 500. | |
Recipient Country Code string recipientCountryCode | Returns shipments shipped to the specified country code. Please use the two-letter ISO Origin Country code. | |
Recipient Name string recipientName | Returns shipments shipped to the specified recipient name. | |
Ship Date End string shipDateEnd | Returns shipments with the ship date on or before the specified date. | 2014-04-03 |
Ship Date Start string shipDateStart | Returns shipments with the ship date on or after the specified date. | 2014-04-03 |
Tracking Number string trackingNumber | Returns shipments with the specified tracking number. |
List Stores
Retrieve the list of installed stores on the account. | key: listStores
Input | Default | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Marketplace ID string marketplaceId | Returns stores of this marketplace type. Provide as a string and it will be converted to a number internally. | |
Show Inactive boolean showInactive | false | Determines whether inactive stores will be returned in the list of stores. |
List Users
Retrieve the list of users on the account. | key: listUsers
Input | Default | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Show Inactive Users boolean showInactive | false | Determines whether inactive users will be returned in the list of users. |
List Warehouses
Retrieves a list of your Ship From Locations (formerly known as warehouses). | key: listWarehouses
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput |
List Webhooks
Retrieves a list of registered webhooks for the account. | key: listWebhooks
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput |
Raw Request
Send raw HTTP request to ShipStation | key: rawRequest
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |||
Data string data | The HTTP body payload to send to the URL. | {"exampleKey": "Example Data"} | |
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
File Data string Key Value List fileData | File Data to be sent as a multipart form upload. | [{key: "example.txt", value: "My File Contents"}] | |
File Data File Names string Key Value List fileDataFileNames | File names to apply to the file data inputs. Keys must match the file data keys above. | ||
Form Data string Key Value List formData | The Form Data to be sent as a multipart form upload. | [{"key": "Example Key", "value": new Buffer("Hello World")}] | |
Header string Key Value List headers | A list of headers to send with the request. | User-Agent: curl/7.64.1 | |
Max Retry Count string maxRetries | 0 | The maximum number of retries to attempt. | |
Method string / Required method | The HTTP method to use. | ||
Query Parameter string Key Value List queryParams | A list of query parameters to send with the request. This is the portion at the end of the URL similar to ?key1=value1&key2=value2. | ||
Response Type string / Required responseType | json | The type of data you expect in the response. You can request json, text, or binary data. | |
Retry On All Errors boolean retryAllErrors | false | If true, retries on all erroneous responses regardless of type. | |
Retry Delay (ms) string retryDelayMS | 0 | The delay in milliseconds between retries. | |
Timeout string timeout | The maximum time that a client will await a response to its request | 2000 | |
URL string / Required url | This is the URL to call. | /stores | |
Use Exponential Backoff boolean useExponentialBackoff | false | Specifies whether to use a pre-defined exponential backoff strategy for retries. |
Subscribe to Webhook
Subscribes to a specific type of webhook in ShipStation. | key: subscribeToWebhook
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Event string / Required event | The type of webhook to subscribe to. |
Friendly Name string friendlyName | Display name for the webhook. |
Store ID string storeId | If passed in, the webhooks will only be triggered for this store_id. |
Target URL string / Required targetUrl | The URL to send the webhooks to. |
Unsubscribe to Webhook
Unsubscribes from a specific type of webhook in ShipStation. | key: unsubscribeToWebhook
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | |
Webhook ID string / Required webhookId | A unique ID generated by ShipStation and assigned to each webhook. |
Update Product
Updates an existing product. | key: updateProduct
Input | Default | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Product Data code productData | The complete data for updating the product. This call does not support partial updates. | |
Product ID string / Required productId | The system generated identifier for the Product. |
Update Store
Updates an existing store. | key: updateStore
Input | Default | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Store ID string / Required storeId | Unique identifier for the store to retrieve. | |
Store Update Data code storeUpdateData | All the data needed to update an existing store. Must provide the entire resource. |
Update Warehouse
Updates an existing Ship From Location (formerly known as warehouse). | key: updateWarehouse
Input | Default | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connectionInput | ||
Warehouse Update Data code warehouseUpdateData | All the data needed to update an existing Ship From Location. Must provide the entire resource. |