SAP Business One Component

SAP Business One is an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution designed for organizations to manage their entire operations. Use the component to manage entities and actions from accounting, financials, inventory and more.
Component key: sap-business-one
SAP Business One is an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution designed for organizations to manage their entire operations.
Use the component to manage entities and actions from accounting, financials, inventory and more.
API Documentation:
This component was built using the SAP REST API V1 Reference.
SAP Business One Authentication
To start a Business One API session:
- Enter the following information into the connection configuration of the integration
- Server Address - Including Server Name, IP Address, Port Number. Server address must be like
https://<Server Name/IP>:<Port>
- Username
- Password
- Company DB
- Server Address - Including Server Name, IP Address, Port Number. Server address must be like
On-prem enabled: this connection can be configured to connect to an on-prem resource on a private network. Learn more.
Input | Notes | Example |
Company Name string companyName | The company name to connect to. | 10COR0809H |
Database Instance string dbInstance | The database instance to connect to. | C200@ |
Host string Hidden Field host | The address of your On-Prem server. This should be an IP address or hostname. | |
Password password / Required password | SAP Business One Password. | Password |
Port string Hidden Field port | The port of your On-Prem server. | 5000 |
Server Address string serverAddress | The url of the SAP Business One server, include the port. Example: https://<Server Name/IP>:<Port>. Required for NON-OnPrem connections. | https://<Server Name/IP>:<Port> |
Username string / Required username | SAP Business One Username. | TestUser |
Data Sources
Select Business Partner
Select a Business Partner from a dropdown menu. | key: selectBusinessPartner | type: picklist
Input | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | A filter expression to apply to the request. | startswith(ItemCode, 'a') |
Connection connection / Required connection |
"result": [
"key": "C01305",
"label": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)"
Select Invoice
Select an Invoice from a dropdown menu. | key: selectInvoice | type: picklist
Input | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | A filter expression to apply to the request. | startswith(ItemCode, 'a') |
Connection connection / Required connection |
"result": [
"key": "10689",
"label": "10689"
Select Order
Select an Order from a dropdown menu. | key: selectOrder | type: picklist
Input | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | A filter expression to apply to the request. | startswith(ItemCode, 'a') |
Connection connection / Required connection |
"result": [
"key": "10689",
"label": "10689"
Select Purchase Order
Select an Purchase Order from a dropdown menu. | key: selectPurchaseOrder | type: picklist
Input | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | A filter expression to apply to the request. | startswith(ItemCode, 'a') |
Connection connection / Required connection |
"result": [
"key": "10689",
"label": "10689"
Select Record
Select a Custom Record type from a dropdown menu. | key: selectRecord | type: picklist
Input | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | A filter expression to apply to the request. | startswith(ItemCode, 'a') |
Connection connection / Required connection | ||
Key Field string / Required keyField | The field to use as the key in the response. | ItemCode |
Label Field string / Required labelField | The field to use as the label in the response. | ItemName |
Record Type string / Required recordType | The type of the record to use for the operation. | JournalEntries |
"result": [
"key": "C01305",
"label": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)"
Select Warehouse
Select a Warehouse from a dropdown menu. | key: selectWarehouse | type: picklist
Input | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | A filter expression to apply to the request. | startswith(ItemCode, 'a') |
Connection connection / Required connection |
"result": [
"key": "Del-02",
"label": "AnBadapur - Rejection warehouse"
Close Invoice
Invoke the method Close. | key: closeInvoice
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Doc Entry string / Required invoiceDocumentEntry | The DocEntry of the invoice. | 12345 |
Create Business Partner
Create an instance of Business Partners | key: createBusinessPartner
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Body Fields code bodyFields | More fields to include in the request body. | ||
Card Code string / Required CardCode | The code of the business partner. | c001 | |
Card Name string / Required CardName | The name of the business partner. | c001 | |
Card Type string / Required CardType | The type of the business partner. | ||
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"odata.etag": "W/\"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB\"",
"CardCode": "C01305",
"CardName": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"CardType": "cCustomer",
"GroupCode": 112,
"Address": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"ZipCode": "311602",
"MailAddress": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"MailZipCode": "311602",
"Phone1": "9460351521",
"Phone2": null,
"Fax": null,
"ContactPerson": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"Notes": null,
"PayTermsGrpCode": 5,
"CreditLimit": 0,
"MaxCommitment": 0,
"DiscountPercent": 0,
"VatLiable": "vLiable",
"FederalTaxID": null,
"DeductibleAtSource": "tNO",
"DeductionPercent": 0,
"DeductionValidUntil": null,
"PriceListNum": 19,
"IntrestRatePercent": 0,
"CommissionPercent": 0,
"CommissionGroupCode": 0,
"FreeText": null,
"SalesPersonCode": -1,
"Currency": "INR",
"RateDiffAccount": "",
"Cellular": "9460351521",
"AvarageLate": null,
"City": "Bijolia",
"County": null,
"Country": "IN",
"MailCity": "Bijolia",
"MailCounty": null,
"MailCountry": "IN",
"EmailAddress": null,
"Picture": null,
"DefaultAccount": null,
"DefaultBranch": null,
"DefaultBankCode": "-1",
"AdditionalID": null,
"Pager": null,
"FatherCard": "C01169",
"CardForeignName": null,
"FatherType": "cDelivery_sum",
"DeductionOffice": null,
"ExportCode": null,
"MinIntrest": 0,
"CurrentAccountBalance": 0,
"OpenDeliveryNotesBalance": 0,
"OpenOrdersBalance": 0,
"OpenChecksBalance": 0,
"VatGroup": null,
"ShippingType": null,
"Password": null,
"Indicator": null,
"IBAN": null,
"CreditCardCode": -1,
"CreditCardNum": null,
"CreditCardExpiration": null,
"DebitorAccount": "_SYS00000000037",
"OpenOpportunities": null,
"Valid": "tYES",
"ValidFrom": null,
"ValidTo": null,
"ValidRemarks": null,
"Frozen": "tNO",
"FrozenFrom": null,
"FrozenTo": null,
"FrozenRemarks": null,
"Block": null,
"BillToState": "RJ",
"ShipToState": "RJ",
"ExemptNum": null,
"Priority": -1,
"FormCode1099": null,
"Box1099": null,
"PeymentMethodCode": null,
"BackOrder": "tYES",
"PartialDelivery": "tYES",
"BlockDunning": "tNO",
"BankCountry": null,
"HouseBank": null,
"HouseBankCountry": "IN",
"HouseBankAccount": null,
"ShipToDefault": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"DunningLevel": null,
"DunningDate": null,
"CollectionAuthorization": "tNO",
"DME": null,
"InstructionKey": null,
"SinglePayment": "tNO",
"ISRBillerID": null,
"PaymentBlock": "tNO",
"ReferenceDetails": null,
"HouseBankBranch": null,
"OwnerIDNumber": null,
"PaymentBlockDescription": -1,
"TaxExemptionLetterNum": null,
"MaxAmountOfExemption": 0,
"ExemptionValidityDateFrom": null,
"ExemptionValidityDateTo": null,
"LinkedBusinessPartner": null,
"LastMultiReconciliationNum": null,
"DeferredTax": "tNO",
"Equalization": "tNO",
"SubjectToWithholdingTax": "boNO",
"CertificateNumber": null,
"ExpirationDate": null,
"NationalInsuranceNum": null,
"AccrualCriteria": "tNO",
"WTCode": null,
"BillToBuildingFloorRoom": "",
"DownPaymentClearAct": "_SYS00000000084",
"ChannelBP": null,
"DefaultTechnician": null,
"BilltoDefault": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"CustomerBillofExchangDisc": null,
"Territory": null,
"ShipToBuildingFloorRoom": "",
"CustomerBillofExchangPres": null,
"ProjectCode": null,
"VatGroupLatinAmerica": null,
"DunningTerm": null,
"Website": null,
"OtherReceivablePayable": null,
"BillofExchangeonCollection": null,
"CompanyPrivate": "cCompany",
"LanguageCode": 8,
"UnpaidBillofExchange": null,
"WithholdingTaxDeductionGroup": -1,
"ClosingDateProcedureNumber": null,
"Profession": null,
"BankChargesAllocationCode": null,
"TaxRoundingRule": "trr_CompanyDefault",
"Properties1": "tNO",
"Properties2": "tNO",
"Properties3": "tNO",
"Properties4": "tNO",
"Properties5": "tNO",
"Properties6": "tNO",
"Properties7": "tNO",
"Properties8": "tNO",
"Properties9": "tNO",
"Properties10": "tNO",
"Properties11": "tNO",
"Properties12": "tNO",
"Properties13": "tNO",
"Properties14": "tNO",
"Properties15": "tNO",
"Properties16": "tNO",
"Properties17": "tNO",
"Properties18": "tNO",
"Properties19": "tNO",
"Properties20": "tNO",
"Properties21": "tNO",
"Properties22": "tNO",
"Properties23": "tNO",
"Properties24": "tNO",
"Properties25": "tNO",
"Properties26": "tNO",
"Properties27": "tNO",
"Properties28": "tNO",
"Properties29": "tNO",
"Properties30": "tNO",
"Properties31": "tNO",
"Properties32": "tNO",
"Properties33": "tNO",
"Properties34": "tNO",
"Properties35": "tNO",
"Properties36": "tNO",
"Properties37": "tNO",
"Properties38": "tNO",
"Properties39": "tNO",
"Properties40": "tNO",
"Properties41": "tNO",
"Properties42": "tNO",
"Properties43": "tNO",
"Properties44": "tNO",
"Properties45": "tNO",
"Properties46": "tNO",
"Properties47": "tNO",
"Properties48": "tNO",
"Properties49": "tNO",
"Properties50": "tNO",
"Properties51": "tNO",
"Properties52": "tNO",
"Properties53": "tNO",
"Properties54": "tNO",
"Properties55": "tNO",
"Properties56": "tNO",
"Properties57": "tNO",
"Properties58": "tNO",
"Properties59": "tNO",
"Properties60": "tNO",
"Properties61": "tNO",
"Properties62": "tNO",
"Properties63": "tNO",
"Properties64": "tNO",
"CompanyRegistrationNumber": null,
"VerificationNumber": null,
"DiscountBaseObject": "dgboNone",
"DiscountRelations": "dgrLowestDiscount",
"TypeReport": "atCompany",
"ThresholdOverlook": "tNO",
"SurchargeOverlook": "tNO",
"DownPaymentInterimAccount": "_SYS00000000054",
"OperationCode347": "ocSalesOrServicesRevenues",
"InsuranceOperation347": "tNO",
"HierarchicalDeduction": "tNO",
"ShaamGroup": "sgServicesAndAsset",
"WithholdingTaxCertified": "tNO",
"BookkeepingCertified": "tNO",
"PlanningGroup": null,
"Affiliate": "tNO",
"Industry": null,
"VatIDNum": null,
"DatevAccount": null,
"DatevFirstDataEntry": "tYES",
"UseShippedGoodsAccount": "tNO",
"GTSRegNo": null,
"GTSBankAccountNo": null,
"GTSBillingAddrTel": null,
"ETaxWebSite": null,
"HouseBankIBAN": "",
"VATRegistrationNumber": null,
"RepresentativeName": null,
"IndustryType": null,
"BusinessType": null,
"Series": 85,
"AutomaticPosting": null,
"InterestAccount": null,
"FeeAccount": null,
"CampaignNumber": null,
"AliasName": null,
"DefaultBlanketAgreementNumber": null,
"EffectiveDiscount": "dgrLowestDiscount",
"NoDiscounts": "tNO",
"EffectivePrice": "epDefaultPriority",
"EffectivePriceConsidersPriceBeforeDiscount": "tNO",
"GlobalLocationNumber": null,
"EDISenderID": null,
"EDIRecipientID": null,
"ResidenNumber": "rntSpanishFiscalID",
"RelationshipCode": null,
"RelationshipDateFrom": null,
"RelationshipDateTill": null,
"UnifiedFederalTaxID": null,
"AttachmentEntry": null,
"TypeOfOperation": null,
"EndorsableChecksFromBP": "tYES",
"AcceptsEndorsedChecks": "tNO",
"OwnerCode": null,
"BlockSendingMarketingContent": "tNO",
"AgentCode": null,
"PriceMode": null,
"EDocGenerationType": null,
"EDocStreet": null,
"EDocStreetNumber": null,
"EDocBuildingNumber": null,
"EDocZipCode": null,
"EDocCity": null,
"EDocCountry": null,
"EDocDistrict": null,
"EDocRepresentativeFirstName": null,
"EDocRepresentativeSurname": null,
"EDocRepresentativeCompany": null,
"EDocRepresentativeFiscalCode": null,
"EDocRepresentativeAdditionalId": null,
"EDocPECAddress": null,
"IPACodeForPA": null,
"UpdateDate": "2023-10-26",
"UpdateTime": "13:16:49",
"ExemptionMaxAmountValidationType": "emaIndividual",
"ECommerceMerchantID": null,
"UseBillToAddrToDetermineTax": "tNO",
"CreateDate": "2023-10-26",
"CreateTime": "13:16:49",
"DefaultTransporterEntry": 0,
"DefaultTransporterLineNumber": 0,
"FCERelevant": "tNO",
"FCEValidateBaseDelivery": "tNO",
"MainUsage": null,
"EBooksVATExemptionCause": null,
"LegalText": null,
"DataVersion": 1,
"ExchangeRateForIncomingPayment": "tYES",
"ExchangeRateForOutgoingPayment": "tYES",
"CertificateDetails": null,
"DefaultCurrency": null,
"EORINumber": null,
"FCEAsPaymentMeans": "tNO",
"U_Discount": 0,
"U_InterBranch": "N",
"ElectronicProtocols": [],
"BPAddresses": [
"AddressName": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"Street": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"Block": null,
"ZipCode": "311602",
"City": "Bijolia",
"County": null,
"Country": "IN",
"State": "RJ",
"FederalTaxID": null,
"TaxCode": null,
"BuildingFloorRoom": null,
"AddressType": "bo_BillTo",
"AddressName2": null,
"AddressName3": null,
"TypeOfAddress": null,
"StreetNo": null,
"BPCode": "C01305",
"RowNum": 0,
"GlobalLocationNumber": null,
"Nationality": null,
"TaxOffice": null,
"GSTIN": null,
"GstType": null,
"CreateDate": "2023-10-26",
"CreateTime": "13:16:49",
"MYFType": null,
"TaasEnabled": "tYES",
"U_UTL_ST_ThLegName": null,
"U_UTL_ST_ThTrdName": null
"AddressName": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"Street": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"Block": null,
"ZipCode": "311602",
"City": "Bijolia",
"County": null,
"Country": "IN",
"State": "RJ",
"FederalTaxID": null,
"TaxCode": null,
"BuildingFloorRoom": null,
"AddressType": "bo_ShipTo",
"AddressName2": null,
"AddressName3": null,
"TypeOfAddress": null,
"StreetNo": null,
"BPCode": "C01305",
"RowNum": 1,
"GlobalLocationNumber": null,
"Nationality": null,
"TaxOffice": null,
"GSTIN": null,
"GstType": null,
"CreateDate": "2023-10-26",
"CreateTime": "13:16:49",
"MYFType": null,
"TaasEnabled": "tYES",
"U_UTL_ST_ThLegName": null,
"U_UTL_ST_ThTrdName": null
"ContactEmployees": [
"CardCode": "C01305",
"Name": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"Position": null,
"Address": null,
"Phone1": "9460351521",
"Phone2": null,
"MobilePhone": "9460351521",
"Fax": null,
"E_Mail": null,
"Pager": null,
"Remarks1": null,
"Remarks2": null,
"Password": null,
"InternalCode": 1325,
"PlaceOfBirth": "-1",
"DateOfBirth": null,
"Gender": "gt_Undefined",
"Profession": null,
"Title": null,
"CityOfBirth": null,
"Active": "tYES",
"FirstName": null,
"MiddleName": null,
"LastName": null,
"EmailGroupCode": null,
"BlockSendingMarketingContent": "tNO",
"CreateDate": "2023-10-26",
"CreateTime": "13:16:49",
"UpdateDate": "2023-10-26",
"UpdateTime": "13:16:00",
"ConnectedAddressName": null,
"ConnectedAddressType": null,
"ForeignCountry": null,
"ContactEmployeeBlockSendingMarketingContents": []
"BPAccountReceivablePaybleCollection": [],
"BPPaymentMethods": [],
"BPWithholdingTaxCollection": [],
"BPPaymentDates": [],
"BPBranchAssignment": [
"BPCode": "C01305",
"BPLID": 2,
"DisabledForBP": "tNO"
"BPCode": "C01305",
"BPLID": 4,
"DisabledForBP": "tNO"
"BPBankAccounts": [],
"BPFiscalTaxIDCollection": [
"Address": "",
"CNAECode": null,
"TaxId0": "ALKPM0323M",
"TaxId1": "",
"TaxId2": "",
"TaxId3": "",
"TaxId4": "",
"TaxId5": "",
"TaxId6": "",
"TaxId7": "",
"TaxId8": "",
"TaxId9": "",
"TaxId10": "",
"TaxId11": "",
"BPCode": "C01305",
"AddrType": "bo_ShipTo",
"TaxId12": null,
"TaxId13": "",
"AToRetrNFe": "tNO"
"Address": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"CNAECode": null,
"TaxId0": null,
"TaxId1": null,
"TaxId2": null,
"TaxId3": null,
"TaxId4": null,
"TaxId5": null,
"TaxId6": null,
"TaxId7": null,
"TaxId8": null,
"TaxId9": null,
"TaxId10": null,
"TaxId11": null,
"BPCode": "C01305",
"AddrType": "bo_BillTo",
"TaxId12": null,
"TaxId13": null,
"AToRetrNFe": "tNO"
"Address": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"CNAECode": null,
"TaxId0": "ALKPM0323M",
"TaxId1": "",
"TaxId2": "",
"TaxId3": "",
"TaxId4": "",
"TaxId5": "",
"TaxId6": "",
"TaxId7": "",
"TaxId8": "",
"TaxId9": "",
"TaxId10": "",
"TaxId11": "",
"BPCode": "C01305",
"AddrType": "bo_ShipTo",
"TaxId12": null,
"TaxId13": null,
"AToRetrNFe": "tNO"
"DiscountGroups": [],
"BPIntrastatExtension": {},
"BPBlockSendingMarketingContents": [],
"BPCurrenciesCollection": []
Create Invoice
Create an instance of Invoices. | key: createInvoice
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Body Fields code bodyFields | More fields to include in the request body. | ||
Card Code string / Required CardCode | The code of the business partner. | c001 | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Doc Lines code / Required DocumentLines | The doc lines of the order. |
Create Item
Retrieve all or some selected properties from an instance of Items with the given id. | key: createItem
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Body Fields code bodyFields | More fields to include in the request body. | ||
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Item Code string / Required ItemCode | The code of the item. | i001 | |
Item Name string / Required ItemName | The name of the item. | Item1 | |
Item Type string / Required ItemType | The type of the item. |
Create Order
Create an instance of Orders. | key: createOrder
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Body Fields code bodyFields | More fields to include in the request body. | ||
Card Code string / Required CardCode | The code of the card. | c001 | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Doc Due Date string / Required DocDueDate | The due date of the order. | 2014-04-04 | |
Doc Lines code / Required DocumentLines | The doc lines of the order. |
Create Price List
Create an instance of Price Lists | key: createPriceList
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Body Fields code bodyFields | More fields to include in the request body. | ||
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Price List Name string / Required PriceListName | The name of the price list. | Price List 30 |
"data": {
"RoundingMethod": "borm_NoRounding",
"GroupNum": "boplgn_Group2",
"BasePriceList": 2,
"Factor": 1,
"PriceListNo": 2,
"PriceListName": "Buying Price List",
"IsGrossPrice": "tNO",
"Active": "tYES",
"ValidFrom": null,
"ValidTo": null,
"DefaultPrimeCurrency": "INR",
"DefaultAdditionalCurrency1": "INR",
"DefaultAdditionalCurrency2": "INR",
"RoundingRule": "borrRoundOff",
"FixedAmount": 0
Create Purchase Order
Create an instance of Purchase Orders. | key: createPurchaseOrder
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Body Fields code bodyFields | More fields to include in the request body. | ||
Card Code string / Required CardCode | The code of the business partner. | c001 | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Document Lines code / Required DocumentLines | The doc lines of the order. |
Create Record
Create a new record in SAP Business One. | key: createRecord
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Body Fields code bodyFields | More fields to include in the request body. | ||
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Record Type string / Required recordType | The type of the record to use for the operation. | JournalEntries |
Create Warehouse
Create an instance of Warehouses. | key: createWarehouse
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Body Fields code bodyFields | More fields to include in the request body. | ||
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Warehouse Location ID string / Required Location | The id of the warehouse location. | 12345 | |
Warehouse Code string / Required WarehouseCode | The code of the warehouse. | 12345 | |
Warehouse Name string / Required WarehouseName | The name of the warehouse. | Amazon |
Delete Business Partner
Delete an instance of BusinessPartners with the specified id. | key: deleteBusinessPartner
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Card Code string / Required cardCode | The code of the business partner. | c001 | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
Delete Item
Delete an instance of Items with the specified id. | key: deleteItem
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Item Code string / Required itemCode | The code of the item. | i001 |
Delete Price List
Delete an instance of Items with the specified id. | key: deletePriceList
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Price List Number string / Required priceListNo | The number of the price list. | 12345 |
Delete Record
Delete an existing record in SAP Business One. | key: deleteRecord
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Record ID string / Required recordId | The ID of the record. | 12355 | |
Record Type string / Required recordType | The type of the record to use for the operation. | JournalEntries |
Delete Warehouse
Delete an instance of Warehouses with the specified id. | key: deleteWarehouse
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Warehouse Code string / Required warehouseCode | The code of the warehouse. | 12345 |
Get Business Partner
Retrieve all or some selected properties from an instance of BusinessPartners with the given id. | key: getBusinessPartner
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | A comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned and the query will be slower. | ItemCode,ItemName,ForeignName | |
Card Code string / Required cardCode | The code of the business partner. | c001 | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"odata.etag": "W/\"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB\"",
"CardCode": "C01305",
"CardName": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"CardType": "cCustomer",
"GroupCode": 112,
"Address": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"ZipCode": "311602",
"MailAddress": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"MailZipCode": "311602",
"Phone1": "9460351521",
"Phone2": null,
"Fax": null,
"ContactPerson": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"Notes": null,
"PayTermsGrpCode": 5,
"CreditLimit": 0,
"MaxCommitment": 0,
"DiscountPercent": 0,
"VatLiable": "vLiable",
"FederalTaxID": null,
"DeductibleAtSource": "tNO",
"DeductionPercent": 0,
"DeductionValidUntil": null,
"PriceListNum": 19,
"IntrestRatePercent": 0,
"CommissionPercent": 0,
"CommissionGroupCode": 0,
"FreeText": null,
"SalesPersonCode": -1,
"Currency": "INR",
"RateDiffAccount": "",
"Cellular": "9460351521",
"AvarageLate": null,
"City": "Bijolia",
"County": null,
"Country": "IN",
"MailCity": "Bijolia",
"MailCounty": null,
"MailCountry": "IN",
"EmailAddress": null,
"Picture": null,
"DefaultAccount": null,
"DefaultBranch": null,
"DefaultBankCode": "-1",
"AdditionalID": null,
"Pager": null,
"FatherCard": "C01169",
"CardForeignName": null,
"FatherType": "cDelivery_sum",
"DeductionOffice": null,
"ExportCode": null,
"MinIntrest": 0,
"CurrentAccountBalance": 0,
"OpenDeliveryNotesBalance": 0,
"OpenOrdersBalance": 0,
"OpenChecksBalance": 0,
"VatGroup": null,
"ShippingType": null,
"Password": null,
"Indicator": null,
"IBAN": null,
"CreditCardCode": -1,
"CreditCardNum": null,
"CreditCardExpiration": null,
"DebitorAccount": "_SYS00000000037",
"OpenOpportunities": null,
"Valid": "tYES",
"ValidFrom": null,
"ValidTo": null,
"ValidRemarks": null,
"Frozen": "tNO",
"FrozenFrom": null,
"FrozenTo": null,
"FrozenRemarks": null,
"Block": null,
"BillToState": "RJ",
"ShipToState": "RJ",
"ExemptNum": null,
"Priority": -1,
"FormCode1099": null,
"Box1099": null,
"PeymentMethodCode": null,
"BackOrder": "tYES",
"PartialDelivery": "tYES",
"BlockDunning": "tNO",
"BankCountry": null,
"HouseBank": null,
"HouseBankCountry": "IN",
"HouseBankAccount": null,
"ShipToDefault": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"DunningLevel": null,
"DunningDate": null,
"CollectionAuthorization": "tNO",
"DME": null,
"InstructionKey": null,
"SinglePayment": "tNO",
"ISRBillerID": null,
"PaymentBlock": "tNO",
"ReferenceDetails": null,
"HouseBankBranch": null,
"OwnerIDNumber": null,
"PaymentBlockDescription": -1,
"TaxExemptionLetterNum": null,
"MaxAmountOfExemption": 0,
"ExemptionValidityDateFrom": null,
"ExemptionValidityDateTo": null,
"LinkedBusinessPartner": null,
"LastMultiReconciliationNum": null,
"DeferredTax": "tNO",
"Equalization": "tNO",
"SubjectToWithholdingTax": "boNO",
"CertificateNumber": null,
"ExpirationDate": null,
"NationalInsuranceNum": null,
"AccrualCriteria": "tNO",
"WTCode": null,
"BillToBuildingFloorRoom": "",
"DownPaymentClearAct": "_SYS00000000084",
"ChannelBP": null,
"DefaultTechnician": null,
"BilltoDefault": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"CustomerBillofExchangDisc": null,
"Territory": null,
"ShipToBuildingFloorRoom": "",
"CustomerBillofExchangPres": null,
"ProjectCode": null,
"VatGroupLatinAmerica": null,
"DunningTerm": null,
"Website": null,
"OtherReceivablePayable": null,
"BillofExchangeonCollection": null,
"CompanyPrivate": "cCompany",
"LanguageCode": 8,
"UnpaidBillofExchange": null,
"WithholdingTaxDeductionGroup": -1,
"ClosingDateProcedureNumber": null,
"Profession": null,
"BankChargesAllocationCode": null,
"TaxRoundingRule": "trr_CompanyDefault",
"Properties1": "tNO",
"Properties2": "tNO",
"Properties3": "tNO",
"Properties4": "tNO",
"Properties5": "tNO",
"Properties6": "tNO",
"Properties7": "tNO",
"Properties8": "tNO",
"Properties9": "tNO",
"Properties10": "tNO",
"Properties11": "tNO",
"Properties12": "tNO",
"Properties13": "tNO",
"Properties14": "tNO",
"Properties15": "tNO",
"Properties16": "tNO",
"Properties17": "tNO",
"Properties18": "tNO",
"Properties19": "tNO",
"Properties20": "tNO",
"Properties21": "tNO",
"Properties22": "tNO",
"Properties23": "tNO",
"Properties24": "tNO",
"Properties25": "tNO",
"Properties26": "tNO",
"Properties27": "tNO",
"Properties28": "tNO",
"Properties29": "tNO",
"Properties30": "tNO",
"Properties31": "tNO",
"Properties32": "tNO",
"Properties33": "tNO",
"Properties34": "tNO",
"Properties35": "tNO",
"Properties36": "tNO",
"Properties37": "tNO",
"Properties38": "tNO",
"Properties39": "tNO",
"Properties40": "tNO",
"Properties41": "tNO",
"Properties42": "tNO",
"Properties43": "tNO",
"Properties44": "tNO",
"Properties45": "tNO",
"Properties46": "tNO",
"Properties47": "tNO",
"Properties48": "tNO",
"Properties49": "tNO",
"Properties50": "tNO",
"Properties51": "tNO",
"Properties52": "tNO",
"Properties53": "tNO",
"Properties54": "tNO",
"Properties55": "tNO",
"Properties56": "tNO",
"Properties57": "tNO",
"Properties58": "tNO",
"Properties59": "tNO",
"Properties60": "tNO",
"Properties61": "tNO",
"Properties62": "tNO",
"Properties63": "tNO",
"Properties64": "tNO",
"CompanyRegistrationNumber": null,
"VerificationNumber": null,
"DiscountBaseObject": "dgboNone",
"DiscountRelations": "dgrLowestDiscount",
"TypeReport": "atCompany",
"ThresholdOverlook": "tNO",
"SurchargeOverlook": "tNO",
"DownPaymentInterimAccount": "_SYS00000000054",
"OperationCode347": "ocSalesOrServicesRevenues",
"InsuranceOperation347": "tNO",
"HierarchicalDeduction": "tNO",
"ShaamGroup": "sgServicesAndAsset",
"WithholdingTaxCertified": "tNO",
"BookkeepingCertified": "tNO",
"PlanningGroup": null,
"Affiliate": "tNO",
"Industry": null,
"VatIDNum": null,
"DatevAccount": null,
"DatevFirstDataEntry": "tYES",
"UseShippedGoodsAccount": "tNO",
"GTSRegNo": null,
"GTSBankAccountNo": null,
"GTSBillingAddrTel": null,
"ETaxWebSite": null,
"HouseBankIBAN": "",
"VATRegistrationNumber": null,
"RepresentativeName": null,
"IndustryType": null,
"BusinessType": null,
"Series": 85,
"AutomaticPosting": null,
"InterestAccount": null,
"FeeAccount": null,
"CampaignNumber": null,
"AliasName": null,
"DefaultBlanketAgreementNumber": null,
"EffectiveDiscount": "dgrLowestDiscount",
"NoDiscounts": "tNO",
"EffectivePrice": "epDefaultPriority",
"EffectivePriceConsidersPriceBeforeDiscount": "tNO",
"GlobalLocationNumber": null,
"EDISenderID": null,
"EDIRecipientID": null,
"ResidenNumber": "rntSpanishFiscalID",
"RelationshipCode": null,
"RelationshipDateFrom": null,
"RelationshipDateTill": null,
"UnifiedFederalTaxID": null,
"AttachmentEntry": null,
"TypeOfOperation": null,
"EndorsableChecksFromBP": "tYES",
"AcceptsEndorsedChecks": "tNO",
"OwnerCode": null,
"BlockSendingMarketingContent": "tNO",
"AgentCode": null,
"PriceMode": null,
"EDocGenerationType": null,
"EDocStreet": null,
"EDocStreetNumber": null,
"EDocBuildingNumber": null,
"EDocZipCode": null,
"EDocCity": null,
"EDocCountry": null,
"EDocDistrict": null,
"EDocRepresentativeFirstName": null,
"EDocRepresentativeSurname": null,
"EDocRepresentativeCompany": null,
"EDocRepresentativeFiscalCode": null,
"EDocRepresentativeAdditionalId": null,
"EDocPECAddress": null,
"IPACodeForPA": null,
"UpdateDate": "2023-10-26",
"UpdateTime": "13:16:49",
"ExemptionMaxAmountValidationType": "emaIndividual",
"ECommerceMerchantID": null,
"UseBillToAddrToDetermineTax": "tNO",
"CreateDate": "2023-10-26",
"CreateTime": "13:16:49",
"DefaultTransporterEntry": 0,
"DefaultTransporterLineNumber": 0,
"FCERelevant": "tNO",
"FCEValidateBaseDelivery": "tNO",
"MainUsage": null,
"EBooksVATExemptionCause": null,
"LegalText": null,
"DataVersion": 1,
"ExchangeRateForIncomingPayment": "tYES",
"ExchangeRateForOutgoingPayment": "tYES",
"CertificateDetails": null,
"DefaultCurrency": null,
"EORINumber": null,
"FCEAsPaymentMeans": "tNO",
"U_Discount": 0,
"U_InterBranch": "N",
"ElectronicProtocols": [],
"BPAddresses": [
"AddressName": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"Street": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"Block": null,
"ZipCode": "311602",
"City": "Bijolia",
"County": null,
"Country": "IN",
"State": "RJ",
"FederalTaxID": null,
"TaxCode": null,
"BuildingFloorRoom": null,
"AddressType": "bo_BillTo",
"AddressName2": null,
"AddressName3": null,
"TypeOfAddress": null,
"StreetNo": null,
"BPCode": "C01305",
"RowNum": 0,
"GlobalLocationNumber": null,
"Nationality": null,
"TaxOffice": null,
"GSTIN": null,
"GstType": null,
"CreateDate": "2023-10-26",
"CreateTime": "13:16:49",
"MYFType": null,
"TaasEnabled": "tYES",
"U_UTL_ST_ThLegName": null,
"U_UTL_ST_ThTrdName": null
"AddressName": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"Street": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"Block": null,
"ZipCode": "311602",
"City": "Bijolia",
"County": null,
"Country": "IN",
"State": "RJ",
"FederalTaxID": null,
"TaxCode": null,
"BuildingFloorRoom": null,
"AddressType": "bo_ShipTo",
"AddressName2": null,
"AddressName3": null,
"TypeOfAddress": null,
"StreetNo": null,
"BPCode": "C01305",
"RowNum": 1,
"GlobalLocationNumber": null,
"Nationality": null,
"TaxOffice": null,
"GSTIN": null,
"GstType": null,
"CreateDate": "2023-10-26",
"CreateTime": "13:16:49",
"MYFType": null,
"TaasEnabled": "tYES",
"U_UTL_ST_ThLegName": null,
"U_UTL_ST_ThTrdName": null
"ContactEmployees": [
"CardCode": "C01305",
"Name": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"Position": null,
"Address": null,
"Phone1": "9460351521",
"Phone2": null,
"MobilePhone": "9460351521",
"Fax": null,
"E_Mail": null,
"Pager": null,
"Remarks1": null,
"Remarks2": null,
"Password": null,
"InternalCode": 1325,
"PlaceOfBirth": "-1",
"DateOfBirth": null,
"Gender": "gt_Undefined",
"Profession": null,
"Title": null,
"CityOfBirth": null,
"Active": "tYES",
"FirstName": null,
"MiddleName": null,
"LastName": null,
"EmailGroupCode": null,
"BlockSendingMarketingContent": "tNO",
"CreateDate": "2023-10-26",
"CreateTime": "13:16:49",
"UpdateDate": "2023-10-26",
"UpdateTime": "13:16:00",
"ConnectedAddressName": null,
"ConnectedAddressType": null,
"ForeignCountry": null,
"ContactEmployeeBlockSendingMarketingContents": []
"BPAccountReceivablePaybleCollection": [],
"BPPaymentMethods": [],
"BPWithholdingTaxCollection": [],
"BPPaymentDates": [],
"BPBranchAssignment": [
"BPCode": "C01305",
"BPLID": 2,
"DisabledForBP": "tNO"
"BPCode": "C01305",
"BPLID": 4,
"DisabledForBP": "tNO"
"BPBankAccounts": [],
"BPFiscalTaxIDCollection": [
"Address": "",
"CNAECode": null,
"TaxId0": "ALKPM0323M",
"TaxId1": "",
"TaxId2": "",
"TaxId3": "",
"TaxId4": "",
"TaxId5": "",
"TaxId6": "",
"TaxId7": "",
"TaxId8": "",
"TaxId9": "",
"TaxId10": "",
"TaxId11": "",
"BPCode": "C01305",
"AddrType": "bo_ShipTo",
"TaxId12": null,
"TaxId13": "",
"AToRetrNFe": "tNO"
"Address": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"CNAECode": null,
"TaxId0": null,
"TaxId1": null,
"TaxId2": null,
"TaxId3": null,
"TaxId4": null,
"TaxId5": null,
"TaxId6": null,
"TaxId7": null,
"TaxId8": null,
"TaxId9": null,
"TaxId10": null,
"TaxId11": null,
"BPCode": "C01305",
"AddrType": "bo_BillTo",
"TaxId12": null,
"TaxId13": null,
"AToRetrNFe": "tNO"
"Address": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"CNAECode": null,
"TaxId0": "ALKPM0323M",
"TaxId1": "",
"TaxId2": "",
"TaxId3": "",
"TaxId4": "",
"TaxId5": "",
"TaxId6": "",
"TaxId7": "",
"TaxId8": "",
"TaxId9": "",
"TaxId10": "",
"TaxId11": "",
"BPCode": "C01305",
"AddrType": "bo_ShipTo",
"TaxId12": null,
"TaxId13": null,
"AToRetrNFe": "tNO"
"DiscountGroups": [],
"BPIntrastatExtension": {},
"BPBlockSendingMarketingContents": [],
"BPCurrenciesCollection": []
Get Invoice
Retrieve all or some selected properties from an instance of Warehouses with the given id. | key: getInvoice
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | A comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned and the query will be slower. | ItemCode,ItemName,ForeignName | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Doc Entry string / Required invoiceDocumentEntry | The DocEntry of the invoice. | 12345 |
Get Item
Retrieve all or some selected properties from an instance of Items with the given id. | key: getItem
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | A comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned and the query will be slower. | ItemCode,ItemName,ForeignName | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Item Code string / Required itemCode | The code of the item. | i001 |
Get Order
Retrieve all or some selected properties from an instance of Orders with the given id. | key: getOrder
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | A comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned and the query will be slower. | ItemCode,ItemName,ForeignName | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Doc Entry string / Required docEntry | The doc entry of the order. | c001 |
Get Price List
Retrieve all or some selected properties from an instance of PriceLists with the given id. | key: getPriceList
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | A comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned and the query will be slower. | ItemCode,ItemName,ForeignName | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Price List Number string / Required priceListNo | The number of the price list. | 12345 |
"data": {
"RoundingMethod": "borm_NoRounding",
"GroupNum": "boplgn_Group2",
"BasePriceList": 2,
"Factor": 1,
"PriceListNo": 2,
"PriceListName": "Buying Price List",
"IsGrossPrice": "tNO",
"Active": "tYES",
"ValidFrom": null,
"ValidTo": null,
"DefaultPrimeCurrency": "INR",
"DefaultAdditionalCurrency1": "INR",
"DefaultAdditionalCurrency2": "INR",
"RoundingRule": "borrRoundOff",
"FixedAmount": 0
Get Purchase Order
Retrieve all or some selected properties from an instance of Purchase Orders with the given id. | key: getPurchaseOrder
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | A comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned and the query will be slower. | ItemCode,ItemName,ForeignName | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Purchase Order Document Entry string / Required docEntry | The document entry of the purchase order. | 12345 |
Get Record
Retrieve a single record from SAP Business One. | key: getRecord
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | A comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned and the query will be slower. | ItemCode,ItemName,ForeignName | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Record ID string / Required recordId | The ID of the record. | 12355 | |
Record Type string / Required recordType | The type of the record to use for the operation. | JournalEntries |
Get Warehouse
Retrieve all or some selected properties from an instance of Warehouses with the given id. | key: getWarehouse
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | A comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned and the query will be slower. | ItemCode,ItemName,ForeignName | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Warehouse Code string / Required warehouseCode | The code of the warehouse. | 12345 |
"data": {
"Street": null,
"StockInflationOffsetAccount": null,
"ZipCode": "110044",
"DecreasingAccount": null,
"PurchaseAccount": null,
"EURevenuesAccount": null,
"ReturningAccount": null,
"ShippedGoodsAccount": null,
"StockInflationAdjustAccount": null,
"AllowUseTax": "tNO",
"CostInflationAccount": null,
"ForeignExpensesAccount": null,
"EUExpensesAccount": null,
"CostInflationOffsetAccount": null,
"ExpensesClearingAccount": null,
"PurchaseReturningAccount": null,
"VATInRevenueAccount": null,
"FederalTaxID": null,
"Location": 3,
"Block": null,
"ExpenseAccount": null,
"DecreaseGLAccount": null,
"RevenuesAccount": null,
"TaxGroup": null,
"ExemptRevenuesAccount": null,
"PurchaseOffsetAccount": null,
"CostOfGoodsSold": null,
"WarehouseCode": "Del-02",
"State": "DL",
"City": "DELHI",
"PriceDifferencesAccount": null,
"VarianceAccount": null,
"Country": "IN",
"IncreaseGLAccount": null,
"ExchangeRateDifferencesAccount": null,
"WIPMaterialAccount": null,
"WarehouseName": "Badapur - Rejection warehouse",
"DropShip": "tNO",
"WIPMaterialVarianceAccount": null,
"TransfersAcc": null,
"InternalKey": null,
"ForeignRevenuesAcc": null,
"BuildingFloorRoom": null,
"County": null,
"Nettable": "tYES",
"IncreasingAcc": null,
"ExpenseOffsetingAct": null,
"GoodsClearingAcc": null,
"StockAccount": null,
"BusinessPlaceID": 2,
"PurchaseCreditAcc": null,
"EUPurchaseCreditAcc": null,
"ForeignPurchaseCreditAcc": null,
"SalesCreditAcc": null,
"SalesCreditEUAcc": null,
"ExemptedCredits": null,
"SalesCreditForeignAcc": null,
"NegativeInventoryAdjustmentAccount": null,
"WHShipToName": null,
"Excisable": "tNO",
"WHIncomingCenvatAccount": null,
"WHOutgoingCenvatAccount": null,
"StockInTransitAccount": null,
"WipOffsetProfitAndLossAccount": null,
"InventoryOffsetProfitAndLossAccount": null,
"AddressType": null,
"StreetNo": null,
"Storekeeper": null,
"Shipper": null,
"ManageSerialAndBatchNumbers": "tNO",
"GlobalLocationNumber": null,
"EnableBinLocations": "tNO",
"BinLocCodeSeparator": "-",
"DefaultBin": null,
"DefaultBinEnforced": "tNO",
"AutoAllocOnIssue": "whsBinSingleChoiceOnly",
"EnableReceivingBinLocations": "tNO",
"ReceivingBinLocationsBy": "rblmBinLocationCodeOrder",
"PurchaseBalanceAccount": null,
"Inactive": "tNO",
"RestrictReceiptToEmptyBinLocation": "tYES",
"ReceiveUpToMaxQuantity": "tNO",
"AutoAllocOnReceipt": "aaormDefaultBin",
"ReceiveUpToMaxWeight": "tNO",
"ReceiveUpToMethod": "rutmMaximumQty",
"LegalText": null
Get Warehouse Location
Retrieve all or some selected properties from an instance of Warehouse Location with the given id. | key: getWarehouseLocation
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | A comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned and the query will be slower. | ItemCode,ItemName,ForeignName | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Warehouse Location ID string / Required warehouseLocationId | The id of the warehouse location. | 12345 |
"data": {
"Code": 1,
"Name": "Delhi",
"LSTVATNumber": null,
"CSTNumber": "07AAFCE3317E1Z1",
"ExemptionNumber": null,
"TANNumber": null,
"ServiceTaxNumber": null,
"AssesseeType": null,
"CompanyType": null,
"NatureOfBusiness": null,
"TINNumber": null,
"RegistrationType": "XM",
"EccNumber": "AABPS8791RXM001",
"CERange": null,
"CEDivision": null,
"CECommissionerate": null,
"ManufacturerCode": null,
"Jurisdiction": null,
"Street": "B-2/3 , Second Floor, Mohan Co-Operative Industrial Estate",
"Block": "Mathura Road",
"ZipCode": "110044",
"City": "New Delhi",
"County": null,
"Country": "IN",
"State": "DL",
"PANNumber": "AABPS8791R",
"CERegisterNumber": null,
"BuildingFloorRoom": null,
"GSTIN": "07AAFCE3317E1Z1",
"GstType": "gstRegularTDSISD",
"GSTTDS": null,
"GSTISD": null,
"U_UTL_ST_OWID": "6daf01b8-77bc-467d-91e8-d00d1fc53d45",
"U_CID": null,
"U_SECRET": null,
"U_UTL_EUID": null,
"U_UTL_EPSW": null,
"U_UTL_ST_PAYNM": null,
List Business Partners
Retrieve a collection of Business Partners with all or some selected properties | key: listBusinessPartners
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | A filter expression to apply to the request. | startswith(ItemCode, 'a') | |
Order By string $orderby | A comma-separated list of fields to sort by. | ItemCode | |
Select string $select | A comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. If not provided, all fields will be returned and the query will be slower. | ItemCode,ItemName,ForeignName | |
Skip string $skip | The number of items to skip. | 1 | |
Top string $top | The number of items to return. Maximum is 20. | 10 | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Custom Query Params string Key Value List customQueryParams | Custom query parameters to be included in the request | key1=value1 | |
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Fetch All boolean fetchAll | false | If true, all records will be fetched. Otherwise, the $top and $skip parameters will be used. |
"data": [
"odata.etag": "W/\"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB\"",
"CardCode": "C01305",
"CardName": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"CardType": "cCustomer",
"GroupCode": 112,
"Address": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"ZipCode": "311602",
"MailAddress": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"MailZipCode": "311602",
"Phone1": "9460351521",
"Phone2": null,
"Fax": null,
"ContactPerson": "Anmol Steps – Bijolia(EL)",
"Notes": null,
"PayTermsGrpCode": 5,
"CreditLimit": 0,
"MaxCommitment": 0,
"DiscountPercent": 0,
"VatLiable": "vLiable",
"FederalTaxID": null,
"DeductibleAtSource": "tNO",
"DeductionPercent": 0,
"DeductionValidUntil": null,
"PriceListNum": 19,
"IntrestRatePercent": 0,
"CommissionPercent": 0,
"CommissionGroupCode": 0,
"FreeText": null,
"SalesPersonCode": -1,
"Currency": "INR",
"RateDiffAccount": "",
"Cellular": "9460351521",
"AvarageLate": null,
"City": "Bijolia",
"County": null,
"Country": "IN",
"MailCity": "Bijolia",
"MailCounty": null,
"MailCountry": "IN",
"EmailAddress": null,
"Picture": null,
"DefaultAccount": null,
"DefaultBranch": null,
"DefaultBankCode": "-1",
"AdditionalID": null,
"Pager": null,
"FatherCard": "C01169",
"CardForeignName": null,
"FatherType": "cDelivery_sum",
"DeductionOffice": null,
"ExportCode": null,
"MinIntrest": 0,
"CurrentAccountBalance": 0,
"OpenDeliveryNotesBalance": 0,
"OpenOrdersBalance": 0,
"OpenChecksBalance": 0,
"VatGroup": null,
"ShippingType": null,
"Password": null,
"Indicator": null,
"IBAN": null,
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"ProjectCode": null,
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"RelationshipDateTill": null,
"UnifiedFederalTaxID": null,
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"UpdateDate": "2023-10-26",
"UpdateTime": "13:16:49",
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"UseBillToAddrToDetermineTax": "tNO",
"CreateDate": "2023-10-26",
"CreateTime": "13:16:49",
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"EBooksVATExemptionCause": null,
"LegalText": null,
"DataVersion": 1,
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"Block": null,
"ZipCode": "311602",
"City": "Bijolia",
"County": null,
"Country": "IN",
"State": "RJ",
"FederalTaxID": null,
"TaxCode": null,
"BuildingFloorRoom": null,
"AddressType": "bo_BillTo",
"AddressName2": null,
"AddressName3": null,
"TypeOfAddress": null,
"StreetNo": null,
"BPCode": "C01305",
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"GlobalLocationNumber": null,
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"TaxOffice": null,
"GSTIN": null,
"GstType": null,
"CreateDate": "2023-10-26",
"CreateTime": "13:16:49",
"MYFType": null,
"TaasEnabled": "tYES",
"U_UTL_ST_ThLegName": null,
"U_UTL_ST_ThTrdName": null
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"Street": "Bundi Road, Bijolia",
"Block": null,
"ZipCode": "311602",
"City": "Bijolia",
"County": null,