Pretty Good Privacy Component

Create and translate encrypted messages
Component key: pgp
Pretty Good Privacy is an encryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. This component allows you to encrypt and decrypt strings in an integration.
You can elect to encrypt or decrypt strings using either a password or a public/private key pair. RSA key pairs of any key size are compatible with these actions.
Decrypt File
Decrypt a file with a password or PGP private key and passphrase | key: decryptFile
Input | Notes | Example |
File to Decrypt data / Required fileToDecrypt | This should be a reference to a previous step that returns binary data. | |
Private Key Passphrase string passphrase | Provide a string passphrase for your private key if you are using a private key to decrypt the message. | |
Password string password | Provide a string password to encrypt the message. You can elect to encrypt the message with a password or public PGP key, but not both. | P@s$w0Rd |
Private Key text privateKey | Provide a string PGP pviate key to decrypt the message. You can elect to decrypt the message with a password or private PGP key, but not both. | -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- EXAMPLE== -----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- |
"data": {
"data": {},
"filename": "image.png",
"signatures": []
Decrypt Message
Decrypt a string message with a password or PGP private key and passphrase | key: decryptString
Input | Notes | Example |
Encrypted Message text / Required encryptedMessage | The message to be decrypted. | -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- EXAMPLE== -----END PGP MESSAGE----- |
Private Key Passphrase string passphrase | Provide a string passphrase for your private key if you are using a private key to decrypt the message. | |
Password string password | Provide a string password to encrypt the message. You can elect to encrypt the message with a password or public PGP key, but not both. | P@s$w0Rd |
Private Key text privateKey | Provide a string PGP pviate key to decrypt the message. You can elect to decrypt the message with a password or private PGP key, but not both. | -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- EXAMPLE== -----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- |
"data": {
"data": "Hello, World!",
"filename": "",
"signatures": []
Encrypt File
Encrypt a file with a password or PGP public key | key: encryptFile
Input | Notes | Example |
Filename string / Required filename | The name of the file to encrypt | example.txt |
File to Encrypt data / Required fileToEncrypt | This should be a reference to a previous step that returns binary data. | |
Password string password | Provide a string password to encrypt the message. You can elect to encrypt the message with a password or public PGP key, but not both. | P@s$w0Rd |
Public Key text publicKey | Provide a string PGP public key to encrypt the message. You can elect to encrypt the message with a password or public PGP key, but not both. | -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- EXAMPLE== -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- |
"data": {}
Encrypt Message
Encrypt a string message with a password or PGP public key | key: encryptString
Input | Notes | Example |
Message to Encrypt text / Required message | The message to be encrypted. | |
Password string password | Provide a string password to encrypt the message. You can elect to encrypt the message with a password or public PGP key, but not both. | P@s$w0Rd |
Public Key text publicKey | Provide a string PGP public key to encrypt the message. You can elect to encrypt the message with a password or public PGP key, but not both. | -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- EXAMPLE== -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- |
"data": "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n\nwy4ECQMI00WQkb8Me2XgxDrxbl9uNeh9qaaOnC4KXadQJXDOXNeh2YRED44i\nR8D30j4ByckgLL71R5h6jRVc7cZuLefo9/Kbaq2wBW4PprLiYmGJrik9dl1i\naoOZtaqXbJxfgUjTpxtxSSAOFf+zoA==\n=vFBz\n-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n"