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Karbon Component

Karbon is a collaborative practice management platform for accounting firms.

Component key: karbon


Karbon is a collaborative practice management platform for accounting firms. Karbon aligns your team with a single place to do your best work.

Use the Karbon component to manage your accounting firms.

API Documentation

This components was built using the Karbon API Reference.


Karbon API Key

Karbon API Keys

To obtain your Application ID and Access Key Follow these steps:

  1. Register for a Developer Account:

    • Register for a free developer account to create an application in Karbon and receive the Application ID.
    • Example: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  2. Find Your API Access Key:

    • Navigate to Settings -> Connected Apps -> Manage on your app in Karbon to find your Access Key.
    • Example: eyJ.....

Use these credentials at the Prismatic connection.


Entity Trigger

Get notified to this flow when a Karbon entity changes | key: entityTrigger

Data Sources

Select Organization

Select an Organization from a dropdown menu | key: selectOrganization | type: picklist


Create a Contact

Create a new contact | key: createContact

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#Contacts/KarbonService.ContactDTO/$entity",
"type": "#KarbonService.ContactDTO"
"ContactKey": "67zlxNyJSr8e",
"FirstName": "William",
"MiddleName": "John",
"LastName": "Connor",
"PreferredName": "Bill",
"Salutation": "Mr",
"Suffix": "Jr.",
"ClientOwner": "",
"ClientManager": "",
"ContactType": "Client",
"UserDefinedIdentifier": "BILLJR",
"RestrictionLevel": "Public",
"AvatarUrl": "",
"LastModifiedDateTime": "2022-07-05T07:30:13.7188114Z",
"EntityDescription": {
"Text": "Birthday on June 23."
"AccountingDetail": {
"ContactPermaKey": "4XHEn8T3J4Y6",
"OrganizationPermaKey": null,
"BirthDate": "1969-08-05T00:00:00Z",
"DeathDate": null,
"Salutation": "Mr",
"Sex": "M",
"FinancialYearEndDay": 8,
"FinancialYearEndMonth": 30,
"IncorporationDate": null,
"IncorporationState": null,
"LegalName": null,
"LineOfBusiness": null,
"EntityType": null,
"TaxCountryCode": "US",
"TradingName": null,
"AnnualRevenue": null,
"BaseCurrency": null,
"GstBasis": null,
"GstPeriod": null,
"IncomeTaxInstallmentPeriod": "Yearly",
"IsVATRegistered": null,
"OrganizationValuation": null,
"PaysTax": null,
"PrepareGST": null,
"ProvisionaTaxBasic": null,
"ProvisionalTaxRatio": null,
"RevenueModel": null,
"SalesTaxBasis": null,
"SalesTaxPeriod": null,
"Sells": null,
"RegistrationNumbers": {
"RegistrationNumber": "12-3456789",
"Type": "Social Security Number (SSN)"
"Notes": {
"Body": "This is a sample note text.",
"Type": "Basic"
"BusinessCards": {
"BusinessCardKey": "2tBHyXtJBxBy",
"IsPrimaryCard": true,
"WebSites": [
"EmailAddresses": [
"OrganizationKey": "ZGNmtYyLm4z",
"RoleOrTitle": "COO",
"FacebookLink": "",
"LinkedInLink": "",
"TwitterLink": "",
"SkypeLink": "",
"Addresses": {
"AddressKey": "e150a05a-2dea-4292-8bc8-03398c9384e4",
"AddressLines": "45 Sample Street",
"City": "Alexandria",
"StateProvinceCounty": "NSW",
"ZipCode": "2015",
"CountryCode": "AU",
"Label": "Physical"
"PhoneNumbers": {
"PhoneNumberKey": "6e0b9ace-24b1-4328-a922-3b8be5ef5052",
"Number": 1234567890,
"CountryCode": 61,
"Label": "Work"

Create a Work Item

Create a new Work Item | key: createWorkItem

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#WorkItems/KarbonService.WorkItemDTO/$entity",
"type": "#KarbonService.WorkItemDTO"
"WorkItemKey": "2LPSrkzbYrn4",
"AssigneeEmailAddress": "",
"AssigneeKey": "4gHCvnbFFqsq",
"AssigneeName": "Joe Min",
"Title": "Payroll 31 Aug - 15 Sep 2022",
"ClientKey": "4ncPZ7q96SGc",
"ClientName": "Acme Corporation",
"ClientType": "Organization",
"ClientUserDefinedIdentifier": "ACMECORP",
"RelatedClientGroupKey": "3LCPr987gNrc",
"ClientGroupKey": "3LCPr987gNrc",
"RelatedClientGroupName": "Smith Family Group",
"StartDate": "2021-12-29T00:00:00Z",
"DueDate": "2022-01-30T00:00:00Z",
"DeadlineDate": "2022-01-31T00:00:00Z",
"CompletedDate": "2022-02-01T00:00:00Z",
"ToDoPeriod": "2021-12-29T00:00:00Z",
"WorkType": "Payroll",
"WorkStatus": "Ready To Start - Send client requests",
"PrimaryStatus": "Ready To Start",
"SecondaryStatus": "Send client requests",
"WorkTemplateKey": "p56mtcBhwb9",
"WorkTemplateTile": "Payroll processing",
"WorkScheduleKey": "4f3gHnLC323",
"FeeSettings": {
"FeeType": "FixedFee",
"FeeValue": 5150.2
"Description": "Send to Jo for review",
"ClientTaskRecipient": null

Create User

Create a new user | key: createUser

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#Users/$entity"
"Id": "4LR9qmR5NQ6T",
"Name": "Joe Min",
"EmailAddress": ""

Delete All Webhook Subscriptions

Deletes all Webhook Subscriptions associated with Contact, Work, and Note | key: deleteAllWebhookSubscriptions

Output Example Payload

"data": "Success"

Get Contact

Get a single Contact by Contact key | key: getContact

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#Contacts/KarbonService.ContactDTO/$entity",
"type": "#KarbonService.ContactDTO"
"ContactKey": "67zlxNyJSr8e",
"FirstName": "William",
"MiddleName": "John",
"LastName": "Connor",
"PreferredName": "Bill",
"Salutation": "Mr",
"Suffix": "Jr.",
"ClientOwner": "",
"ClientManager": "",
"ContactType": "Client",
"UserDefinedIdentifier": "BILLJR",
"RestrictionLevel": "Public",
"AvatarUrl": "",
"LastModifiedDateTime": "2022-07-05T07:30:13.7188114Z",
"EntityDescription": {
"Text": "Birthday on June 23."
"AccountingDetail": {
"ContactPermaKey": "4XHEn8T3J4Y6",
"OrganizationPermaKey": null,
"BirthDate": "1969-08-05T00:00:00Z",
"DeathDate": null,
"Salutation": "Mr",
"Sex": "M",
"FinancialYearEndDay": 8,
"FinancialYearEndMonth": 30,
"IncorporationDate": null,
"IncorporationState": null,
"LegalName": null,
"LineOfBusiness": null,
"EntityType": null,
"TaxCountryCode": "US",
"TradingName": null,
"AnnualRevenue": null,
"BaseCurrency": null,
"GstBasis": null,
"GstPeriod": null,
"IncomeTaxInstallmentPeriod": "Quaterly",
"IsVATRegistered": null,
"OrganizationValuation": null,
"PaysTax": null,
"PrepareGST": null,
"ProvisionaTaxBasic": null,
"ProvisionalTaxRatio": null,
"RevenueModel": null,
"SalesTaxBasis": null,
"SalesTaxPeriod": null,
"Sells": null,
"RegistrationNumbers": {
"RegistrationNumber": "12-3456789",
"Type": "Social Security Number (SSN)"
"Notes": {
"Body": "This is a sample note text.",
"Type": "Basic"
"BusinessCards": {
"BusinessCardKey": "2tBHyXtJBxBy",
"EntityType": "Contact",
"EntityKey": "67zlxNyJSr8e",
"IsPrimaryCard": true,
"WebSites": [
"EmailAddresses": [
"OrganizationKey": "ZGNmtYyLm4z",
"RoleOrTitle": "COO",
"FacebookLink": "",
"LinkedInLink": "",
"TwitterLink": "",
"SkypeLink": "",
"Addresses": {
"AddressKey": "e150a05a-2dea-4292-8bc8-03398c9384e4",
"AddressLines": "45 Sample Street",
"City": "Alexandria",
"StateProvinceCounty": "NSW",
"ZipCode": "2015",
"CountryCode": "AU",
"Label": "Physical"
"PhoneNumbers": {
"PhoneNumberKey": "6e0b9ace-24b1-4328-a922-3b8be5ef5052",
"Number": 1234567890,
"CountryCode": 61,
"Label": "Work"

Get Invoice

Get an invoice by key | key: getInvoice

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#Invoices/$entity"
"InvoiceKey": "M2dVbCt4RHk",
"InvoiceNumber": "KIN-1001",
"TotalAmountDue": 1607.13,
"InvoiceTotal": 1607.13,
"InvoiceSubTotal": 1397.5,
"InvoiceTaxTotal": 209.63,
"InvoiceDate": "2023-07-21T00:00:00Z",
"PaymentDueDate": "2023-07-28T00:00:00Z",
"UpdatedAt": "2023-07-20T23:52:11Z",
"CurrencyCode": "AUD",
"PaymentInstructions": "Payment due 7 days from invoice date",
"InvoiceStatus": "AwaitingPayment",
"Client": {
"ClientKey": "2xxnBLyCP4Ts",
"ClientType": "Organization",
"Name": "Acme Corp",
"AddressLine": "15 Example Street",
"City": "Sydney",
"StateProvinceCounty": "NSW",
"ZipCode": "4004",
"Country": "Australia",
"EmailAddress": ""
"TaxLineItems": [
"TaxName": "GST",
"TaxValue": 209.63

Get User

Gets the details of a single User | key: getUser

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#Users/KarbonService.UserProfileDTO/$entity",
"type": "#KarbonService.UserProfileDTO"
"Id": "2bYxtn94ZSdY",
"Name": "Janet Smith",
"EmailAddress": "",
"BillableRate": 0,
"CapacityMinutesPerWeek": 2400,
"Permissions": [
"Roles": [
"Teams": [

Get Webhook

Get a webhook subscription associated with the Karbon entity specified | key: getWebhook

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#WebhookSubscriptions/$entity"
"TargetUrl": "",
"WebhookType": "Contact"

Get Work Item

Gets a Work Item by Work Item key | key: getWorkItem

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#WorkItems/KarbonService.WorkItemDTO/$entity",
"type": "#KarbonService.WorkItemDTO"
"WorkItemKey": "2LPSrkzbYrn4",
"AssigneeEmailAddress": "",
"AssigneeKey": "4gHCvnbFFqsq",
"AssigneeName": "Joe Min",
"Title": "Payroll 31 Aug - 15 Sep 2022",
"ClientKey": "4ncPZ7q96SGc",
"ClientName": "Acme Corporation",
"ClientType": "Organization",
"ClientUserDefinedIdentifier": "ACMECORP",
"RelatedClientGroupKey": "3LCPr987gNrc",
"ClientGroupKey": "3LCPr987gNrc",
"RelatedClientGroupName": "Smith Family Group",
"StartDate": "2021-12-29T00:00:00Z",
"DueDate": "2022-01-30T00:00:00Z",
"DeadlineDate": "2022-01-31T00:00:00Z",
"CompletedDate": "2022-02-01T00:00:00Z",
"ToDoPeriod": "2021-12-29T00:00:00Z",
"WorkType": "Payroll",
"WorkStatus": "Ready To Start - Send client requests",
"PrimaryStatus": "Ready To Start",
"SecondaryStatus": "Send client requests",
"WorkTemplateKey": "p56mtcBhwb9",
"WorkTemplateTile": "Payroll processing",
"WorkScheduleKey": "4f3gHnLC323",
"FeeSettings": {
"FeeType": "FixedFee",
"FeeValue": 5150.2
"Description": "Send to Jo for review",
"ClientTaskRecipient": null

List Contacts

List all Contacts | key: listContacts

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#Contacts/KarbonService.ContactSummaryDTO",
"count": 323
"value": [
"@odata.type": "#KarbonService.ContactSummaryDTO",
"ContactKey": "29YXnqWcqCf3",
"FullName": "William John Connor",
"PreferredName": "Bill",
"Salutation": "Mr",
"ClientOwner": "",
"ClientManager": "",
"Address": "42 Galaxy Way, London",
"EmailAddress": "",
"PhoneNumber": "0987888686",
"RoleOrTitle": "COO",
"UserDefinedIdentifier": "73YEnqFcqCf3",
"LastModifiedDateTime": "2021-12-29T07:01:53Z"

List Invoices

List invoices | key: listInvoices

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#Invoices(LineItems())",
"count": 1
"value": [
"InvoiceKey": "2F8bb4Xk4N1T",
"InvoiceNumber": "KIN-1000",
"TotalAmountDue": 5,
"InvoiceTotal": 5,
"InvoiceSubTotal": 5,
"InvoiceTaxTotal": 0,
"InvoiceDate": "2024-05-23T00:00:00Z",
"PaymentDueDate": "2024-05-30T00:00:00Z",
"UpdatedAt": "2024-05-23T16:44:29Z",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"PaymentInstructions": null,
"InvoiceStatus": "Approved",
"Client": {
"ClientKey": "4hFn8Czrnw4v",
"ClientType": "Organization",
"Name": "Example Sandbox",
"AddressLine": null,
"City": null,
"StateProvinceCounty": null,
"ZipCode": null,
"Country": null,
"EmailAddress": null
"TaxLineItems": [],
"LineItems": [
"LineItemKey": "3aebacb913b44aaa81b1cb2acf958b1b",
"BillableItemEntityKey": "2SFw2p31285T",
"BillableItemType": "Expense",
"Description": "My Services",
"Quantity": 1,
"UnitPrice": 5,
"Amount": 5,
"TaxRate": 0,
"TaxRateName": "No Tax Set"

List Users

Get a list of Users | key: listUsers

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"odata": {
"context": "$metadata#Users",
"count": 1,
"nextLink": "$skip=100"
"value": [
"Id": "4LR9qmR5NQ6T",
"Name": "Joe Min",
"EmailAddress": ""

List Work Items

Receive a list of work items from your tenant | key: listWorkItems

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"value": [
"@odata.type": "#KarbonService.WorkItemSummaryDTO",
"WorkItemKey": "2LPSrkzbYrn4",
"AssigneeEmailAddress": "",
"AssigneeKey": "4gHCvnbFFqsq",
"AssigneeName": "Joe Min",
"Title": "Payroll 31 Aug - 15 Sep 2022",
"ClientKey": "4ncPZ7q96SGc",
"ClientName": "Acme Corporation",
"ClientType": "Organization",
"ClientUserDefinedIdentifier": "ACMECORP",
"RelatedClientGroupKey": "3LCPr987gNrc",
"ClientGroupKey": "3LCPr987gNrc",
"RelatedClientGroupName": "Smith Family Group",
"StartDate": "2021-12-29T00:00:00Z",
"DueDate": "2022-01-30T00:00:00Z",
"DeadlineDate": "2022-01-31T00:00:00Z",
"CompletedDate": "2022-02-01T00:00:00Z",
"ToDoPeriod": "2021-12-29T00:00:00Z",
"WorkType": "Payroll",
"WorkStatus": "Ready To Start - Send client requests",
"PrimaryStatus": "Ready To Start",
"SecondaryStatus": "Send client requests",
"WorkTemplateKey": "p56mtcBhwb9",
"WorkTemplateTile": "Payroll processing",
"WorkScheduleKey": "4f3gHnLC323"
"odata": {
"count": 323,
"context": "$metadata#WorkItems/KarbonService.WorkItemSummaryDTO",
"nextLink": "$skip=100"

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Karbon | key: rawRequest

Update a Contact

Partially update a contact by Contact key | key: updateContact

Output Example Payload

"data": "Success"

Update Work Item

Partially update a Work Item by Work Item key | key: updateWorkItem

Output Example Payload

"data": "Success"