Google Cloud Storage Component

Manage files in a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cloud Storage bucket
Component key: google-cloud-storage
Google Cloud Storage is Google's cloud file/blob storage system. This component allows you to create, download, modify, list, and delete files stored in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
Documentation for the Node.js client used in this component can be found at
A common integration pattern involves listing files in a file store, and performing a series of actions on the array of files that are returned. See our looping over files quickstart for information about how to create a loop over an array of files.
Google OAuth 2.0
Input | Default | Notes |
Authorize URL string / Required Hidden Field authorizeUrl | | |
Client ID string / Required clientId | ||
Client Secret password / Required clientSecret | ||
Project Id string / Required projectId | The ID of the project that hosts the storage bucket | |
Scopes string / Required scopes | | |
Token URL string / Required Hidden Field tokenUrl | |
Google Cloud Storage Private Key
The Google Cloud Storage component requires a username / private key pair for authentication. To create a GCP service account, follow directions on
Be sure to assign the user you just created with the correct permissions. To access Google Cloud Storage resources, you will need to assign either a resource specific permission, or the Cloud Storage Admin role. After creating a service account, you will have an option to create a key for the account. If you are not greeted with this option, click on the service account you just created, and navigate to the 'keys' section. Here you can click 'Add Key' This will generate a .json file with type, project_id, and a dozen other fields. Use these fields along with your GCP Project Id to create a new connection.
Input | Notes |
Client Email string / Required clientEmail | The email address of the client you would like to connect. |
Private Key text / Required privateKey | The private key of the client you would like to connect. |
Project Id string / Required projectId | The ID of the project that hosts the storage bucket |
Data Sources
Select Bucket
Select a Google Cloud Storage bucket from a dropdown menu | key: selectBucket | type: picklist
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connection |
Complete Multipart Upload
Completes a multipart upload for a file in Google Cloud Storage | key: completeMultipartUpload
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | ||
Destination Bucket string / Required destinationBucketName | A Google Cloud Storage 'bucket' is a container where files are stored. The destination bucket indicates the bucket containing the file you want to copy. If you are copying files within a single bucket, list the same bucket as the source and destination bucket. | my-destination-bucket |
File Name string / Required fileName | A file is saved in a 'bucket'. This represents the file's path without a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
Part Uploads code / Required partUploads | A JSON array of part uploads. Each part upload should have a partNumber and a etag property. IMPORTANT: If one of the parts specified in the request is less than 5 MiB and is not the final part in the upload, you get a 400 Bad Request status code and the body of the error response has InvalidArgument in the Code element. | |
Upload ID string / Required uploadId | Indicates the multipart upload that this part is associated with. This is returned when the multipart upload is initiated. | VXBsb2FkIElEIGZvciBlbHZpbmcncyBteS1tb3ZpZS5tMnRzIHVwbG9hZA |
"data": {
"results": {
"CompleteMultipartUploadResult": {
"Location": {
"_text": ""
"Bucket": {
"_text": "test"
"Key": {
"_text": "test-image"
"ETag": {
"_text": "\"f15d9a861dedbc078f1f53a90f9b429c-1\""
Copy Files
Copy a file from one Google Cloud Storage bucket to another | key: copyFile
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | ||
Destination Bucket string / Required destinationBucketName | A Google Cloud Storage 'bucket' is a container where files are stored. The destination bucket indicates the bucket containing the file you want to copy. If you are copying files within a single bucket, list the same bucket as the source and destination bucket. | my-destination-bucket |
Destination File Name string / Required destinationFileName | This represents the destination file's path. Do not include a leading /. | path/to/destination/file.txt |
Source Bucket string / Required sourceBucketName | A Google Cloud Storage 'bucket' is a container where files are stored. The source bucket indicates the bucket containing the file you want to copy. If you are copying files within a single bucket, list the same bucket as the source and destination bucket. | my-source-bucket |
Source File Name string / Required sourceFileName | This represents the source file's path. Do not include a leading /. | path/to/source/file.txt |
Create Bucket
Create a new Bucket inside Google Cloud Storage | key: createBucket
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Bucket Name string / Required bucketName | Buckets in Google Cloud Storage contain files, and can be configured in the GCP console. Bucket names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-gcs-bucket | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Location string location | The location of the bucket. Object data for objects in the bucket resides in physical storage within this region. Defaults to 'US'. See Cloud Storage bucket locations for the authoritative list: | US-EAST1 | |
Multi-Regional boolean multiRegional | false | This flag will determine if your bucket will be available from multiple regions. | |
StorageClass Type string / Required storageClass | This flag will determine the StorageClass your bucket will use. | ||
User Project string userProject | Specify the project that the user creating the bucket belongs to. | my-example-project |
Create Multipart Upload
Create a multipart upload for a file in Google Cloud Storage | key: createMultipartUpload
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | ||
Content Type string / Required contentType | The content type of the file. This is used to determine how the file should be handled by the browser. | image/png |
Destination Bucket string / Required destinationBucketName | A Google Cloud Storage 'bucket' is a container where files are stored. The destination bucket indicates the bucket containing the file you want to copy. If you are copying files within a single bucket, list the same bucket as the source and destination bucket. | my-destination-bucket |
File Name string / Required fileName | A file is saved in a 'bucket'. This represents the file's path without a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
"data": {
"results": {
"InitiateMultipartUploadResult": {
"Bucket": {
"_text": "bucketName"
"Key": {
"_text": "your-image.png"
"UploadId": {
"_text": "ABPnzm5uCe3g2XLS5kkxHPDZYrE68x87DhmcnJM1kKZ8ECXTtWCtJYHATzeych__ZDfWWN8"
Delete Bucket
Delete an existing Bucket from the Google Cloud Storage | key: deleteBucket
Input | Notes | Example |
Bucket Name string / Required bucketName | Buckets in Google Cloud Storage contain files, and can be configured in the GCP console. Bucket names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-gcs-bucket |
Connection connection / Required connection |
Delete File
Delete a file from a Google Cloud Storage bucket | key: deleteFile
Input | Notes | Example |
Bucket Name string / Required bucketName | Buckets in Google Cloud Storage contain files, and can be configured in the GCP console. Bucket names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-gcs-bucket |
Connection connection / Required connection | ||
File Name string / Required fileName | A file is saved in a 'bucket'. This represents the file's path without a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
Download File
Download a file from Google Cloud Storage | key: downloadFile
Input | Notes | Example |
Bucket Name string / Required bucketName | Buckets in Google Cloud Storage contain files, and can be configured in the GCP console. Bucket names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-gcs-bucket |
Connection connection / Required connection | ||
File Name string / Required fileName | A file is saved in a 'bucket'. This represents the file's path without a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
"data": {
"type": "Buffer",
"data": [
"contentType": "text/plain"
Generate Presigned URL
Generate a presigned URL to upload a file in Google Cloud Storage | key: generatePresignedUrl
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Bucket Name string / Required bucketName | Buckets in Google Cloud Storage contain files, and can be configured in the GCP console. Bucket names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-gcs-bucket | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Expiration Time string expirationTime | 3600 | This flag will determine the expiration time of the bucket. The value is in seconds. | 3600 |
File Name string / Required fileName | The file name to generate a presigned URL for. This should be the full file name, including any directories. For example, `my-directory/my-file.txt` | path/to/file.txt |
Get Bucket
Get the information and metadata of an existing Bucket from the Google Cloud Storage | key: getBucket
Input | Notes | Example |
Bucket Name string / Required bucketName | Buckets in Google Cloud Storage contain files, and can be configured in the GCP console. Bucket names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-gcs-bucket |
Connection connection / Required connection |
Get File
Get the information and metadata of a file from Google Cloud Storage | key: getFile
Input | Notes | Example |
Bucket Name string / Required bucketName | Buckets in Google Cloud Storage contain files, and can be configured in the GCP console. Bucket names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-gcs-bucket |
Connection connection / Required connection | ||
File Name string / Required fileName | A file is saved in a 'bucket'. This represents the file's path without a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
"data": {
"type": "Buffer",
"data": [
"contentType": "text/plain"
List Buckets
List buckets in a Google Cloud Storage bucket | key: listBuckets
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required connection |
List Files
List files in a Google Cloud Storage bucket | key: listFilesV2
Input | Notes | Example |
Bucket Name string / Required bucketName | Buckets in Google Cloud Storage contain files, and can be configured in the GCP console. Bucket names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-gcs-bucket |
Connection connection / Required connection | ||
Max Results string maxResults | Provide an integer value for the maximum amount of results that will be returned. Provide a value from 1 to 50. | 20 |
Page Token string pageToken | Specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retrieve the next page of results | bXkvbGFzdC9wcm9jZXNzZWQvZmlsZS50eHQ |
Prefix string prefix | List only files prefixed with this string. For example, if you only want files in a directory called 'unprocessed', you can enter 'unprocessed/'. If this is left blank, all files in the selected bucket will be listed. | path/to/directory/ |
"data": {
"files": [
"pagination": {
"pageToken": "bXkvbGFzdC9wcm9jZXNzZWQvZmlsZS50eHQ=",
"maxResults": 1000,
"prefix": "path/to/"
Move File
Move a file from one Google Cloud Storage bucket to another | key: moveFile
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | ||
Destination Bucket string / Required destinationBucketName | A Google Cloud Storage 'bucket' is a container where files are stored. The destination bucket indicates the bucket containing the file you want to copy. If you are copying files within a single bucket, list the same bucket as the source and destination bucket. | my-destination-bucket |
Destination File Name string / Required destinationFileName | This represents the destination file's path. Do not include a leading /. | path/to/destination/file.txt |
Source Bucket string / Required sourceBucketName | A Google Cloud Storage 'bucket' is a container where files are stored. The source bucket indicates the bucket containing the file you want to copy. If you are copying files within a single bucket, list the same bucket as the source and destination bucket. | my-source-bucket |
Source File Name string / Required sourceFileName | This represents the source file's path. Do not include a leading /. | path/to/source/file.txt |
Raw Request
Send raw HTTP request to Google Cloud Storage | key: rawRequest
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Data string data | The HTTP body payload to send to the URL. | {"exampleKey": "Example Data"} | |
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
File Data string Key Value List fileData | File Data to be sent as a multipart form upload. | [{key: "example.txt", value: "My File Contents"}] | |
File Data File Names string Key Value List fileDataFileNames | File names to apply to the file data inputs. Keys must match the file data keys above. | ||
Form Data string Key Value List formData | The Form Data to be sent as a multipart form upload. | [{"key": "Example Key", "value": new Buffer("Hello World")}] | |
Header string Key Value List headers | A list of headers to send with the request. | User-Agent: curl/7.64.1 | |
Max Retry Count string maxRetries | 0 | The maximum number of retries to attempt. Specify 0 for no retries. | |
Method string / Required method | The HTTP method to use. | ||
Query Parameter string Key Value List queryParams | A list of query parameters to send with the request. This is the portion at the end of the URL similar to ?key1=value1&key2=value2. | ||
Response Type string / Required responseType | json | The type of data you expect in the response. You can request json, text, or binary data. | |
Retry On All Errors boolean retryAllErrors | false | If true, retries on all erroneous responses regardless of type. This is helpful when retrying after HTTP 429 or other 3xx or 4xx errors. Otherwise, only retries on HTTP 5xx and network errors. | |
Retry Delay (ms) string retryDelayMS | 0 | The delay in milliseconds between retries. This is used when 'Use Exponential Backoff' is disabled. | |
Timeout string timeout | The maximum time that a client will await a response to its request | 2000 | |
URL string / Required url | Input the path only (/storage/v1/b/[BUCKET_NAME]/o/[OBJECT_NAME]), The base URL is already included ( | /storage/v1/b/[BUCKET_NAME]/o/[OBJECT_NAME] | |
Use Exponential Backoff boolean useExponentialBackoff | false | Specifies whether to use a pre-defined exponential backoff strategy for retries. When enabled, 'Retry Delay (ms)' is ignored. |
Save File
Save a file to Google Cloud Storage | key: saveFile
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Bucket Name string / Required bucketName | Buckets in Google Cloud Storage contain files, and can be configured in the GCP console. Bucket names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-gcs-bucket | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
File Contents data / Required fileContents | The contents to write to a file. This can be a string of text, it can be binary data (like an image or PDF) that was generated in a previous step. | My File Contents | |
File Metadata boolean fileMetadata | true | If true, the metadata of the file will be returned after saving the file. Get Access to the bucket is required. | |
File Name string / Required fileName | A file is saved in a 'bucket'. This represents the file's path without a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
File Contents can be a reference to a binary file (JavaScript Buffer
) from a previous step.
For example, if you have an HTTP Get action that pulls down a .png image, you can reference its step name to write the .png to Google Cloud Storage.
Or, File Contents can be simple text, like 'Hello World'
Upload Part of a Multipart Upload
Upload a part of a multipart upload to Google Cloud Storage | key: uploadPartOfAMultipartUpload
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | ||
Destination Bucket string / Required destinationBucketName | A Google Cloud Storage 'bucket' is a container where files are stored. The destination bucket indicates the bucket containing the file you want to copy. If you are copying files within a single bucket, list the same bucket as the source and destination bucket. | my-destination-bucket |
File Contents data / Required fileContents | The contents to write to a file. This can be a string of text, it can be binary data (like an image or PDF) that was generated in a previous step. | My File Contents |
File Name string / Required fileName | A file is saved in a 'bucket'. This represents the file's path without a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
Part Number string / Required partNumber | Uniquely identifies the position of the part within the larger multipart upload. partNumber is an integer with a mimimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 10,000. | 1 |
Upload ID string / Required uploadId | Indicates the multipart upload that this part is associated with. This is returned when the multipart upload is initiated. | VXBsb2FkIElEIGZvciBlbHZpbmcncyBteS1tb3ZpZS5tMnRzIHVwbG9hZA |
"data": {
"PartNumber": 1,
"ETag": "5fbd6b4faa5393f343d276457f3f7d9f"