Azure Files Component

Manage files and folders within Azure Files
Component key: azure-files
Azure Files is Microsoft's cloud file sharing platform. While similar to Azure Blob Storage, Azure Files is geared towards creating SMB file shares that groups of users (rather than applications) can use. This component lets you manage files and shares within Azure Files.
Information about Azure Files can be found on their documentation site.
A common integration pattern involves listing files in a file store, and performing a series of actions on the array of files that are returned. See our looping over files quickstart for information about how to create a loop over an array of files.
Connection String
You can also grant limited access to your Azure Storage Resources using Shared Access Signatures (SAS) authentication, which involves an access token. You can obtain a connection string containing an SAS token from the Azure Portal. Keep in mind this token will eventually expire. Make sure to configure an expiration date you will remember, so you can manually refresh the token at a later date.
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection String string / Required connectionString | Provide the connection string for your active directory account. | BlobEndpoint=;QueueEndpoint=;FileEndpoint=;TableEndpoint=;SharedAccessSignature=sv=example=rwdlacupitfx&se=2024-05-01T03:51:00Z&st=20 |
Storage Shared Key
Azure Files can use storageSharedKeyCredential authentication, which involves an account / key pair. You can obtain an account name / account key pair through the Azure Portal.
Input | Notes | Example |
Account Key string / Required accountKey | Provide the key for your active directory account. | exampleKey |
Account Name string / Required accountName | Provide the name for your active directory account. | exampleName |
Data Sources
Select Share
Select an Azure Files share | key: selectShare | type: picklist
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection |
Copy File
Copy a file | key: copyFile
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection | ||
From Path string / Required fromPath | An object in Azure Files is a file that is saved in a 'share'. This represents the source object's file path. Do not include a leading / | path/to/source/file.txt |
Share Name string / Required shareName | An Azure Files 'share' is a container where files are stored. You can create a share from within the Azure console. Share names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-file-share |
To Path string / Required toPath | An object in Azure Files is a file that is saved in a 'share'. This represents the destination object's file path. Do not include a leading / | path/to/destination/file.txt |
"data": {
"etag": "\"0x8DCBCA822E54285\"",
"lastModified": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"requestId": "5301e6a8-601a-0012-3491-eeb34f000000",
"version": "2024-08-04",
"date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"copyId": "e6c57686-c2c8-4340-9d3b-420300d8f4f3",
"copyStatus": "success",
"errorCode": ""
Create Folder
Create a folder under an existing path | key: createFolder
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection | ||
Path string / Required path | An object in Azure Files is a file that is saved in a 'share'. This represents the object's file path. Do not include a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
Share Name string / Required shareName | An Azure Files 'share' is a container where files are stored. You can create a share from within the Azure console. Share names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-file-share |
"data": {
"etag": "\"0x8DCBC8DAE40E4E3\"",
"lastModified": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"requestId": "60ef1f64-001a-0059-257e-ee4f1c000000",
"version": "2024-08-04",
"date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"isServerEncrypted": true,
"filePermissionKey": "125839117919254299*7594252119313965202",
"fileAttributes": "Directory",
"fileCreatedOn": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileLastWriteOn": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileChangeOn": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileId": "13835187797654241280",
"fileParentId": "0",
"errorCode": ""
Create Share
Create a file share | key: createShare
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection | ||
Share Name string / Required shareName | An Azure Files 'share' is a container where files are stored. You can create a share from within the Azure console. Share names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-file-share |
"data": {
"etag": "\"0x8DCBC8DAE40E4E3\"",
"lastModified": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"requestId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"version": "2024-01-01",
"date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Delete File
Delete a file | key: deleteFile
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection | ||
Path string / Required path | An object in Azure Files is a file that is saved in a 'share'. This represents the object's file path. Do not include a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
Share Name string / Required shareName | An Azure Files 'share' is a container where files are stored. You can create a share from within the Azure console. Share names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-file-share |
"data": {
"requestId": "5301e6a9-601a-0012-3591-eeb34f000000",
"version": "2024-08-04",
"date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"errorCode": ""
Delete Folder
Delete an empty folder under an existing path | key: deleteFolder
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection | ||
Path string / Required path | An object in Azure Files is a file that is saved in a 'share'. This represents the object's file path. Do not include a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
Share Name string / Required shareName | An Azure Files 'share' is a container where files are stored. You can create a share from within the Azure console. Share names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-file-share |
"data": {
"requestId": "60ef1f68-001a-0059-277e-ee4f1c000000",
"version": "2024-08-04",
"date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"errorCode": ""
Delete Share
Delete a file share | key: deleteShare
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection | ||
Share Name string / Required shareName | An Azure Files 'share' is a container where files are stored. You can create a share from within the Azure console. Share names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-file-share |
"data": {
"requestId": "59c230c3-201a-003c-0a78-eee158000000",
"version": "2024-08-04",
"date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Download File
Download a file | key: downloadFile
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection | ||
Path string / Required path | An object in Azure Files is a file that is saved in a 'share'. This represents the object's file path. Do not include a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
Share Name string / Required shareName | An Azure Files 'share' is a container where files are stored. You can create a share from within the Azure console. Share names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-file-share |
"data": {
"type": "Buffer",
"data": [
"contentType": "application/octet"
List Folder
List files and folders in a folder | key: listFolder
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection | ||
Path string path | An object in Azure Files is a file that is saved in a 'share'. This represents the object's file path. Do not include a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
Share Name string / Required shareName | An Azure Files 'share' is a container where files are stored. You can create a share from within the Azure console. Share names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-file-share |
"data": [
"kind": "file",
"name": "example.txt",
"fileId": "13835168006444941312",
"properties": {
"contentLength": 97977707,
"creationTime": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastAccessTime": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastWriteTime": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"changeTime": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastModified": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"etag": "\"0x8DCBC8DAE40E4E3\""
List Shares
Get a list of file shares available in the account | key: listShares
Input | Notes |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection |
"data": [
"name": "example",
"snapshot": "snapshot-v1",
"properties": {
"lastModified": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"etag": "",
"quota": 1
Save From URL
Save a file from a URL to Azure Files | key: saveFromUrl
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection | ||
Path string / Required path | An object in Azure Files is a file that is saved in a 'share'. This represents the object's file path. Do not include a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
Share Name string / Required shareName | An Azure Files 'share' is a container where files are stored. You can create a share from within the Azure console. Share names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-file-share |
Source URL string / Required sourceUrl | The URL where the source file currently resides. This endpoint must be accessible via an unauthenticated HTTP GET request, and the response must return a content-length header. |
This action leverages NodeJS Streams to stream an HTTP response directly to Azure Files. This is helpful if you deal with large files because the entire file is never loaded into memory all at once. Instead, it's uploaded to Azure Files as it is downloaded.
The source URL you reference must be accessible via an unauthenticated HTTP GET request, and must the HTTP response must include a content-length
"data": {
"etag": "\"0x8DCBC8DAE40E4E3\"",
"lastModified": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"requestId": "88aee12f-f01a-0062-128c-ee0ab8000000",
"version": "2024-08-04",
"date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"isServerEncrypted": true,
"filePermissionKey": "13962526983299172380*7594252119313965202",
"fileAttributes": "Archive",
"fileCreatedOn": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileLastWriteOn": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileChangeOn": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileId": "13835143817189130240",
"fileParentId": "0",
"errorCode": ""
Upload File
Upload a file under an existing path | key: uploadFile
Input | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required azureConnection | ||
File Contents data / Required fileContents | The contents to write to a file. This can be a string of text, it can be binary data (like an image or PDF) that was generated in a previous step. | My File Contents |
Path string / Required path | An object in Azure Files is a file that is saved in a 'share'. This represents the object's file path. Do not include a leading / | path/to/file.txt |
Share Name string / Required shareName | An Azure Files 'share' is a container where files are stored. You can create a share from within the Azure console. Share names contain only letters, numbers, and dashes. | my-file-share |
"data": {
"etag": "\"0x8DCBC8DAE40E4E3\"",
"lastModified": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"requestId": "88aee12f-f01a-0062-128c-ee0ab8000000",
"version": "2024-08-04",
"date": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"isServerEncrypted": true,
"filePermissionKey": "13962526983299172380*7594252119313965202",
"fileAttributes": "Archive",
"fileCreatedOn": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileLastWriteOn": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileChangeOn": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"fileId": "13835143817189130240",
"fileParentId": "0",
"errorCode": ""