Aspose Component

Aspose is a robust file manipulation service that can manage various document and image file formats. Use the Aspose component to create, edit, process, and convert file formats from several languages, and several platforms.
Component key: aspose
Aspose is a robust file manipulation service that can manage various document and image file formats. Use the Aspose component to create, edit, process, and convert file formats from several languages, and several platforms.
Use the Aspose component to manage files and convert documents to various file types.
API Documentation: Aspose Words Cloud API Reference, Asopse PDF Cloud
Aspose Connection
In order to use the apiKey connection of Aspose, you need to provide both the client_id and client_secret from your Aspose's application. To access the Aspose's REST API, you need to create an application. To register new applications, login into the Aspose Developer Dashboard site using your Aspose Account, and go to the Applicaitons view. Once you create a new application, Aspose will issue a client_id and client_secret.
Input | Default | Notes |
Aspose API Base URL string / Required Hidden Field baseUrl | | |
Application Client ID string / Required clientId | Client ID of your Aspose Application. | |
Application Client Secret password / Required clientSecret | Client Secret of your Aspose Application. |
Convert Cloud Storage Document
Converts a document in cloud storage to the specified format. | key: convertCloudStorageDocument
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Password password documentPassword | Password of protected Word document. | ||
File Name string / Required fileName | Name of the file inside the storage | file.ext | |
Folder Name string folderName | The name of the folder in the storage. | /folder1/file.ext | |
Format string / Required format | The destination format. | html | |
Load Encoding string loadEncoding | Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. | UTF-8 | |
Out Path string outPath | The path to the output document. | /folder1/file.ext | |
Storage string storage | Original document storage. | StorageName |
"data": {}
Convert Diagram
Converts document from the request's content to the specified format. | key: convertDiagram
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
File Content data / Required fileContent | Reference of a file on a previous step to upload. | ||
File Name string / Required fileName | Download Document Name | Diagram.ext |
"data": "<binary data of diagram converted>"
Convert HTML to PDF
Converts HTML file in storage to PDF format. | key: convertHtmlToPdf
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Destination Path string destinationPath | The destination document folder. | /dst | |
Document Name string documentName | The document name located in storage. (Note, this input is required in case you want to save the resulting file in an Aspose storage). | Diagram.ext | |
Page height string height | Desired page height (in px). | 10 | |
HTML File Name string / Required htmlFileName | Name of HTML file in ZIP. | index.html | |
Is Landscape boolean isLandscape | false | Is page landscaped? | |
Margin Bottom string marginBottom | Page margin bottom (in px). | 10 | |
Margin Left string marginLeft | Page margin left (in px). | 10 | |
Margin Right string marginRight | Page margin right (in px). | 10 | |
Margin Top string marginTop | Page margin top (in px). | 10 | |
Source Folder Path string sourcePath | Full source filename (ex. /folder1/folder2/ Note: this input is required in case you want to get the resulting file in the response. | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Storage Name string storageName | The document storage which contains the file. | StorageName | |
Upload to Storage boolean uploadToStorage | false | Controls whetever the post-conversion file needs to be saved into an Aspose storage or not. If 'false', the resulting file will be returned into the response body. If 'true', the resulting file will be saved into an Aspose storage. | |
Page width string width | Desired page width (in px). | 10 |
"data": {
"Code": 200,
"Status": "OK"
Convert Local Document
Converts a document on a local drive to the specified format. | key: convertLocalDocument
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Document data / Required document | The document to convert. | ||
Password password documentPassword | Password of protected Word document. | ||
File Name Field Value string fileNameFieldValue | The filename of the output document, this will be used when the resulting document has a dynamic field (filename). If it's not set, the name of the document will be used instead. | output.ext | |
Format string / Required format | The destination format. | html | |
Load Encoding string loadEncoding | Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. | UTF-8 | |
Out Path string outPath | The path to the output document on a local storage. | /folder1/file.ext | |
Storage string storage | Original document storage name. | StorageName |
"data": "<binary data of file converted>"
Convert PDF to DOC
Converts PDF document to DOC format. | key: convertPdfToDoc
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Add Return to Line End boolean addReturnToLineEnd | false | Add return to line end. | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Document Name string documentName | The name of the document inside Aspose. (Note: this input is required when the file to convert is located in an Aspose storage.) | Diagram.ext | |
Password password documentPassword | The file password. | ||
File Content data fileContent | File to convert, if missing, action will assume that the file is located in an Aspose storage. | ||
Folder Path string folderPath | The Document folder | folder1 | |
Format string / Required format | Allows to specify .doc or .docx file format. | html | |
Image Resolution X string imageResolutionX | Image resolution X. | 1024 | |
Image Resolution Y string imageResolutionY | Image resolution Y. | 1024 | |
Max Distance Between Text Lines string maxDistanceBetweenTextLines | Max distance between text lines (in px). | 10 | |
Convertion Mode string mode | Allows to control how a PDF document is converted into a word processing document. | ||
Out Path string outPath | Full resulting filename. (Note: this field is required post-conversion file needs to be saved in an Aspose storage.). | /folder1/folder2/result.docx | |
Recognize Bullets boolean recognizeBullets | false | Controls if the converter should recognize bullets or not. | |
Relative Horizontal Proximity string relativeHorizontalProximity | Relative horizontal proximity (in px). | 10 | |
Storage Name string storageName | Aspose's storage name to where the folder gets read or created. | StorageName | |
Upload to Storage boolean uploadToStorage | false | Controls whetever the post-conversion file needs to be saved into an Aspose storage or not. If 'false', the resulting file will be returned into the response body. If 'true', the resulting file will be saved into an Aspose storage. |
"data": {
"Code": 200,
"Status": "OK"
Convert PDF to HTML
Converts a PDF to HTML format. | key: convertPdfToHtml
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Additional Margin Width In Points string additionalMarginWidthInPoints | Defines width of margin that will be forcibly left around that output HTML-areas. | 10 | |
Antialiasing Processing string antialiasingProcessing | Defines required antialiasing measures during conversion of compound background images from PDF to HTML. | ||
Compress SVG Graphics If Any boolean compressSvgGraphicsIfAny | false | Flag that indicates whether found SVG Graphics (if any) will be compressed (zipped) into SVGZ format during saving. | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Convert Marked Content To Layers boolean convertMarkedContentToLayers | false | If set to true, all elements inside a PDF marked content (layer) will be put into an HTML div with 'data-pdflayer' attribute specifying the layer name. This layer name will be extracted from optional properties of PDF marked content. If this attribute is false (by default) then no any layers will be created from PDF marked content. | |
CSS Class Names Prefix string cssClassNamesPrefix | When PDFtoHTML converter generates result CSS's, CSS class names are generated and used in result CSS. This attribute allows forcibly set class name prefix. | prefix | |
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Default Font Name string defaultFontName | Specifies the name of an installed font which is used to substitute any document font that is not embedded and not installed in the system. If null then default substitution font is used. | Arial | |
Document Name string documentName | The name of the document inside Aspose. (Note: this input is required when the file to convert in located in an Aspose storage.) | Diagram.ext | |
Format string / Required documentType | Html5 | Result document type. | html |
File Content data fileContent | File to convert, if missing, action will assume that the file is located in an Aspose storage. | ||
Fixed Layout boolean fixedLayout | false | Flag that indicates whether the HTML is created as fixed layout. | |
Folder Name string folder | The document folder | folder1 | |
Font Encoding Strategy string fontEncodingStrategy | Defines encoding special rule to tune PDF decoding for current document. | ||
Font Saving Mode string fontSavingMode | Defines font saving mode that will be used during saving of PDF to desirable format. | ||
HTML Markup Generation Mode string htmlMarkupGenerationMode | WriteAllHtml | Sometimes specific requirements to generation of HTML markup are present. This parameter defines HTML preparing modes that can be used during conversion of PDF to HTML to match such specific requirements. | |
Image Resolution string imageResolution | Resolution for image rendering. | 3000 | |
Letters Positioning Method string lettersPositioningMethod | The mode of positioning of letters in words in result HTML. | ||
Minimal Line Width string minimalLineWidth | Minimal line width. | 5 | |
Out Path string outPath | Full resulting filename. (Note: this field is required post-conversion file needs to be saved in an Aspose storage.). | /folder1/folder2/result.docx | |
Pages Flow Type Depends On Viewers Screen Size boolean pagesFlowTypeDependsOnViewersScreenSize | false | If attribute 'Split On Pages' is false, then whole HTML representing all input PDF pages will be put into one big result HTML file. This flag defines whether result HTML will be generated in such a way that result HTML will be generated in such way that flow areas that represent PDF pages in result HTML will depend on screen resolution of viewer. | |
Parts Embedding Mode string partsEmbeddingMode | Defines whether referenced files (HTML, Fonts, Images, CSS) will be embedded into main HTML file or will be generated as apart binary entities. | ||
Prevent Glyphs Grouping boolean preventGlyphsGrouping | false | This attribute switch on the mode when text glyphs will not be grouped into words and string. This mode allows to keep maximum precision during positioning of glyphs on the page and it can be usted for conversion documents with music notes or glyphs that should be placed separately each other. This parameter will be applied to document only when the value of Fixed Layout is set to true. | |
Raster Images Saving Mode string rasterImagesSavingMode | Converted PDF can contain raster images. This parameter defines how they should be handled during conversion of PDF to HTML. | ||
Remove Empty Areas On Top And Bottom boolean removeEmptyAreasOnTopAndBottom | false | Defines whether in created HTML will be removed top and bottom empty area without any content (if any). | |
Save Shadowed Texts As Transparent Texts boolean saveShadowedTextsAsTransparentTexts | false | Pdf can contain text that are shadowed by another elements (i.e by images) but can be selected to clipboard in Acrobat Reader (usually it happens when document contains images and OCRed texts extracted from it). This settins tells the converter whether we need to save such text as transparent selectable texts in result HTML to mimic behavior of Acorbat Reader (otherwise such texts are usually saved as hidden, not available for copying to clipboard). | |
Save Transparent Texts boolean saveTransparentTexts | false | Pdf can contain transparent text that can be selected to clipboard (usually it happens when document contains images and OCRed text extracted from it). This setting tells the converterw whether we need to save such texts as transparent selectable texts in result HTML. | |
Special Folder For All Images string specialFolderForAllImages | The path to directory to which must be saved any images if they are encountered during saving od document as HTML. If parameter is empty or null then images will be saved together with other files linked toHTML. It does not affect anything if CustomImageSavingStrategy property was successfully used to process relevant image file. | /images | |
Special Folder For SVG Images string specialFolderForSvgImages | The path to directory to which must be saved any SVG images if they are encountered during saving of document as HTML. If parameter is empty or null then SVG images will be saved together with other files linked to HTML. It does not affect anything if CustomImageSavingStrategy property was successfully used to process relevant image file. | /svg | |
Split CSS Into Pages boolean splitCssIntoPages | false | When multipage-mode selected (i.e: 'Split Into Pages' is 'true') then this attribute defines whether separate CSS-files should be created for each HTML result page. | |
Split Into Pages boolean splitIntoPages | false | Flag that indicates whether each page of source document will be converted into it's own target HTML document (i.e whether result HTML will be splitted into several HTML-pages). | |
Storage Name string storageName | Aspose's storage name to where the folder gets read or created. | StorageName | |
Try Save Text Underlining And Strikeouting In CSS boolean trySaveTextUnderliningAndStrikeoutingInCss | false | PDF itself does not contain uinderlining markers for texts. It's emulated with line situated under text. This option allows the converter to try and guess that this or that line is a text's underlining and put this info into CSS instead of drawing of underlining graphically. | |
Upload to Storage boolean uploadToStorage | false | Controls whetever the post-conversion file needs to be saved into an Aspose storage or not. If 'false', the resulting file will be returned into the response body. If 'true', the resulting file will be saved into an Aspose storage. | |
Use Z-Order boolean useZOrder | false | If set to true, graphics and text are added to resultant HTML document according Z-order in original PDF document. If false, all graphics are put as single-layer which may cause some unnecesary effects for overlapped objects. |
"data": {
"Code": 200,
"Status": "OK"
Copy File
Copies a file. | key: copyFile
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Destination Folder Path string / Required destinationPath | Destination file path. | /dst | |
Destination Storage Name string destinationStorageName | Destination storage name. | StorageName | |
File Version ID string fileVersionId | File version ID to download. | someVersion | |
Source Folder Path string / Required sourcePath | Source file's path. e.g: '/Folder1/fole.ext or '/Bucket/Folder1/file.ext' | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Source Storage Name string sourceStorageName | Source storage name. | StorageName |
"data": null
Copy Folder
Copies a folder. | key: copyFolder
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Destination Folder Path string / Required destinationPath | Destination folder path. | /dst | |
Destination Storage Name string destinationStorageName | Destination storage name. | StorageName | |
Source Folder Path string / Required sourcePath | Source folder path. | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Source Storage Name string sourceStorageName | Source storage name. | StorageName |
"data": null
Create Document
Creates a new document in cloud storage in the format, determined by the file extension. All save format extensions are supported. | key: createDocument
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
File Name string / Required fileName | Name of the file to upload. | file.ext |
"data": {
"StatusCode": 200,
"Status": "OK"
Create Folder
Creates a folder. | key: createFolder
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Folder Path string / Required folderPath | Target folder's path.The folders will be created recursively. | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Storage Name string storageName | Aspose's storage name to where the folder gets read or created. | StorageName |
"data": null
Delete File
Deletes a file. | key: deleteFile
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
File Path string / Required filePath | Path of the file including the file name and extension. e.g: /folder1/file.ext | /folder1/file.ext | |
File Version ID string fileVersionId | File version ID to download. | someVersion | |
Storage Name string storageName | Storage name. | StorageName |
"data": null
Delete Folder
Deletes a folder. | key: deleteFolder
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Folder Path string / Required folderPath | Target folder's path.The folders will be created recursively. | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Recursive boolean recursive | false | Enable to delete folders, subfolders and files recursively. | |
Storage Name string storageName | Aspose's storage name to where the folder gets read or created. | StorageName |
"data": null
Download File
Downloads a file. | key: downloadFile
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
File Path string / Required filePath | Path of the file including the file name and extension. e.g: /folder1/file.ext | /folder1/file.ext | |
File Version ID string fileVersionId | File version ID to download. | someVersion | |
Storage Name string storageName | Storage name. | StorageName |
"data": "<binary data of file downloaded>",
"headers": {
"statusCode": 200
Get Diagram
Exports the document into the specified format. | key: getDiagram
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Diagram Name string / Required diagramName | The name of the diagram. | Diagram.ext | |
Folder Path string folder | The folder path where original diagram is located. | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Format string / Required format | The destination format. | html |
"data": "<binary data of diagram downloaded>"
Get Document
Reads common information from the document. | key: getDocument
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Document Name string / Required documentName | The filename of the input document. | file.ext | |
Folder Path string folderPath | The path to the folder where the document is located. | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Storage Name string storageName | Storage name. | StorageName |
"data": {
"Document": {
"Links": [
"Href": "",
"Rel": "self"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/msword",
"Title": "Download as DOC"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/msword",
"Title": "Download as DOT"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
"Title": "Download as DOCX"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/",
"Title": "Download as DOCM"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template",
"Title": "Download as DOTX"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/",
"Title": "Download as DOTM"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
"Title": "Download as FLATOPC"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/rtf",
"Title": "Download as RTF"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "text/xml",
"Title": "Download as WML"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text",
"Title": "Download as ODT"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template",
"Title": "Download as OTT"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "text/plain",
"Title": "Download as TXT"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "multipart/related",
"Title": "Download as MHTML"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/epub+zip",
"Title": "Download as EPUB"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/pdf",
"Title": "Download as PDF"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/",
"Title": "Download as XPS"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/oxps",
"Title": "Download as OPENXPS"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/postscript",
"Title": "Download as PS"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/tiff",
"Title": "Download as TIFF"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/png",
"Title": "Download as PNG"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/jpeg",
"Title": "Download as JPEG"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/bmp",
"Title": "Download as BMP"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/gif",
"Title": "Download as GIF"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/emf",
"Title": "Download as EMF"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/eps",
"Title": "Download as EPS"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "image/svg+xml",
"Title": "Download as SVG"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "text/html",
"Title": "Download as HTML"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "text/html",
"Title": "Download as HTMLFIXED"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "application/x-pcl",
"Title": "Download as PCL"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "alternate",
"Type": "text/markdown",
"Title": "Download as MD"
"FileName": "testPdf.docx",
"SourceFormat": "Docx",
"IsEncrypted": false,
"IsSigned": false,
"DocumentProperties": {
"Link": {
"Href": "",
"Rel": "self"
"RequestId": "Root=1-65dfb304-6d7ffbc37ba1bebb44f6103c"
Get Files List
Get all files and folders within a folder. | key: getFilesList
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Folder Path string / Required folderPath | Target folder's path.The folders will be created recursively. | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Storage Name string storageName | Aspose's storage name to where the folder gets read or created. | StorageName |
"data": {
"Value": [
"Name": "file1",
"Path": "path1",
"IsFolder": false,
"Size": 100,
"ModifiedDate": "2021-01-01"
"Name": "file2",
"Path": "path2",
"IsFolder": false,
"Size": 200,
"ModifiedDate": "2021-01-02"
Load Web Document
Downloads a document from the web using URL and saves it to cloud storage in the specified format. | key: loadWebDocument
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Loading Document URL string / Required loadingDocumentUrl | The web document URL. | |
"data": null,
"headers": {
"statusCode": 200
Move File
Moves a file. | key: moveFile
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Destination Folder Path string / Required destinationPath | Destination file path. | /dst | |
Destination Storage Name string destinationStorageName | Destination storage name. | StorageName | |
File Version ID string fileVersionId | File version ID to download. | someVersion | |
Source Folder Path string / Required sourcePath | Source file's path. e.g: '/Folder1/fole.ext or '/Bucket/Folder1/file.ext' | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Source Storage Name string sourceStorageName | Source storage name. | StorageName |
"data": null
Move Folder
Moves a folder. | key: moveFolder
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Destination Folder Path string / Required destinationPath | Destination folder path. | /dst | |
Destination Storage Name string destinationStorageName | Destination storage name. | StorageName | |
Source Folder Path string / Required sourcePath | Source folder path. | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Source Storage Name string sourceStorageName | Source storage name. | StorageName |
"data": null
Save Diagram As
Converts document to destination format with detailed settings and saves result to storage. | key: saveDiagramAs
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Default Font string defaultFont | The default font for the diagram. | Arial | |
Destination File Name string / Required destinationFileName | The name of the converted file. | name.ext | |
Destination Folder Path string / Required destinationPath | Destination folder path. | /dst | |
Original Document Name string / Required fileName | Name of the original document. | file.ext | |
Folder Name string folderName | Original document folder. | /Folder1/Folder2 | |
Overwrite boolean overwrite | false | If true overwrite the same file name. The default value is false. |
"data": "<binary data of file downloaded>"
Save Document As
Converts a document in cloud storage to the specified format. | key: saveDocumentAs
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Destination File Name string / Required destinationFileName | The name of the converted file. | name.ext | |
Password password documentPassword | Password of protected Word document. | ||
File Name string / Required fileName | Name of the file to convert inside your Aspose Storage. | file.ext | |
Folder Name string folderName | The name of the folder in the storage. | /folder1/file.ext | |
Format string / Required format | The destination format. | html | |
Load Encoding string loadEncoding | Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. | UTF-8 | |
Save Options Data code saveOptions | Provide save options related to the SaveFormat provided. For all save options, please refer to this link: (Toggle 'Advanced Parameters' on and then select a SaveOptionsData object congruent to the one chosen in the 'Format' input) | ||
Storage string storage | Original document storage name. | StorageName |
"data": null,
"headers": {
"statusCode": 200
Split Document
Splits a document into parts and saves them in the specified format. | key: splitDocument
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Destination File Name string destinationFileName | Result path of the document after the operation. If this parameter is ommited then result of the operation will be saved as the source document. | name.ext | |
Document Name string / Required documentName | The filename of the input document. | Diagram.ext | |
Password password documentPassword | Password of protected Word document. | ||
Folder string folder | Original document folder | folder1 | |
Format string / Required format | The format to split. | html | |
From Page string fromPage | The start page from where to start the splitting process | 0 | |
Load Encoding string loadEncoding | Encoding that will be used to load an HTML (or TXT) document if the encoding is not specified in HTML. | UTF-8 | |
Storage Name string storageName | Aspose's storage name to where the folder gets read or created. | StorageName | |
To Page string toPage | The end page where to end the splitting process | 10 | |
Zip Output boolean zipOutput | false | Flag that indicates whether to ZIP the output. | true |
"data": {
"SplitResult": {
"Pages": [
"Href": "",
"Rel": "page"
"Href": "",
"Rel": "page"
"ZippedPages": {
"Href": "/test/",
"Rel": "zippedpages"
"SourceDocument": {
"Href": "",
"Rel": "self"
"headers": {
"statusCode": 200
Upload File
Uploads a file. | key: uploadFile
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
File Content data / Required fileContent | Reference of a file on a previous step to upload. | ||
File Path string / Required filePath | Path of the file including the file name and extension. e.g: /folder1/file.ext | /folder1/file.ext | |
Storage Name string storageName | Storage name. | StorageName |
"data": null