ADP Workforce Now Component

ADP Workforce Now is a comprehensive solution for managing HR, payroll, and labor management. Designed to help navigate compliance and drive productivity, engagement, and growth.
Component key: adp-workforce-now
ADP Workforce Now is a comprehensive solution for managing HR, payroll, and labor management. Designed to help navigate compliance and drive productivity, engagement, and growth.
Use the ADP Workforce Now component to manage the applicant onboarding process along with workers and more.
API Documentation
This component was built using the ADP Workforce Now API Reference.
ADP Workforce Now OAuth 2.0
In order to complete an OAuth 2.0 connection to ADP Workforce Now, a Client ID and Client Secret must be provided in the integration. These credentials may be obtained by contacting your ADP client representative.
This will also require access to the Developer Self Service Portal
- From this page a project may be created to house the OAuth credentials needed for a successful connection
- Navigate to the Development Credentials tab and you should see your Client ID and Client Secret values.
- Switch from the Data Connector tab to the End-user/SSO and in the App redirect URI field enter
- Certicate File and Key File may be obtained by following this Certificate Signing Request Guide
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Client ID string / Required clientId | The client ID for the project in the ADP Developer Portal | ||
Client Secret password / Required clientSecret | The client secret for the project in the ADP Developer Portal | ||
API Endpoint string / Required endpoint | | The endpoint to use for the ADP Workforce Now API | |
Certificate File text / Required sslCert | The certificate file (.pem) generated from the ADP Developer Portal | ||
Key File text / Required sslKey | The key file generated from the ADP Developer Portal | ||
Subscriber Organization OID string subscriberOrganizationOID | The organization OID of the subscribed client. This is an optional field. Specify organization OID only if you are using a client ID and client secret for an organization that is different from the one you want to query. | G3KSYTXAQH20T5ZS |
Add Personal Contact
Adds a worker’s personal contact | key: addPersonalContact
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Personal Contact code / Required personalContact | The personal contact data. Please refer to the docs for more details. |
"data": {
"events": [
"eventStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "complete",
"shortName": "complete"
"data": {
"eventContext": {
"worker": {
"associateOID": "G372T336YEJ07AWG"
"output": {
"personalContact": {
"itemID": "169750562647_229",
"personName": {
"formattedName": "Test Contact add"
"address": {
"lineOne": "5800 Windward Parkway",
"lineTwo": "line2",
"lineThree": "line3",
"cityName": "Alpharetta",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "GA",
"shortName": "Georgia",
"longName": "Georgia"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "30005"
"communication": {
"landlines": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Phone",
"shortName": "Home Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_230"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Phone",
"shortName": "Work Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"extension": "123",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252 123",
"itemID": "169750562647_232"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Alternate Phone",
"shortName": "Alternate Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_233"
"mobiles": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Cell Phone",
"shortName": "Cell Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_231"
"emails": [
"itemID": "169750562647_229",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "E-mail",
"shortName": "E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"contactTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "Emergency",
"shortName": "Emergency"
"relationshipTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "O",
"shortName": "Other"
"precedenceCode": {
"codeValue": "Primary",
"shortName": "Primary"
Create Scan/Punch
Performs a scan punch operation where the first scan represents an “IN” punch and the next scan represents an “OUT” punch. | key: createScanPunch
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Badge ID string / Required badgeID | The badge value associated with the time punch being recorded. | 123456 | |
Clocking Type string / Required clockingType | punch | Punch operation (first punch represents an “IN”; second punch represents an “OUT”). Other options include 'lunchout', 'clockin', 'clockout' | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"events": [
"eventID": "a7caff4e365747769529874a99000d71",
"serviceCategoryCode": {
"codeValue": "time"
"eventNameCode": {
"codeValue": "/events/time/v1/data-collection-entries.process"
"eventTitle": "Data Collection Entries Process",
"eventStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "complete"
"recordDateTime": "Sep 21, 2020, 4:37:25 AM",
"creationDateTime": "Sep 21, 2020, 4:37:25 AM",
"effectiveDateTime": "Sep 21, 2020, 4:37:25 AM",
"links": []
"confirmMessage": {
"createDateTime": "Sep 21, 2020, 12:00:00 AM",
"protocolStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "202"
"protocolCode": {
"codeValue": "http"
"requestStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "SUCCEEDED"
"requestMethodCode": {
"codeValue": "POST"
"processMessages": [],
"resourceMessages": [
"resourceMessageID": {
"idValue": "a7caff4e365747769529874a99000d71"
"resourceStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "SUCCEEDED"
"resourceLink": {
"href": "/events/time/v1/data-collection-entries.process/a7caff4e365747769529874a99000d71",
"rel": "ALTERNATE",
"mediaType": "APPLICATION_JSON",
"method": "GET",
"payLoadArguments": []
"processMessages": []
Delete Personal Contact
Removes a worker’s personal contact. | key: deletePersonalContact
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Personal Contact ID string / Required personalContactId | The ID of the personal contact to delete. | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N |
"data": {
"events": [
"eventStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "complete",
"shortName": "complete"
"data": {
"eventContext": {
"worker": {
"associateOID": "G372T336YEJ07AWG"
"personalContact": {
"itemID": "169750562647_272"
Get Applicant Onboard Metadata
Retrieve a single asset | key: getApplicantOnboardMetadata
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | Specifies an expression that an item must match to be included in a response. Various criteria could be combined using and/or operands and () to set the operand precedence. e.g. /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | meta/applicantOnboarding/onboardingTemplateCode/code eq '{{onboardingTemplateCode}}' | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Context Templates string / Required contextTemplates | US | Geopolitical context of the onboarding process, default is US. | |
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"meta": {
"/applicantOnboarding/applicantPayrollProfile/payrollGroupCode": {
"codeList": {
"codeListTitle": "Company Code",
"links": [
"href": "/codelists/payroll/v4/payroll-instruction-management/pay-groups/wfn/1?$filter=category eq 'US'",
"rel": "/adp/codelist",
"mediaType": "application/json",
"method": "GET"
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"sequence": 5,
"shortLabelName": "Company Code"
"/applicantOnboarding/applicantPersonalProfile/birthName/givenName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"sequence": 10,
"shortLabelName": "First Name"
"/applicantOnboarding/applicantPersonalProfile/birthName/familyName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"sequence": 12,
"shortLabelName": "Last Name"
"/applicantOnboarding/onboardingTemplateCode": {
"codeList": {
"listItems": [
"itemID": "169748818049_1",
"code": "169748818049_1",
"name": "Applicant Onboard"
"itemID": "169748461979_1115",
"code": "169748461979_1115",
"name": "Applicant1"
"itemID": "14495_6403",
"code": "14495_6403",
"name": "HR + Payroll (System)"
"itemID": "14495_6600",
"code": "14495_6600",
"name": "HR + Payroll + Time (System)"
"itemID": "15336_7437",
"code": "15336_7437",
"name": "HR + Time (System)"
"itemID": "15336_7354",
"code": "15336_7354",
"name": "HR Only (System)"
"itemID": "169748461979_956",
"code": "169748461979_956",
"name": "HRpayroll_hire"
"itemID": "169740782707_211",
"code": "169740782707_211",
"name": "Oct-Onboard"
"itemID": "169747337569_15",
"code": "169747337569_15",
"name": "Test_Demo"
"itemID": "169745969973_796",
"code": "169745969973_796",
"name": "TotalSource Time"
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false
"/applicantOnboarding/applicantWorkerProfile/hireDate": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"sequence": 1,
"shortLabelName": "Hire Date",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 10,
"pattern": "^(((19|20|21)\\d\\d)-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01]))?$"
Get Clocking Transaction
Returns the status of a previously submitted clocking transaction such as “Clock-In”, “Clock-Out,” “Scan”, etc. | key: getClockingTransaction
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Event ID string / Required eventID | The event ID of the clocking transaction | 123456 |
"data": {
"events": [
"eventID": "d6254a05882a4461969f3c609c86e4ac",
"serviceCategoryCode": {
"codeValue": "time"
"eventNameCode": {
"codeValue": "/events/time/v1/data-collection-entries.process"
"eventTitle": "Data Collection Entries Process",
"eventStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "complete"
"recordDateTime": "2020-09-23T04:56:59-04:00",
"creationDateTime": "2020-09-23T04:56:59-04:00",
"effectiveDateTime": "2020-09-23T04:56:59-04:00"
"confirmMessage": {
"createDateTime": "2020-09-23T00:00:00-04:00",
"protocolStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "202"
"protocolCode": {
"codeValue": "http"
"requestStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "SUCCEEDED"
"requestMethodCode": {
"codeValue": "POST"
"processMessages": [],
"resourceMessages": [
"resourceMessageID": {
"idValue": "d6254a05882a4461969f3c609c86e4ac"
"resourceStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "SUCCEEDED"
"resourceLink": {
"href": "/events/time/v1/data-collection-entries.process/d6254a05882a4461969f3c609c86e4ac",
"rel": "ALTERNATE",
"mediaType": "APPLICATION_JSON",
"method": "GET",
"processMessages": []
Get Personal Contact
Returns a personal contact | key: getPersonalContact
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | Specifies the properties of the items to include in the response. Example: /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Personal Contact ID string / Required personalContactId | The ID of the personal contact to retrieve. | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N |
"data": {
"itemID": "169750562647_284",
"personName": {
"formattedName": "Test Contact two"
"address": {
"lineOne": "5800 Windward Parkway",
"lineTwo": "line2",
"lineThree": "line3",
"cityName": "Alpharetta",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "GA",
"shortName": "Georgia",
"longName": "Georgia"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "30005"
"communication": {
"landlines": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Phone",
"shortName": "Home Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_285"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Phone",
"shortName": "Work Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"extension": "123",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252 123",
"itemID": "169750562647_287"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Alternate Phone",
"shortName": "Alternate Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_288"
"mobiles": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Cell Phone",
"shortName": "Cell Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_286"
"emails": [
"itemID": "169750562647_284",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "E-mail",
"shortName": "E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"contactTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "Emergency",
"shortName": "Emergency"
"relationshipTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "O",
"shortName": "Other"
"precedenceCode": {
"codeValue": "Primary",
"shortName": "Primary"
Get Personal Contact Meta
Returns a personal contact metadata | key: getPersonalContactMeta
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | Specifies the properties of the items to include in the response. Example: /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"meta": {
"/personalContacts/relationshipTypeCode/codeValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/relationshipTypeCode/shortName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/relationshipTypeCode/longName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/precedenceCode/codeValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/precedenceCode/shortName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/precedenceCode/longName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/personName/formattedName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Full Name",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 30
"/personalContacts/address": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true
"/personalContacts/address/lineOne": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Address Line 1",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 30
"/personalContacts/address/lineTwo": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Address Line 2",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 30
"/personalContacts/address/lineThree": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Address Line 3",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 30
"/personalContacts/address/cityName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "City",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 30
"/personalContacts/address/countrySubdivisionLevel1/codeValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/address/countrySubdivisionLevel1/shortName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/address/countrySubdivisionLevel1/longName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/address/countrySubdivisionLevel1/subdivisionType": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/address/countryCode": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Country",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 2
"/personalContacts/address/postalCode": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Zip Code",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 10,
"pattern": "([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])|([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])|([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])"
"/personalContacts/communication/landlines": {
"minItems": 0,
"maxItems": 3
"/personalContacts/communication/landlines/nameCode/codeValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/communication/landlines/nameCode/shortName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/communication/landlines/nameCode/longName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/communication/landlines/countryDialing": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Country Code",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 3,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/personalContacts/communication/landlines/areaDialing": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Area Code",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 5,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/personalContacts/communication/landlines/dialNumber": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Dial Number",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 16,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/personalContacts/communication/landlines/extension": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Extension",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 3,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/personalContacts/communication/landlines/access": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "National Prefix",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 3,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/personalContacts/communication/landlines/formattedNumber": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Home Phone"
"/personalContacts/communication/mobiles": {
"minItems": 0,
"maxItems": 3
"/personalContacts/communication/mobiles/countryDialing": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Country Code",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 3,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/personalContacts/communication/mobiles/areaDialing": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Dial Number",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 16,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/personalContacts/communication/mobiles/dialNumber": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Area Code",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 5,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/personalContacts/communication/mobiles/extension": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Extension",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 3,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/personalContacts/communication/mobiles/access": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "National Prefix",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 3,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/personalContacts/communication/mobiles/formattedNumber": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Personal Mobile"
"/personalContacts/communication/emails": {
"minItems": 0,
"maxItems": 1
"/personalContacts/communication/emails/nameCode": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/communication/emails/nameCode/codeValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false
"/personalContacts/communication/emails/emailUri": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Email Address",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 64
Get Time Cards
Get a worker's team's timecards. That is all the time cards for the worker's team members. The worker is identified by workers/[aoid] | key: getTimeCards
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Expand string $expand | Specifies the related resources to include in the response. Example: /mobileUserAccounts | dayEntries | |
Filter string $filter | Specifies an expression that an item must match to be included in a response. Various criteria could be combined using and/or operands and () to set the operand precedence. e.g. /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | |
Skip string $skip | Specifies the number of items to skip from the beginning of the list. Example: 20 | 20 | |
Top string $top | Specifies the upper limit on the number of items to return. Example: 10 | 10 | |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"teamTimeCards": [
"associateOID": "G36MAQ0N0WTQJ58W",
"workerID": {
"idValue": "ID1832264",
"schemeCode": {
"codeValue": "EmployeeID"
"personLegalName": {
"preferredSalutations": [],
"titlePrefixCodes": [],
"titleAffixCodes": [],
"givenName": "ovt6",
"familyName1": "emp6",
"formattedName": "emp6, ovt6"
"timeCards": [
"timeCardID": "10973668_25",
"exceptionsIndicator": false,
"processingStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "PROCESSED",
"shortName": "PROCESSED"
"periodCode": {
"codeValue": "current",
"shortName": "Current Pay Period"
"timePeriod": {
"startDate": "2020-12-01",
"endDate": "2020-12-14"
"associateOID": "G36MAQ0N0WTQJ58W",
"workerID": {
"idValue": "ID1832264",
"schemeCode": {
"codeValue": "EmployeeID"
"personLegalName": {
"preferredSalutations": [],
"titlePrefixCodes": [],
"titleAffixCodes": [],
"givenName": "ovt6",
"familyName1": "emp6",
"formattedName": "emp6, ovt6"
"positionID": "788165",
"exceptionCounts": [],
"periodTotals": [],
"dailyTotals": [],
"totalPeriodTimeDuration": "PT0S",
"homeLaborAllocations": [],
"dayEntries": [
"totalPeriodTimeDuration": "PT0S",
"entryDate": "2020-12-01",
"timeEntries": [],
"actions": [
"operationID": "timeEntry.create",
"confirmationRequiredIndicator": false,
"defaultIndicator": false,
"links": [
"href": "/events/time/v2/time-entries.modify",
"rel": "/adp/invoke",
"title": "timeEntry.create",
"method": "POST"
"links": []
"totalPeriodTimeDuration": "PT0S",
"entryDate": "2020-12-02",
"timeEntries": [],
"actions": [
"operationID": "timeEntry.create",
"confirmationRequiredIndicator": false,
"defaultIndicator": false,
"links": [
"href": "/events/time/v2/time-entries.modify",
"rel": "/adp/invoke",
"title": "timeEntry.create",
"method": "POST"
"links": []
"totalPeriodTimeDuration": "PT0S",
"entryDate": "2020-12-03",
"timeEntries": [],
"actions": [
"operationID": "timeEntry.create",
"confirmationRequiredIndicator": false,
"defaultIndicator": false,
"links": [
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"links": []
"totalPeriodTimeDuration": "PT0S",
"entryDate": "2020-12-06",
"timeEntries": [],
"actions": [
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"rel": "/adp/invoke",
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"totalPeriodTimeDuration": "PT0S",
"entryDate": "2020-12-10",
"timeEntries": [],
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"timeEntries": [],
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"rel": "/adp/invoke",
"title": "timeEntry.create",
"method": "POST"
"links": []
"totalPeriodTimeDuration": "PT0S",
"entryDate": "2020-12-14",
"timeEntries": [],
"actions": [
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"confirmationRequiredIndicator": false,
"defaultIndicator": false,
"links": [
"href": "/events/time/v2/time-entries.modify",
"rel": "/adp/invoke",
"title": "timeEntry.create",
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"links": [
"href": "/events/time/v2/",
"rel": "/adp/invoke",
"title": "Approve Timecard",
"method": "POST",
"payLoadArguments": [
"argumentPath": "/data/eventContext/timeCardID",
"argumentValue": "10973668_25"
"argumentPath": "/data/transform/timeCard/reviewStatusCode/codeValue",
"argumentValue": "Approve"
"reviewStatusCode": {},
"links": [
"href": "/time/v2/workers/G36MAQ0N0WTQJ58W/time-cards/10973668_24?$expand=dayentries",
"rel": "/adp/invoke",
"title": "Previous Pay Period",
"method": "GET",
"payLoadArguments": [
"argumentPath": "timeCards/periodCode/codeValue",
"argumentValue": "previous"
"argumentPath": "timeCards/timePeriod/startDate",
"argumentValue": "2020-11-17"
"argumentPath": "timeCards/timePeriod/endDate",
"argumentValue": "2020-11-30"
"href": "/time/v2/workers/G36MAQ0N0WTQJ58W/time-cards/10973668_25?$expand=dayentries",
"rel": "/adp/invoke",
"title": "Current Pay Period",
"method": "GET",
"payLoadArguments": [
"argumentPath": "timeCards/periodCode/codeValue",
"argumentValue": "current"
"argumentPath": "timeCards/timePeriod/startDate",
"argumentValue": "2020-12-01"
"argumentPath": "timeCards/timePeriod/endDate",
"argumentValue": "2020-12-14"
"href": "/time/v2/workers/G36MAQ0N0WTQJ58W/time-cards/10973668_26?$expand=dayentries",
"rel": "/adp/invoke",
"title": "Next Pay Period",
"method": "GET",
"payLoadArguments": [
"argumentPath": "timeCards/periodCode/codeValue",
"argumentValue": "next"
"argumentPath": "timeCards/timePeriod/startDate",
"argumentValue": "2020-12-15"
"argumentPath": "timeCards/timePeriod/endDate",
"argumentValue": "2020-12-28"
"meta": {
"startSequence": 0,
"completeIndicator": false,
"totalNumber": 20,
"links": []
"confirmMessage": {
"createDateTime": "2020-12-09T01:48:29-05:00",
"protocolStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "200"
"protocolCode": {
"codeValue": "http"
"requestStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "succeeded"
"processMessages": [],
"resourceMessages": []
Get Worker
Retrieve a worker by their Associate OID | key: getWorker
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | Specifies the properties of the items to include in the response. Example: /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"associateOID": "G3R47DSRZK5TRCFJ",
"workerID": {
"idValue": "3WC5KYA4L"
"person": {
"birthDate": "0000-01-01",
"genderCode": {
"codeValue": "M",
"shortName": "Male",
"longName": "Male"
"maritalStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "S",
"shortName": "Single"
"socialInsurancePrograms": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Medicare",
"shortName": "Medicare"
"coveredIndicator": true
"tobaccoUserIndicator": false,
"disabledIndicator": false,
"ethnicityCode": {
"codeValue": "4",
"shortName": "4",
"longName": "Not Hispanic or Latino"
"raceCode": {
"codeValue": "1",
"shortName": "White",
"longName": "White"
"customFieldGroup": {
"amountFields": [
"itemID": "169731481494_452",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Rate",
"shortName": "Rate"
"stringFields": [
"itemID": "169731474432_105",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "PR code",
"shortName": "PR code"
"governmentIDs": [
"itemID": "67786684N",
"idValue": "XXX-XX-3761",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "SSN",
"longName": "Social Security Number"
"countryCode": "US"
"legalName": {
"givenName": "test761",
"middleName": "two",
"familyName1": "NewHire",
"formattedName": "NewHire, test761 two"
"legalAddress": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Address 1",
"shortName": "Personal Address 1"
"lineOne": "line 1",
"lineTwo": "line 2",
"lineThree": "Address line 3",
"cityName": "New Jersey",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "NJ",
"shortName": "New Jersey"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "30041"
"communication": {
"landlines": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_10",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Phone",
"shortName": "Home Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "973",
"dialNumber": "2345432",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(973) 234-5432"
"mobiles": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_9",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Cell",
"shortName": "Personal Cell"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2398790",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 239-8790"
"faxes": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_11",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Fax",
"shortName": "Home Fax"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890790",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890790"
"emails": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal E-mail",
"shortName": "Personal E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"workerDates": {
"originalHireDate": "2019-07-12"
"workerStatus": {
"statusCode": {
"codeValue": "Active"
"businessCommunication": {
"landlines": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_14",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Phone",
"shortName": "Work Phone"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890793",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890793"
"mobiles": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_13",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Cell",
"shortName": "Work Cell"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890794",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890794"
"faxes": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_15",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Fax",
"shortName": "Work Fax"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890795",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890795"
"pagers": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_16",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Pager",
"shortName": "Work Pager"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890796",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890796"
"emails": [
"itemID": "Business",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work E-mail",
"shortName": "Work E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"workAssignments": [
"itemID": "67786684N",
"primaryIndicator": true,
"hireDate": "2019-07-12",
"actualStartDate": "2019-07-12",
"assignmentStatus": {
"statusCode": {
"codeValue": "A",
"shortName": "Active"
"jobCode": {
"codeValue": "PT",
"shortName": "**"
"jobTitle": "PT - **",
"positionID": "94N023114",
"homeOrganizationalUnits": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "B",
"shortName": "test"
"typeCode": {
"codeValue": "Business Unit",
"shortName": "Business Unit"
"assignedOrganizationalUnits": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "B",
"shortName": "test"
"typeCode": {
"codeValue": "Business Unit",
"shortName": "Business Unit"
"payCycleCode": {
"codeValue": "W",
"shortName": "Weekly"
"standardPayPeriodHours": {
"hoursQuantity": 40
"baseRemuneration": {
"payPeriodRateAmount": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Salary",
"shortName": "Salary"
"amountValue": 12332,
"currencyCode": "USD"
"effectiveDate": "2019-07-12"
"payrollGroupCode": "94N",
"payrollScheduleGroupID": "Use Period End Date 1 on checks",
"payrollFileNumber": "023114",
"managementPositionIndicator": false
Get Worker Demographics
Returns a worker demographic by Associate OID | key: getWorkerDemographics
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | Specifies the properties of the items to include in the response. Example: /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"workers": [
"associateOID": "G3R47DSRZK5TRCFJ",
"workerID": {
"idValue": "3WC5KYA4L"
"person": {
"birthDate": "0000-01-01",
"genderCode": {
"codeValue": "M",
"shortName": "Male",
"longName": "Male"
"maritalStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "S",
"shortName": "Single"
"socialInsurancePrograms": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Medicare",
"shortName": "Medicare"
"coveredIndicator": true
"tobaccoUserIndicator": false,
"disabledIndicator": false,
"ethnicityCode": {
"codeValue": "4",
"shortName": "4",
"longName": "Not Hispanic or Latino"
"raceCode": {
"codeValue": "1",
"shortName": "White",
"longName": "White"
"customFieldGroup": {
"amountFields": [
"itemID": "169731481494_452",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Rate",
"shortName": "Rate"
"stringFields": [
"itemID": "169731474432_105",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "PR code",
"shortName": "PR code"
"governmentIDs": [
"itemID": "67786684N",
"idValue": "XXX-XX-3761",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "SSN",
"longName": "Social Security Number"
"countryCode": "US"
"legalName": {
"givenName": "test761",
"middleName": "two",
"familyName1": "NewHire",
"formattedName": "NewHire, test761 two"
"legalAddress": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Address 1",
"shortName": "Personal Address 1"
"lineOne": "line 1",
"lineTwo": "line 2",
"lineThree": "Address line 3",
"cityName": "New Jersey",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "NJ",
"shortName": "New Jersey"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "30041"
"communication": {
"landlines": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_10",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Phone",
"shortName": "Home Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "973",
"dialNumber": "2345432",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(973) 234-5432"
"mobiles": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_9",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Cell",
"shortName": "Personal Cell"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2398790",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 239-8790"
"faxes": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_11",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Fax",
"shortName": "Home Fax"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890790",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890790"
"emails": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal E-mail",
"shortName": "Personal E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"workerDates": {
"originalHireDate": "2019-07-12"
"workerStatus": {
"statusCode": {
"codeValue": "Active"
"businessCommunication": {
"landlines": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_14",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Phone",
"shortName": "Work Phone"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890793",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890793"
"mobiles": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_13",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Cell",
"shortName": "Work Cell"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890794",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890794"
"faxes": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_15",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Fax",
"shortName": "Work Fax"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890795",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890795"
"pagers": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_16",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Pager",
"shortName": "Work Pager"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890796",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890796"
"emails": [
"itemID": "Business",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work E-mail",
"shortName": "Work E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"workAssignments": [
"itemID": "67786684N",
"primaryIndicator": true,
"hireDate": "2019-07-12",
"actualStartDate": "2019-07-12",
"assignmentStatus": {
"statusCode": {
"codeValue": "A",
"shortName": "Active"
"jobCode": {
"codeValue": "PT",
"shortName": "**"
"jobTitle": "PT - **",
"positionID": "94N023114",
"homeOrganizationalUnits": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "B",
"shortName": "test"
"typeCode": {
"codeValue": "Business Unit",
"shortName": "Business Unit"
"assignedOrganizationalUnits": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "B",
"shortName": "test"
"typeCode": {
"codeValue": "Business Unit",
"shortName": "Business Unit"
"payCycleCode": {
"codeValue": "W",
"shortName": "Weekly"
"standardPayPeriodHours": {
"hoursQuantity": 40
"baseRemuneration": {
"payPeriodRateAmount": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Salary",
"shortName": "Salary"
"amountValue": 12332,
"currencyCode": "USD"
"effectiveDate": "2019-07-12"
"payrollGroupCode": "94N",
"payrollScheduleGroupID": "Use Period End Date 1 on checks",
"payrollFileNumber": "023114",
"managementPositionIndicator": false
"meta": null,
"confirmMessage": null
Get Worker Metadata
Retrieves a meta on workers | key: getWorkersMetadata
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | Specifies an expression that an item must match to be included in a response. Various criteria could be combined using and/or operands and () to set the operand precedence. e.g. /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"meta": {
"queryCriteria": [
"itemID": "q1",
"queryOptionCode": "$select",
"queryOptionTypeCode": "OData",
"resourcePaths": [
"/workers/associateOID": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false,
"hidden": true
"/workers/workerID": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false
"/workers/workerID/idValue": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false
Get Worker Payment Distributions
Returns a worker's pay distribution records | key: getPaymentDistributions
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | Specifies an expression that an item must match to be included in a response. Various criteria could be combined using and/or operands and () to set the operand precedence. e.g. /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | |
Select string $select | Specifies the properties of the items to include in the response. Example: /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"meta": {
"/data/eventContext": {
"/worker": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false
"/worker/associateOID": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false,
"hidden": true
"/payDistribution": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/itemID": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false,
"hidden": true
"/data/transforms": [
"/effectiveDateTime": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Effective On",
"pattern": "^(((19|20|21)\\d\\d)-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01]))?$"
"/payDistribution": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions": {
"minItems": 0,
"maxItems": 3
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/instructionStatusCode": {
"codeList": {
"codeListTitle": "Status",
"listItems": [
"codeValue": "I",
"longName": "Inactive"
"codeValue": "A",
"longName": "Active"
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/precedenceCode/codeValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Priority Code",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 999,
"pattern": "^([1-9][0-9]{0,2})$"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/bonusOnlyIndicator": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Bonus"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/prenote/prenoteOptionCode": {
"codeList": {
"codeListTitle": "Prenote Codes",
"listItems": [
"codeValue": "N",
"longName": "No Prenote"
"codeValue": "D",
"longName": "Default Date"
"prenoteDate": "^(((19|20|21)\\d\\d)-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01]))?$",
"codeValue": "O",
"longName": "Custom"
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialParty/routingTransitID": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialParty/routingTransitID/idValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Transit ABA Number",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 9,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialAccount": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialAccount/accountNumber": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"longLabelName": "Bank Deposit Account Number",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 17,
"pattern": "^[-A-Z0-9]*$"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialAccount/typeCode": {
"codeList": {
"codeListTitle": "Deposit Type",
"listItems": [
"foreignKey": "938",
"codeValue": "K",
"shortName": "Savings"
"foreignKey": "938",
"codeValue": "W",
"shortName": "CHECKING"
"foreignKey": "938",
"codeValue": "X",
"shortName": "CHECKING"
"foreignKey": "938",
"codeValue": "Y",
"shortName": "SAVINGS"
"foreignKey": "938",
"codeValue": "Z",
"shortName": "SAVINGS"
"links": [
"href": "/payroll/v3/deduction-configurations/?$filter=companyCode eq '{foreignKey}' and category eq 'Direct Deposit'",
"rel": "/adp/codelist",
"title": "Deduction Configuration Code List",
"method": "GET",
"payLoadArguments": [
"argumentPath": "foreignKey",
"argumentValue": "companyCode"
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialAccount/typeCode/codeValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Deposit Type"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/distributionAmount": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/distributionAmount/amountValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Deduction Amount"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/distributionPercentage": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Full Deposit",
"pattern": "^(100)?$"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/remainingBalanceIndicator": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/itemID": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": true
"/serviceCategoryCode/codeValue": "payroll",
"/eventNameCode/codeValue": "worker.payDistribution.change"
Get Worker Payment Distributions Meta
Returns a worker's pay distribution records metadata | key: getWorkerPaymentDistributionsMeta
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | Specifies the properties of the items to include in the response. Example: /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"payDistributions": [
"itemID": "37077879_753",
"requestedStartDate": "2019-03-07",
"distributionStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "A",
"shortName": "Active"
"distributionInstructions": [
"itemID": "42139379_1",
"bonusOnlyIndicator": false,
"instructionStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "A",
"shortName": "Active"
"depositAccount": {
"financialParty": {
"routingTransitID": {
"idValue": "823456789"
"financialAccount": {
"accountNumber": "123456778",
"typeCode": {
"codeValue": "X",
"shortName": "CHECKING"
"distributionAmount": {
"amountValue": 17
"actions": [
"operationID": "worker.payDistribution.change",
"canonicalUri": "/payroll/payrollManagement/payrollInstructionManagement/payDistributionManagement/worker.payDistribution.change",
"actionTypeCode": "callback",
"confirmationRequiredIndicator": true,
"defaultIndicator": false,
"attestation": {
"actionBlockIndicator": true,
"messageTxt": "Please read the statement below, and check the box to indicate that you Agree. I authorize my Employer, through ADP as its payroll service provider, to deposit in my account (by initiating electronic credit entries) all amounts, (“deposits”) owed to me by my Employer at the financial institution specified above (the “Bank”), and I authorize the Bank to accept such deposits to my account. In the event that my Employer and/or ADP deposit funds into my account to which I am not entitled, I authorize my Employer, either directly or through ADP, to return such funds by initiating appropriate debit entries and adjustments accordingly. I understand that my deposit may not be credited to my account until the end of the day on the applicable pay date. It is my responsibility to: 1) ensure my bank account and deposit information is correct and complete; 2) timely verify that all transactions are accurate; and 3) immediately notify my Employer of any errors. This authorization will remain in effect until I have cancelled it in writing with my Employer and Bank."
"links": [
"href": "/events/payroll/v1/",
"rel": "/adp/invoke",
"title": "Update Pay Distribution",
"method": "POST"
"payrollGroupCode": {
"codeValue": "94N",
"shortName": "94N"
"payrollFileNumber": "7890"
List Company Codes
Returns a list of company codes | key: listCompanyCodes
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | Specifies an expression that an item must match to be included in a response. Various criteria could be combined using and/or operands and () to set the operand precedence. e.g. /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"codeListTitle": "Company Code",
"listItems": [
"code": "4SN",
"name": "WFN 4.0 SC Master",
"category": "US"
List Personal Contacts
Returns a list of a worker’s personal contacts. | key: listPersonalContacts
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Select string $select | Specifies the properties of the items to include in the response. Example: /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"personalContacts": [
"itemID": "169750562647_284",
"personName": {
"formattedName": "Test Contact two"
"address": {
"lineOne": "5800 Windward Parkway",
"lineTwo": "line2",
"lineThree": "line3",
"cityName": "Alpharetta",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "GA",
"shortName": "Georgia",
"longName": "Georgia"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "30005"
"communication": {
"landlines": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Phone",
"shortName": "Home Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_285"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Phone",
"shortName": "Work Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"extension": "123",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252 123",
"itemID": "169750562647_287"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Alternate Phone",
"shortName": "Alternate Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_288"
"mobiles": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Cell Phone",
"shortName": "Cell Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_286"
"emails": [
"itemID": "169750562647_284",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "E-mail",
"shortName": "E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"contactTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "Emergency",
"shortName": "Emergency"
"relationshipTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "O",
"shortName": "Other"
"precedenceCode": {
"codeValue": "Primary",
"shortName": "Primary"
"itemID": "169750562647_278",
"personName": {
"formattedName": "Test Contact add"
"address": {
"lineOne": "5800 Windward Parkway",
"lineTwo": "line2",
"lineThree": "line3",
"cityName": "Alpharetta",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "GA",
"shortName": "Georgia",
"longName": "Georgia"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "30005"
"communication": {
"landlines": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Phone",
"shortName": "Home Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_279"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Phone",
"shortName": "Work Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"extension": "123",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252 123",
"itemID": "169750562647_281"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Alternate Phone",
"shortName": "Alternate Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_282"
"mobiles": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Cell Phone",
"shortName": "Cell Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_280"
"emails": [
"itemID": "169750562647_278",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "E-mail",
"shortName": "E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"contactTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "Emergency",
"shortName": "Emergency"
"relationshipTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "O",
"shortName": "Other"
List Worker Demographics
Request the list of all available worker demographics that the requester is authorized to view. | key: listWorkersDemographics
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Filter string $filter | Specifies an expression that an item must match to be included in a response. Various criteria could be combined using and/or operands and () to set the operand precedence. e.g. /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | |
Select string $select | Specifies the properties of the items to include in the response. Example: /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | |
Skip string $skip | Specifies the number of items to skip from the beginning of the list. Example: 20 | 20 | |
Top string $top | Specifies the upper limit on the number of items to return. Example: 10 | 10 | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Fetch All boolean fetchAll | false | If true, it will fetch all records and ignore parameters like $skip, $top | |
Query Parameters string Key Value List queryParams | The query parameters that will be appended to the URL. The parameters should be in key-value pairs. |
"data": {
"workers": [
"associateOID": "G39XMN203A2XB23T",
"workerID": {
"idValue": "Z76ORSBVW"
"person": {
"genderCode": {
"codeValue": "M",
"shortName": "Male",
"longName": "Male"
"tobaccoUserIndicator": true,
"disabledIndicator": false,
"preferredName": {},
"militaryClassificationCodes": [],
"customFieldGroup": {
"codeFields": [
"itemID": "13916651_182",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "T-Shirt Size",
"shortName": "T-Shirt Size"
"codeValue": "M - Medium",
"shortName": "M - Medium"
"itemID": "1500091404_30",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Uniform Size",
"shortName": "Uniform Size"
"indicatorFields": [
"itemID": "9201050494831_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Greenhouse User",
"shortName": "Greenhouse User"
"itemID": "9201036437608_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Greenhouse Recruiting",
"longName": "Greenhouse Recruiting"
"numberFields": [
"itemID": "13916651_189",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Shoe Size",
"shortName": "Shoe Size"
"percentFields": [
"itemID": "9201127985969_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Bonus",
"shortName": "Bonus"
"stringFields": [
"itemID": "9200337152612_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Performance Review 1",
"shortName": "Performance Review 1"
"legalName": {
"givenName": "AnnADP",
"familyName1": "A",
"formattedName": "A, AnnADP"
"legalAddress": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Address 1",
"shortName": "Personal Address 1",
"longName": "Personal Address 1"
"lineOne": "ufdas",
"lineTwo": "ds",
"cityName": "hjgkjhdwkljldkj",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "CA",
"shortName": "California"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "45678"
"communication": {
"landlines": [
"itemID": "9200067602177_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Phone",
"shortName": "Home Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "236",
"dialNumber": "8821788",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(236) 882-1788"
"mobiles": [
"itemID": "9200067596746_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Cell",
"shortName": "Personal Cell"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "236",
"dialNumber": "8821786",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(236) 882-1786"
"faxes": [
"itemID": "9200067602178_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Fax",
"shortName": "Home Fax"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "236",
"dialNumber": "8821788",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(236) 882-1788"
"pagers": [
"itemID": "9200067602179_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Pager",
"shortName": "Personal Pager"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "236",
"dialNumber": "8821788",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(236) 882-1788"
"emails": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal E-mail",
"shortName": "Personal E-mail"
"emailUri": "",
"notificationIndicator": true
"workerDates": {
"originalHireDate": "2018-06-12"
"workerStatus": {
"statusCode": {
"codeValue": "Inactive"
"businessCommunication": {
"landlines": [
"itemID": "2613129058_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Phone",
"shortName": "Work Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "236",
"dialNumber": "8821788",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(236) 882-1788"
"mobiles": [
"itemID": "9200067602180_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Cell",
"shortName": "Work Cell"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "236",
"dialNumber": "8821788",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(236) 882-1788"
"faxes": [
"itemID": "9200067602181_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Fax",
"shortName": "Work Fax"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "236",
"dialNumber": "8821788",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(236) 882-1788"
"pagers": [
"itemID": "9200067602182_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Pager",
"shortName": "Work Pager"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "236",
"dialNumber": "8821788",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(236) 882-1788"
"emails": [
"itemID": "Business",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work E-mail",
"shortName": "Work E-mail"
"emailUri": "",
"notificationIndicator": false
"workAssignments": [
"itemID": "88029255N",
"primaryIndicator": true,
"hireDate": "2022-01-15",
"actualStartDate": "2022-01-15",
"terminationDate": "2022-12-01",
"assignmentStatus": {
"statusCode": {
"codeValue": "T",
"shortName": "Terminated",
"longName": "Terminated"
"reasonCode": {
"codeValue": "B",
"shortName": "Acquisition Merger"
"effectiveDate": "2022-12-01"
"positionID": "4Y3987491",
"assignedWorkLocations": [
"address": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Business Address",
"shortName": "Work Address",
"longName": "Work Address"
"lineOne": "9628 Ainslie downs st",
"cityName": "Charlotte",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "NC",
"shortName": "North Carolina"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "28273"
"payCycleCode": {
"codeValue": "B",
"shortName": "Biweekly"
"standardPayPeriodHours": {
"hoursQuantity": 80
"payrollProcessingStatusCode": {
"shortName": "Paid"
"payrollGroupCode": "4Y3",
"payrollFileNumber": "987491",
"customFieldGroup": {},
"customCountryInputs": []
"customFieldGroup": {
"amountFields": [
"itemID": "13916651_176",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Travel Allowance",
"shortName": "Travel Allowance"
"itemID": "13916651_172",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Housing Allowance",
"shortName": "Housing Allowance"
"itemID": "13916651_180",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Education Allowance",
"shortName": "Education Allowance"
"indicatorFields": [
"itemID": "13916651_170",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "German Lab Clearance",
"shortName": "German Lab Clearance"
"itemID": "9201036437651_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Greenhouse Recruiting",
"longName": "Greenhouse Recruiting"
"itemID": "9201097963521_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Vidcruiter Assessments",
"longName": "Vidcruiter Assessments"
"percentFields": [
"itemID": "9201127985925_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Bonus",
"shortName": "Bonus"
"stringFields": [
"itemID": "2609456639_505",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "GUID",
"shortName": "GUID"
"itemID": "9201127986141_1",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Nkem Test Field",
"shortName": "Nkem Test Field"
"itemID": "2057329100_260",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Drivers License",
"shortName": "Drivers License"
"meta": null,
"confirmMessage": null
List Workers
Retrieves all available workers that the requester is authorized to view. | key: listWorkers
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Count string $count | The OData $count parameter MUST be used to specify the total number criterion. This parameter can't be used with $top or $skip. | ||
Filter string $filter | Specifies an expression that an item must match to be included in a response. Various criteria could be combined using and/or operands and () to set the operand precedence. e.g. /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID eq 'G4O73G9Z62SL2NFM' | |
Select string $select | Specifies the properties of the items to include in the response. Example: /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | /mobileUserAccounts/associateOID,/mobileUserAccounts/governmentID | |
Skip string $skip | Specifies the number of items to skip from the beginning of the list. Example: 20 | 20 | |
Top string $top | Specifies the upper limit on the number of items to return. Example: 10 | 10 | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Fetch All boolean fetchAll | false | If true, it will fetch all records and ignore parameters like $skip, $top | |
Query Parameters string Key Value List queryParams | The query parameters that will be appended to the URL. The parameters should be in key-value pairs. |
"data": {
"workers": [
"associateOID": "G3R47DSRZK5TRCFJ",
"workerID": {
"idValue": "3WC5KYA4L"
"person": {
"birthDate": "0000-01-01",
"genderCode": {
"codeValue": "M",
"shortName": "Male",
"longName": "Male"
"maritalStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "S",
"shortName": "Single"
"socialInsurancePrograms": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Medicare",
"shortName": "Medicare"
"coveredIndicator": true
"tobaccoUserIndicator": false,
"disabledIndicator": false,
"ethnicityCode": {
"codeValue": "4",
"shortName": "4",
"longName": "Not Hispanic or Latino"
"raceCode": {
"codeValue": "1",
"shortName": "White",
"longName": "White"
"customFieldGroup": {
"amountFields": [
"itemID": "169731481494_452",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Rate",
"shortName": "Rate"
"stringFields": [
"itemID": "169731474432_105",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "PR code",
"shortName": "PR code"
"governmentIDs": [
"itemID": "67786684N",
"idValue": "XXX-XX-3761",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "SSN",
"longName": "Social Security Number"
"countryCode": "US"
"legalName": {
"givenName": "test761",
"middleName": "two",
"familyName1": "NewHire",
"formattedName": "NewHire, test761 two"
"legalAddress": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Address 1",
"shortName": "Personal Address 1"
"lineOne": "line 1",
"lineTwo": "line 2",
"lineThree": "Address line 3",
"cityName": "New Jersey",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "NJ",
"shortName": "New Jersey"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "30041"
"communication": {
"landlines": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_10",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Phone",
"shortName": "Home Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "973",
"dialNumber": "2345432",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(973) 234-5432"
"mobiles": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_9",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal Cell",
"shortName": "Personal Cell"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2398790",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 239-8790"
"faxes": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_11",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Fax",
"shortName": "Home Fax"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890790",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890790"
"emails": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Personal E-mail",
"shortName": "Personal E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"workerDates": {
"originalHireDate": "2019-07-12"
"workerStatus": {
"statusCode": {
"codeValue": "Active"
"businessCommunication": {
"landlines": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_14",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Phone",
"shortName": "Work Phone"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890793",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890793"
"mobiles": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_13",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Cell",
"shortName": "Work Cell"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890794",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890794"
"faxes": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_15",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Fax",
"shortName": "Work Fax"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890795",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890795"
"pagers": [
"itemID": "CC1_169733208370_16",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Pager",
"shortName": "Work Pager"
"countryDialing": "91",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "2345432890890796",
"access": "429",
"formattedNumber": "+91 (429) 770 2345432890890796"
"emails": [
"itemID": "Business",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work E-mail",
"shortName": "Work E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"workAssignments": [
"itemID": "67786684N",
"primaryIndicator": true,
"hireDate": "2019-07-12",
"actualStartDate": "2019-07-12",
"assignmentStatus": {
"statusCode": {
"codeValue": "A",
"shortName": "Active"
"jobCode": {
"codeValue": "PT",
"shortName": "**"
"jobTitle": "PT - **",
"positionID": "94N023114",
"homeOrganizationalUnits": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "B",
"shortName": "test"
"typeCode": {
"codeValue": "Business Unit",
"shortName": "Business Unit"
"assignedOrganizationalUnits": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "B",
"shortName": "test"
"typeCode": {
"codeValue": "Business Unit",
"shortName": "Business Unit"
"payCycleCode": {
"codeValue": "W",
"shortName": "Weekly"
"standardPayPeriodHours": {
"hoursQuantity": 40
"baseRemuneration": {
"payPeriodRateAmount": {
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Salary",
"shortName": "Salary"
"amountValue": 12332,
"currencyCode": "USD"
"effectiveDate": "2019-07-12"
"payrollGroupCode": "94N",
"payrollScheduleGroupID": "Use Period End Date 1 on checks",
"payrollFileNumber": "023114",
"managementPositionIndicator": false
"meta": null,
"confirmMessage": null
Modify Time Entries
Modify time entries event instance | key: modifyTimeEntries
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Events code / Required events | The new time entries to be added, modified or deleted. Please refer to the API documentation for the structure of the time entries. |
"data": {
"meta": {
"resourceSetID": "654dd678b6c64d3fb3e815fd715832f8"
"confirmMessage": {
"createDateTime": "2019-07-02T06:22:42-04:00",
"protocolStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "200"
"protocolCode": {
"codeValue": "http"
"requestStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "succeeded"
"requestMethodCode": {
"codeValue": "GET"
"processMessages": [
"processMessageID": {
"idValue": "0"
"messageTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "info"
"userMessage": {
"codeValue": "info_IMP_TOTALCOUNT",
"title": "Import Statistics - Payload Total",
"messageTxt": "2"
"processMessageID": {
"idValue": "1"
"messageTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "info"
"userMessage": {
"codeValue": "info_IMP_INPROCESSCOUNT",
"title": "Import Statistics – In-Process",
"messageTxt": "1"
"resourceMessages": [
"resourceMessageID": {
"idValue": "654dd678b6c64d3fb3e815fd715832f8"
"resourceStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "succeeded"
"resourceLink": {
"rel": "self",
"href": "/events/time/v2/time-entries.modify/654dd678b6c64d3fb3e815fd715832f8",
"method": "GET",
"mediaType": "application/json",
"encType": "application/json"
Post Applicant Onboard Process
Manage data related to the applicant onboarding request. | key: postApplicantOnboardProcess
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Applicant Onboarding code / Required applicantOnboarding | The applicant onboarding data, the example payload has a the structure of a minimal onboarding inprogress payload for a US Client applicant. Please refer to the docs to see examples from other countries and full list of fields | ||
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. |
"data": {
"meta": {
"/applicantOnboarding/applicantPayrollProfile/payrollGroupCode": {
"codeList": {
"codeListTitle": "Company Code",
"links": [
"href": "/codelists/payroll/v4/payroll-instruction-management/pay-groups/wfn/1?$filter=category eq 'US'",
"rel": "/adp/codelist",
"mediaType": "application/json",
"method": "GET"
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"sequence": 5,
"shortLabelName": "Company Code"
"/applicantOnboarding/applicantPersonalProfile/birthName/givenName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"sequence": 10,
"shortLabelName": "First Name"
"/applicantOnboarding/applicantPersonalProfile/birthName/familyName": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"sequence": 12,
"shortLabelName": "Last Name"
"/applicantOnboarding/onboardingTemplateCode": {
"codeList": {
"listItems": [
"itemID": "169748818049_1",
"code": "169748818049_1",
"name": "Applicant Onboard"
"itemID": "169748461979_1115",
"code": "169748461979_1115",
"name": "Applicant1"
"itemID": "14495_6403",
"code": "14495_6403",
"name": "HR + Payroll (System)"
"itemID": "14495_6600",
"code": "14495_6600",
"name": "HR + Payroll + Time (System)"
"itemID": "15336_7437",
"code": "15336_7437",
"name": "HR + Time (System)"
"itemID": "15336_7354",
"code": "15336_7354",
"name": "HR Only (System)"
"itemID": "169748461979_956",
"code": "169748461979_956",
"name": "HRpayroll_hire"
"itemID": "169740782707_211",
"code": "169740782707_211",
"name": "Oct-Onboard"
"itemID": "169747337569_15",
"code": "169747337569_15",
"name": "Test_Demo"
"itemID": "169745969973_796",
"code": "169745969973_796",
"name": "TotalSource Time"
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false
"/applicantOnboarding/applicantWorkerProfile/hireDate": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"sequence": 1,
"shortLabelName": "Hire Date",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 10,
"pattern": "^(((19|20|21)\\d\\d)-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01]))?$"
Raw Request
Send raw HTTP request to the ADP Workforce Now API | key: rawRequest
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Data string data | The HTTP body payload to send to the URL. | {"exampleKey": "Example Data"} | |
Debug Request boolean debugRequest | false | Enable this to log the request and response | |
File Data string Key Value List fileData | File Data to be sent as a multipart form upload. | [{key: "example.txt", value: "My File Contents"}] | |
File Data File Names string Key Value List fileDataFileNames | File names to apply to the file data inputs. Keys must match the file data keys above. | ||
Form Data string Key Value List formData | The Form Data to be sent as a multipart form upload. | [{"key": "Example Key", "value": new Buffer("Hello World")}] | |
Header string Key Value List headers | A list of headers to send with the request. | User-Agent: curl/7.64.1 | |
Max Retry Count string maxRetries | 0 | The maximum number of retries to attempt. Specify 0 for no retries. | |
Method string / Required method | The HTTP method to use. | ||
Query Parameter string Key Value List queryParams | A list of query parameters to send with the request. This is the portion at the end of the URL similar to ?key1=value1&key2=value2. | ||
Response Type string / Required responseType | json | The type of data you expect in the response. You can request json, text, or binary data. | |
Retry On All Errors boolean retryAllErrors | false | If true, retries on all erroneous responses regardless of type. This is helpful when retrying after HTTP 429 or other 3xx or 4xx errors. Otherwise, only retries on HTTP 5xx and network errors. | |
Retry Delay (ms) string retryDelayMS | 0 | The delay in milliseconds between retries. This is used when 'Use Exponential Backoff' is disabled. | |
Timeout string timeout | The maximum time that a client will await a response to its request | 2000 | |
URL string / Required url | This is the URL to call. | Input the path only (/hr/v2/workers), The base URL is already included ( For example, to connect to, only /hr/v2/workers is entered in this field. e.g. /hr/v2/workers | |
Use Exponential Backoff boolean useExponentialBackoff | false | Specifies whether to use a pre-defined exponential backoff strategy for retries. When enabled, 'Retry Delay (ms)' is ignored. |
Update Personal Contact
Updates an existing worker’s personal contact | key: updatePersonaContact
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Personal Contact code / Required personalContact | The personal contact data. Please refer to the docs for more details. | ||
Personal Contact ID string / Required personalContactId | The ID of the personal contact to update. | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N |
"data": {
"events": [
"eventStatusCode": {
"codeValue": "complete",
"shortName": "complete"
"data": {
"eventContext": {
"worker": {
"associateOID": "G372T336YEJ07AWG"
"output": {
"personalContact": {
"itemID": "169750562647_229",
"personName": {
"formattedName": "Test Contact add"
"address": {
"lineOne": "5800 Windward Parkway",
"lineTwo": "line2",
"lineThree": "line3",
"cityName": "Alpharetta",
"countrySubdivisionLevel1": {
"subdivisionType": "StateTerritory",
"codeValue": "GA",
"shortName": "Georgia",
"longName": "Georgia"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "30005"
"communication": {
"landlines": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Home Phone",
"shortName": "Home Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_230"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Work Phone",
"shortName": "Work Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"extension": "123",
"access": "1",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252 123",
"itemID": "169750562647_232"
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Alternate Phone",
"shortName": "Alternate Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_233"
"mobiles": [
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "Cell Phone",
"shortName": "Cell Phone"
"countryDialing": "1",
"areaDialing": "770",
"dialNumber": "7720252",
"formattedNumber": "(770) 772-0252",
"itemID": "169750562647_231"
"emails": [
"itemID": "169750562647_229",
"nameCode": {
"codeValue": "E-mail",
"shortName": "E-mail"
"emailUri": ""
"contactTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "Emergency",
"shortName": "Emergency"
"relationshipTypeCode": {
"codeValue": "O",
"shortName": "Other"
"precedenceCode": {
"codeValue": "Primary",
"shortName": "Primary"
Update Worker Pay Distribution
Replaces an employee's existing Direct Deposit records with an updated collection | key: updateWorkerPayDistribution
Input | Default | Notes | Example |
Associate OID string / Required aoid | The Associate OID of the worker | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N | |
Connection connection / Required connection | |||
Debug Request boolean debug | false | Enabling this flag will log out the current request. | |
Payment Distribution code / Required paymentDistribution | The payment distribution data, the example payload has a the structure of a minimal onboarding inprogress payload for a US Client applicant. Please refer to the docs to see examples from other countries and full list of fields | ||
Work Assignment ID string / Required workAssignmentId | The ID of the worker's pay distribution to update. | G3STHDEHFMJ3BY3N |
"data": {
"meta": {
"/data/eventContext": {
"/worker": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false
"/worker/associateOID": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false,
"hidden": true
"/payDistribution": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/itemID": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false,
"hidden": true
"/data/transforms": [
"/effectiveDateTime": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Effective On",
"pattern": "^(((19|20|21)\\d\\d)-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01]))?$"
"/payDistribution": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions": {
"minItems": 0,
"maxItems": 3
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/instructionStatusCode": {
"codeList": {
"codeListTitle": "Status",
"listItems": [
"codeValue": "I",
"longName": "Inactive"
"codeValue": "A",
"longName": "Active"
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/precedenceCode/codeValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Priority Code",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 999,
"pattern": "^([1-9][0-9]{0,2})$"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/bonusOnlyIndicator": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Bonus"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/prenote/prenoteOptionCode": {
"codeList": {
"codeListTitle": "Prenote Codes",
"listItems": [
"codeValue": "N",
"longName": "No Prenote"
"codeValue": "D",
"longName": "Default Date"
"prenoteDate": "^(((19|20|21)\\d\\d)-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01]))?$",
"codeValue": "O",
"longName": "Custom"
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialParty/routingTransitID": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialParty/routingTransitID/idValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Transit ABA Number",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 9,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialAccount": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialAccount/accountNumber": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"longLabelName": "Bank Deposit Account Number",
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 17,
"pattern": "^[-A-Z0-9]*$"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialAccount/typeCode": {
"codeList": {
"codeListTitle": "Deposit Type",
"listItems": [
"foreignKey": "938",
"codeValue": "K",
"shortName": "Savings"
"foreignKey": "938",
"codeValue": "W",
"shortName": "CHECKING"
"foreignKey": "938",
"codeValue": "X",
"shortName": "CHECKING"
"foreignKey": "938",
"codeValue": "Y",
"shortName": "SAVINGS"
"foreignKey": "938",
"codeValue": "Z",
"shortName": "SAVINGS"
"links": [
"href": "/payroll/v3/deduction-configurations/?$filter=companyCode eq '{foreignKey}' and category eq 'Direct Deposit'",
"rel": "/adp/codelist",
"title": "Deduction Configuration Code List",
"method": "GET",
"payLoadArguments": [
"argumentPath": "foreignKey",
"argumentValue": "companyCode"
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/depositAccount/financialAccount/typeCode/codeValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Deposit Type"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/distributionAmount": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/distributionAmount/amountValue": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Deduction Amount"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/distributionPercentage": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": false,
"shortLabelName": "Full Deposit",
"pattern": "^(100)?$"
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/remainingBalanceIndicator": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": false
"/payDistribution/distributionInstructions/itemID": {
"readOnly": false,
"optional": true,
"hidden": true
"/serviceCategoryCode/codeValue": "payroll",
"/eventNameCode/codeValue": "worker.payDistribution.change"