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How to Use Prismatic's CLI Tool

The Prismatic CLI tool allows you to interact with the Prismatic API programmatically so you can build, deploy, and support integrations from the command line. The CLI tool is built using the Prismatic API, so any action that can be completed through the web app or API can be completed through the CLI tool, as well.

Installing the CLI Tool

Prism NPM version

Prismatic's CLI tool, prism, is available at and can be installed using npm or yarn:

npm install -g @prismatic-io/prism
# OR
yarn global add @prismatic-io/prism

Prism's source code is available on GitHub, and serves as a great example for how to wrap the Prismatic API.

Authenticating with the CLI Tool

Once prism has been installed login by typing:

prism login

This will open a web browser for you to authenticate with your Prismatic credentials. Once you authenticate, your CLI tool will store an authentication token for subsequent prism commands.

To verify that you are logged in you can run prism me to see information about your user.

prism me

Name: Alex Cooper
Organization: Progix Software
Endpoint URL:

If you want to view the authentication token that your CLI tool uses, run prism me:token.

prism me:token

To clear your token from memory and log out, run prism logout.

Logging in to other regions

By default your data is stored in the US commercial region and prism authenticates against that region. If your enterprise plan includes additional regions or private cloud, you will need to instruct prism to point to that region. See Integrations in Multiple Regions.

Running CLI Commands and Getting Help

All Prismatic CLI commands generally follow the form prism COMMAND. For example, you can run prism customers:list to list all of your customers, or prism integrations:create to create an integration. A full list of prism commands can be found on the Prismatic CLI Command Reference page.

Typing prism --help will also list top-level commands that you can run.

prism --help

Build, deploy, and support integrations in Prismatic from the comfort of your command line

@prismatic-io/prism/4.2.6 darwin-arm64 node-v14.17.6

$ prism [COMMAND]

alerts Manage Alerting resources
authorization-methods List Authorization Methods that Components can use
components Manage, create, and publish Components
customers Manage Customers
executions Fetch results of Instance executions or Integration test runs
instances Manage Instances
integrations Manage and import Integrations
logs List Log Severities for use by Alert Triggers
me Print your user profile information
organization Manage your Organization

help Display help for prism.
login Log in to your Prismatic account
logout Log out of your Prismatic account
me Print your user profile information

To see subcommands of top level commands, you can type prism COMMAND --help. For example, to see what you can do with customers run

prism customers --help

Manage Customers

$ prism customers:COMMAND

customers:credentials Manage Customer Credentials
customers:users Manage Customer Users

customers:create Create a new Customer
customers:delete Delete a Customer
customers:list List your Customers
customers:update Update a Customer

For a list of all required arguments of a command, type prism COMMAND:SUBCOMMAND --help. For example, to see the required arguments to create a customer, run

prism customers:create --help

Create a new Customer

$ prism customers:create -n <value> [-d <value>]

-d, --description=<value> longer description of the customer
-n, --name=<value> (required) short name of the new customer

Create a new Customer

Listing Resources

All types of prismatic resources (customers, components, integrations, instances, actions, etc.) have :list subcommands. By default, list commands show basic information about the resource, like name and description, but additional information like resource ID can be displayed. You can optionally select exactly what attributes of resources you want to list, you can filter the results, and you can format the results as CSV, JSON, or YAML.

prism components:list

Label Public Description Version Category
─────────────────────── ────── ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────── ──────────────────────
Acme ERP false Interact with Acme ERP's inventory and customer systems 2 null
Airtable true Manage items (records) in an Airtable Base 2 Data Platforms
Amazon DynamoDB true Create, update, fetch, or delete items in an Amazon (AWS) DynamoDB database 5 Data Platforms
Amazon S3 true Manage files within an Amazon (AWS) S3 bucket 34 Data Platforms
Amazon SES true Send Emails through Amazon (AWS) SES 5 Application Connectors
Amazon SNS true Manage subscriptions, topics, and messages within Amazon (AWS) SNS 7 Data Platforms
Amazon SQS true Send, receive and manage messages within an Amazon (AWS) SQS queue 10 Data Platforms
AMQP true Send and receive messages on an AMQP-based message broker 5 Data Platforms

Listing Resource IDs

All Prismatic resources have unique IDs. IDs are not displayed by default through list subcommands, but can optionally be displayed with the --extended flag. For example, to see IDs for components, run

prism components:list --extended

Id Key Label Public Description Version Category
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────── ─────────────────────── ────── ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────── ──────────────────────
Q29tcG9uZW50OjI3ZWM4ODlmLTI1ODUtNDFiMy05MDdlLWI2YWExNTg5ZGNhNA== acmeerp Acme ERP false Interact with Acme ERP's inventory and customer systems 2 null
Q29tcG9uZW50OmVkMjcwNmExLThiMTEtNDI0YS05MjM0LTgzZjU4NDBmNzA3NQ== airtable Airtable true Manage items (records) in an Airtable Base 2 Data Platforms
Q29tcG9uZW50Ojg3NzE3YThhLTFiODktNDY5My1hYmZlLWRjY2VkMjMxM2RlZg== aws-dynamodb Amazon DynamoDB true Create, update, fetch, or delete items in an Amazon (AWS) DynamoDB database 5 Data Platforms
Q29tcG9uZW50OjE3NmRjYWU3LWEzMzktNDQ2NC1iYmJkLTU4ODllNzdmOWJjYQ== aws-s3 Amazon S3 true Manage files within an Amazon (AWS) S3 bucket 34 Data Platforms
Q29tcG9uZW50Ojg3NjlhODE1LTY1OTEtNDliZC1hMGQ5LTNhMWNlYjUxZmZkYQ== aws-ses Amazon SES true Send Emails through Amazon (AWS) SES 5 Application Connectors
Q29tcG9uZW50OjNkMzFkYjYxLWFlYzItNDRjZS05NGNkLTVhZWJjMjIxNjlhZg== aws-sns Amazon SNS true Manage subscriptions, topics, and messages within Amazon (AWS) SNS 7 Data Platforms
Q29tcG9uZW50OmQ5ZmJkYzViLTFhMGUtNDRlMS1hNDcxLTNjMWE0NzFhYzAwNQ== aws-sqs Amazon SQS true Send, receive and manage messages within an Amazon (AWS) SQS queue 10 Data Platforms
Q29tcG9uZW50OmFmYjNlMTNmLTg0NDctNGJmMC05MWIyLTAxNGQ1OTliYThkYg== amqp AMQP true Send and receive messages on an AMQP-based message broker 5 Data Platforms

Configuring Columns of a List to Display

You can optionally choose which attributes of a resource to display using the --columns flag. For example, to get the Key, Label, and ID of all components, you can run

prism components:list --columns key,label,id

Key Label Id
──────────── ─────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
acmeerp Acme ERP Q29tcG9uZW50OjI3ZWM4ODlmLTI1ODUtNDFiMy05MDdlLWI2YWExNTg5ZGNhNA==
airtable Airtable Q29tcG9uZW50OmVkMjcwNmExLThiMTEtNDI0YS05MjM0LTgzZjU4NDBmNzA3NQ==
aws-dynamodb Amazon DynamoDB Q29tcG9uZW50Ojg3NzE3YThhLTFiODktNDY5My1hYmZlLWRjY2VkMjMxM2RlZg==
aws-s3 Amazon S3 Q29tcG9uZW50OjE3NmRjYWU3LWEzMzktNDQ2NC1iYmJkLTU4ODllNzdmOWJjYQ==
aws-ses Amazon SES Q29tcG9uZW50Ojg3NjlhODE1LTY1OTEtNDliZC1hMGQ5LTNhMWNlYjUxZmZkYQ==
aws-sns Amazon SNS Q29tcG9uZW50OjNkMzFkYjYxLWFlYzItNDRjZS05NGNkLTVhZWJjMjIxNjlhZg==
aws-sqs Amazon SQS Q29tcG9uZW50OmQ5ZmJkYzViLTFhMGUtNDRlMS1hNDcxLTNjMWE0NzFhYzAwNQ==

Filtering List Output

You can filter the output that a :list subcommand displays using a --filter flag. For example, to only show the component with the key "aws-s3", run

prism components:list --filter 'key=^aws-s3$'

Label Public Description Version Category
───────── ────── ───────────────────────────────────────────── ─────── ──────────────
Amazon S3 true Manage files within an Amazon (AWS) S3 bucket 34 Data Platforms
Filter uses regex

The --filter flag uses regex pattern matching, hence the "start of string" ^ character, and "end of string" $ character.

In a bash script, you can combine the --filter flag with the --columns and --no-header flags to get the ID of a specific resource

AWS_S3_COMPONENT_ID=$(prism components:list --filter 'key=aws-s3' --no-header --columns id)

Formatting List Output

Lists can be optionally formatted as CSV, JSON, or YAML using the --output flag. This flag can be combined with the --columns FORMAT and --filter flag, as well. For example, if you want id and key of all components in CSV format, run

prism components:list --output csv --columns id,key


Using the Prismatic CLI in Bash Scripts

Multiple prism commands can be strung together to manage prismatic resources. For example, to create an instance you need to know the ID of the integration, and the ID of the customer you want to deploy an instance to. You can use customers:list, integrations:list and instances:create commands together to create a new instance.

# Get the Customer ID
prism customers:list \
--columns id \
--filter 'Name=^FTL Rockets$' \

# Get the Integration ID
prism integrations:list \
--columns id \
--filter 'name=^Acme$' \

# Get the integration's latest version ID
prism integrations:versions ${INTEGRATION_ID} \
--columns id \
--latest-available \

# Create the instance
prism instances:create \
--customer ${CUSTOMER_ID} \
--integration ${VERSION_ID} \
--name 'Acme ERP' \
--description 'Sync data with Acme ERP'

Headless prism Usage for CI/CD Pipelines

If you would like to use prism on a headless (no GUI) server for CI/CD or scripting purposes, you will need to log in on a system that has a web browser and then transfer your "refresh token" to the headless system. Refresh tokens do not expire, and are used to generate short-lived access tokens for Prismatic's API.

After logging in to prism with prism login, get your refresh token with prism me:token --type refresh. Take note of your token, and the API endpoint that you are currently using (see that with prism me).

Now, on our headless CI/CD system, set an environment variable PRISM_REFRESH_TOKEN with the value you found. If you use

export PRISM_REFRESH_TOKEN=my-refresh-token

If you're working with regions other than the default US commercial region, you can also specify an endpoint:

export PRISM_REFRESH_TOKEN=my-refresh-token

If your app uses a white-labeled domain (like, you can use that endpoint instead for PRISMATIC_URL.

Note: If you are using PowerShell on a Windows machine, you can set an environment variable with this syntax:


Autocomplete in Prism

Enable autocomplete in prism by running prism autocomplete and then follow the instructions that are displayed. Instructions are different depending on which shell you use (bash, zsh, etc.).

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Misconfiguration of WSL or NodeJS can result in odd behaviors for a Node-based package like prism. Here are a couple of common problems with their respective solutions:

Error: spawn cmd.exe ENOENT

When you run prism login from within Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you might see Error: spawn cmd.exe ENOENT. This is a problem with the WSL distribution's PATH environment variable. Ensure that your PATH environment variable contains System32, which is where cmd.exe is located. Usually, you can run something like this:

export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/c/Windows/System32

Error: spawn xdg-open ENOENT

If you run prism login in a headless Linux environment (a Linux environment without a desktop or web browser such as an Ubuntu server or docker container), prism will be unable to open a GUI web browser to authenticate you. You might see an error that reads Error: spawn xdg-open ENOENT or Error: Exited with code 3.

You will need to authenticate on a computer with a desktop environment and web browser, and set the refresh token you receive as an environment variable on the headless server. See Headless prism Usage for CI/CD Pipelines.

prism: command not found

If you have followed the instructions above to install prism, but then see prism: command not found on Linux or MacOS, or 'prism' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file on Windows when you run prism, you likely don't have your NodeJS PATH configured correctly. Ensure that your PATH environment variable contains the bin/ directory of your NodeJS installation.