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scopedConfigVariables Query

Returns a Relay Connection to a collection of ScopedConfigVariable objects.

Access is permitted when any of the following condition(s) are met: 1. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the associated Organization: [org_manage_integrations, org_manage_customers]. 2. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for their Customer: [customer_manage_integrations]. 3. The object has attributes variable_scope with value customer and managed_by with value customer..

Input fields

beforeStringSpecifies a cursor for use in combination with last to implement backward pagination.
afterStringSpecifies a cursor for use in combination with first to implement forward pagination.
firstIntA non-negative integer that specifies to return at most first edges after the after cursor.
lastIntA non-negative integer that specifies to return at most last edges before the before cursor.
id_In[ID]Filter for objects where id is contained in the list of specified values.
keyStringFilter for objects where key matches the specified value.
key_IcontainsStringFilter for objects where key contains the specified value (case insensitive).
stableKeyStringFilter for objects where stableKey matches the specified value.
variableScopeStringFilter for objects where variableScope matches the specified value.
managedByStringFilter for objects where managedBy matches the specified value.
connection_Component_Label_IcontainsStringFilter for objects where connection.component.label contains the specified value (case insensitive).
description_IcontainsStringFilter for objects where description contains the specified value (case insensitive).
statusStringFilter for objects where status matches the specified value.
status_In[String]Filter for objects where status is contained in the list of specified values.

Return fields (ScopedConfigVariableConnection!)

edges ([ScopedConfigVariableEdge]!)

List of edges containing the nodes in this connection.

nodes ([ScopedConfigVariable]!)

List of nodes in this connection.

pageInfo (PageInfo!)

Pagination data for this connection.

totalCount (Int!)

Total count of nodes available.