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integration Query

Returns the specified Integration object.

Access is permitted when any of the following condition(s) are met: 1. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the associated Organization: [org_admin_integration_permissions, org_manage_integrations, org_view_integrations]. 2. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for any version of the object: [integration_admin_permissions, integration_view, integration_edit, integration_remove]. 3. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the associated Customer of Integrations available in the Marketplace: [customer_admin_instance_deploy, customer_manage_marketplace_integrations]. 4. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the associated Customer of Integrations available in the Marketplace: [customer_access_marketplace_integrations]. 5. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the object's 'customer' attribute: [customer_admin_integration_permissions, customer_manage_integrations, customer_view_integrations]. 6. The Customer User has any of the following permissions for the Customer and the Objects Attribute template_configuration is AVAILABLE: [customer_admin_integration_permissions, customer_manage_integrations, customer_view_integrations].

Input fields

idID!The ID of the Integration object.

Return fields (Integration)

actions (IntegrationActionConnection!)

The Integration to which the IntegrationAction is associated via the IntegrationFlow.

allowFork (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can fork the Integration.

allowManageAttachments (Boolean)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can manage Attachments related to this record.

allowMultipleMarketplaceInstances (Boolean!)

Specifies whether multiple Instances of this Integration may be created from the Marketplace.

allowPublish (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can publish the Integration.

allowRemove (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can remove the Integration.

allowUpdate (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can update the Integration.

attachments ([Attachment])

A JSON list of objects where each object has a key for name and URL that together describe the Attachment.

avatarUrl (String)

The URL for the avatar image.

category (String)

Specifies the category of the Integration.

components (ComponentConnection!)

Components associated with this Integration

configPages (JSONString!)

A JSON string that represents deployment configuration pages.

createdAt (DateTime!)

The timestamp at which the object was created.

customer (Customer)

The Customer the Integration belongs to, if any. If this is NULL then the Integration belongs to the Organization.

customerConfigVariables (CustomerConfigVariableConnection!)

Returns a list of Customer Config Variables associated with this Integration.

defaultInstanceProfile (InstanceProfile)

The Instance Profile to use as a default when Instances of this Integration are created.

definition (String)

The YAML that is the declarative definition for the Integration. Suitable for using to re-import the Integration.

deployedInstances (DeployedInstancesQuantity!)

Indicates how many Instances of this Integration are deployed.

deploymentStatus (AggregateDeploymentStatus)

Indicates the lowest instance-level configuration status among all Instances.

description (String)

Additional notes about the Integration.

documentation (String)

Rich text documentation to accompany the Integration.

endpointConfigTestContentType (String)

Content type of the payload for testing the endpoint configuration for this Integration.

endpointConfigTestHeaders (JSONString)

A JSON string of key/value pairs that will be sent as headers when testing the endpoint configuration for this Integration.

endpointConfigTestPayload (String)

Data payload for testing the endpoint configuration for this Integration.

endpointConfigTestUrl (String!)

The URL of the endpoint that allows testing the endpoint configuration of the Integration.

endpointType (IntegrationEndpointType)

Specifies whether endpoint URLs for Instances of this Integration are unique to the flow, unique to the Instance, or if all Instances share a URL.

externalVersion (String)

Specifies the external version of this Integration, which can be used to provide semantic versioning.

firstDeployedInstance (Instance)

The first instance using this Integration.

flows (IntegrationFlowConnection!)

The Integration of which the IntegrationFlow is a part.

hasOutdatedComponents (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Integration uses outdated Components

hasUnpublishedChanges (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Integration definition has changes that have not yet been published.

id (ID!)

The ID of the object

instances (InstanceConnection!)

The Integration that has been deployed for the Instance.

isCodeNative (Boolean!)

Specifies whether this Integration is a Code Native Integration.

isCustomerDeployable (Boolean)

Specifies whether the Integration can be deployed by the signed-in User.

labels ([String!])

The labels that are associated with the object.

lastExecutedAt (DateTime)

The timestamp at which this Integration was most recently executed as part of an Instance.

marketplaceConfiguration (MarketplaceConfiguration!)

Specifies whether an Integration will be available in the Integration Marketplace and if the Integration is deployable by a Customer User.

marketplaceTabConfiguration ([String!])

The Marketplace Tabs available to Customer Users for configuring this Integration.

metadata (JSONString)

A JSON string that represents metadata for the Integration.

name (String!)

The name of the Integration.

overview (String)

Specifies an Overview of the Integration to describe its functionality for use in the Integration Marketplace.

parent (Integration)

Parent Integration this Integration was forked from, if any

preprocessFlowName (String)

The name of a Flow in the Integration that will be executed as a preprocessing step prior to any other Flow executions.

requiredConfigVariables (RequiredConfigVariableConnection!)
scopedConfigVariables (ScopedConfigVariableConnection!)

Returns a list of Scoped Config Variables associated with this Integration.

starred (Boolean)

Indicates whether the record is starred by the signed-in User.

storeConfiguration (IntegrationStoreConfiguration)

Specifies whether an Integration will be available in the Integration Store and if the Integration is deployable by a Customer User.

systemInstance (Instance!)

System Instance backing this Integration.

templateConfiguration (IntegrationTemplateConfiguration!)

Specifies whether the latest published version of this Integration may be used as a template to create new Integrations.

testConfigVariables (InstanceConfigVariableConnection!)

Config Variables that are used for testing during Integration design.

ulcDeploymentStatus (AggregateDeploymentStatus)

Indicates the lowest user-level configuration status among all Instances.

updatedAt (DateTime!)

The timestamp at which the object was most recently updated.

useAsTemplate (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the latest published version of this Integration may be used as a template to create new Integrations.

userLevelConfigured (Boolean!)

Specifies whether this Integration uses User Level Configs.

validationRules (IntegrationValidationRules!)

Validation Rules applied to this Integration.

versionAt (Integration)

Object data at specified version

versionAttributes (JSONString)

Additional attributes that are specific to this version.

versionComment (String)

Additional comments about this version.

versionCreatedAt (DateTime)

Timestamp of the creation of this version.

versionCreatedBy (User)

User that created this version.

versionIsAvailable (Boolean!)

Indicates if the version is available for use.

versionIsLatest (Boolean!)

Marked if this record is the latest version of this sequence.

versionNumber (Int!)

Sequential number identifying this version.

versionSequence (IntegrationConnection!)

Sequence of versions of this Integration

versionSequenceId (UUID)

Identifier for this version sequence.

versions (VersionConnection!)

The Versions of the Integration that are available.