executionResult Query
Returns the specified InstanceExecutionResult object.
Access is permitted when any of the following condition(s) are met: 1. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the associated Organization: [org_admin_instance_permissions, org_manage_instances, org_view_instances]. 2. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the object's 'instance_Customer' attribute: [customer_admin_instance_permissions, customer_view_instances, customer_manage_marketplace_integrations]. 3. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the object's 'instance' attribute: [instance_admin_permissions, instance_view, instance_edit, instance_remove]. 4. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for any version of the related integration where the object is related to a 'system' instance: [integration_admin_permissions, integration_view, integration_edit, integration_remove]. 5. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the object's 'instance_Integration_Customer' attribute: [customer_admin_manage_instances, customer_admin_integration_permissions, customer_manage_integrations].
Input fields
Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The ID of the InstanceExecutionResult object. |
Return fields (InstanceExecutionResult)
allocatedMemoryMb (Int)
The number of MB of memory allocated by the runtime to execute this Execution.
allowRemove (Boolean!)
Specifies whether the signed-in User can remove the InstanceExecutionResult.
allowUpdate (Boolean!)
Specifies whether the signed-in User can update the InstanceExecutionResult.
canceledByExecution (InstanceExecutionResult)
The Execution with a matching Unique Request ID that caused this Execution to be canceled.
endedAt (DateTime)
The timestamp at which execution ended.
error (String)
Any error message that occurred as part of Instance execution.
flow (IntegrationFlow)
The specific IntegrationFlow that is associated with this Execution.
flowConfig (InstanceFlowConfig)
The specific InstanceFlowConfig for the Instance being executed.
id (ID!)
The ID of the object
instance (Instance)
The Instance for which a specific InstanceFlowConfig is being executed.
integration (Integration)
The specific Integration that is associated with this Execution.
invokeType (InstanceExecutionResultInvokeType)
The type of origin that this execution was triggered from.
isTestExecution (Boolean!)
Specifies whether Execution was created as part of testing.
lineage (InstanceExecutionLineage!)
A metadata object representing this Instance execution's relationship to other executions.
logs (LogConnection!)
The specific InstanceExecutionResult that is associated with the Log entry.
maxRetryCount (Int)
The maximum number of times that this Execution may be retried before failing.
replayForExecution (InstanceExecutionResult)
The Execution for which this Execution is a replay.
replays (InstanceExecutionResultConnection!)
The Execution for which this Execution is a replay.
requestPayloadMetadataUrl (String!)
The presigned URL to fetch metadata of the request payload that was sent to invoke Instance execution.
requestPayloadUrl (String!)
The presigned URL to download the request payload that was sent to invoke Instance execution.
responsePayloadMetadataUrl (String!)
The presigned URL to fetch metadata of the response payload that was received from the Instance execution.
responsePayloadUrl (String!)
The presigned URL to download the response payload that was received from the Instance execution.
resultType (InstanceExecutionResultResultType)
The type of outcome from the Instance execution.
retryAttempts (InstanceExecutionResultConnection!)
The Execution for which this Execution is a retry attempt.
retryCount (Int)
The number of times that this Execution has been retried.
retryForExecution (InstanceExecutionResult)
The Execution for which this Execution is a retry attempt.
retryNextAt (DateTime)
The timestamp at which the next scheduled retry will occur.
retryUniqueRequestId (String)
A Unique Request ID to use for retry request cancellation.
spendMbSecs (Int)
The spend for this Execution in MB-secs.
startedAt (DateTime!)
The timestamp at which execution started.
status (ExecutionStatus!)
The status of the Instance execution.
stepCount (Int)
The number of steps in this Execution.
stepResults (InstanceStepResultConnection!)
The InstanceExecutionResult to which the InstanceStepResult is associated.