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actions Query

Returns a Relay Connection to a collection of Action objects.

Access is permitted when any of the following condition(s) are met: 1. Always allowed.

Input fields

filterQueryJSONStringJSON structure defining a conditional logic expression tree to use for including specific Actions.
includeForCodeNativeIntegrationsBooleanInclude Actions from Components associated with Code Native Integrations.
beforeStringSpecifies a cursor for use in combination with last to implement backward pagination.
afterStringSpecifies a cursor for use in combination with first to implement forward pagination.
firstIntA non-negative integer that specifies to return at most first edges after the after cursor.
lastIntA non-negative integer that specifies to return at most last edges before the before cursor.
keyStringFilter for objects where key matches the specified value.
key_IcontainsStringFilter for objects where key contains the specified value (case insensitive).
key_In[String]Filter for objects where key is contained in the list of specified values.
label_IcontainsStringFilter for objects where label contains the specified value (case insensitive).
label_FulltextStringFilter for objects where label.fulltext matches the specified value.
description_IcontainsStringFilter for objects where description contains the specified value (case insensitive).
componentIDFilter for objects where component matches the specified ID.
isTriggerBooleanFilter for objects where isTrigger matches the specified value.
isCommonTriggerBooleanFilter for objects where isCommonTrigger matches the specified value.
isDataSourceBooleanFilter for objects where isDataSource matches the specified value.
isDetailDataSourceBooleanFilter for objects where isDetailDataSource matches the specified value.
dataSourceTypeStringFilter for objects where dataSourceType matches the specified value.
hasOnInstanceDeployBooleanFilter for objects where hasOnInstanceDeploy matches the specified value.
hasOnInstanceDeleteBooleanFilter for objects where hasOnInstanceDelete matches the specified value.
searchTerms_FulltextStringFilter for objects where searchTerms.fulltext matches the specified value.
orderByActionOrderDEPRECATED. Prefer using sort_by instead as it allows ordering by many fields.
sortBy[ActionOrder]Allows specifying many field and direction pairs to sort results by.

Return fields (ActionConnection!)

edges ([ActionEdge]!)

List of edges containing the nodes in this connection.

nodes ([Action]!)

List of nodes in this connection.

pageInfo (PageInfo!)

Pagination data for this connection.

totalCount (Int!)

Total count of nodes available.