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action Query

Returns the specified Action object.

Access is permitted when any of the following condition(s) are met: 1. Always allowed.

Input fields

idID!The ID of the Action object.

Return fields (Action)

allowRemove (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can remove the Action.

allowUpdate (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can update the Action.

allowsBranching (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Action will allow Conditional Branching.

authorizationMethods (AuthorizationMethodConnection!)

The AuthorizationMethods that are supported by the Action.

authorizationRequired (Boolean)

Specifies whether the Action requires authorization to function.

breakLoop (Boolean)

Specifies whether an Action will break out of a loop.

component (Component)

The Component to which this Action is associated.

dataSourceType (ActionDataSourceType)

Specifies the type of the resulting data from the data source.

description (String!)

Additional notes about the Action.

detailDataSource (Action)

The Data Source in this Component which can provide additional details about the content for this Data Source, such as example values when selecting particular API object fields.

directions (String)

Notes which may provide insight on the intended use of the Action.

dynamicBranchInput (String!)

A string that associates an Input with Dynamic Branching.

examplePayload (JSONString)

An example of the returned payload of an Action.

hasOnInstanceDelete (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Action, if it is a Trigger, has an Instance Delete handler function defined.

hasOnInstanceDeploy (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Action, if it is a Trigger, has an Instance Deploy handler function defined.

id (ID!)

The ID of the object

important (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Action is important and/or commonly used.

inputs (InputFieldConnection!)

The Action to which this InputField is associated, if any.

isCommonTrigger (Boolean)

Specifies whether the Action is a commonly used Trigger.

isDataSource (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Action is a Data Source.

isDetailDataSource (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Action is designed to be used as a detail data source.

isTrigger (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Action is a Trigger.

key (String!)

A string that uniquely identifies this Action within the context of the Component.

label (String!)

The name of the Action.

scheduleSupport (ActionScheduleSupport)

Specifies support for triggering an Integration on a recurring schedule.

searchTerms (String)

A combination of an action's text metadata to be used in search functionality.

staticBranchNames ([String!])

The static branch names associated with an Action.

synchronousResponseSupport (ActionSynchronousResponseSupport)

Specifies support for synchronous responses to an Integration webhook request.

terminateExecution (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Action will terminate Instance execution.