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User Object

Represents a user account. A User may belong to an Organization directly or belong to a Customer, which itself belongs to an Organization.

Return fields

allowChangeRoles (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can change the Role of the User.

allowRemove (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can remove the User.

allowUpdate (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can update the User.

appAvatarUrl (String)

The URL for the main avatar image that is displayed in Prismatic.

appName (String!)

The app name displayed in Prismatic.

avatarUrl (String)

The URL for the avatar image.

createdAt (DateTime!)

The timestamp at which the object was created.

customer (Customer)

The Customer the user belongs to, if any. If this is NULL then Organization will be specified.

darkMode (Boolean!)

Designates whether the User has dark mode activated or not.

darkModeSyncWithOs (Boolean!)

Designates whether dark mode should be derived from the operating system.

dateJoined (DateTime!)

The date the User was created.

email (String!)

The email address associated with the User.

externalId (String)

Allows for mapping an external entity to a Prismatic record.

featureFlags (JSONString!)
id (ID!)

The ID of the object

marketplaceName (String!)

The name displayed for the Marketplace.

name (String!)

The user's preferred name.

org (Organization)

The Organization that the User belongs to, if any. If this is NULL then Customer will be specified.

phone (String!)

The preferred contact phone number for the User.

role (Role!)

The Role associated with the User which determines its permissions.

updatedAt (DateTime!)

The timestamp at which the object was most recently updated.