InstanceStepResult Object
Represents the result of executing a specific step of an Integration as part of an Instance execution.
Return fields
allowRemove (Boolean!)
Specifies whether the signed-in User can remove the InstanceStepResult.
allowUpdate (Boolean!)
Specifies whether the signed-in User can update the InstanceStepResult.
branchName (String)
The name of the branch containing the IntegrationAction that generated this result, if any.
componentActionKey (String)
A JSON value that contains attributes which uniquely identify the Component Action which generated this result.
displayStepName (String)
The display name of the IntegrationAction that generated this result.
endedAt (DateTime)
The timestamp at which execution of the step ended.
executionResult (InstanceExecutionResult!)
The InstanceExecutionResult to which the InstanceStepResult is associated.
fromPreprocessFlow (Boolean!)
Specifies whether the result was generated as part of the associated Integration's Preprocess Flow.
hasError (Boolean!)
Specifies whether this step result had an error during execution.
id (ID!)
The ID of the object
instance (Instance)
The Instance to which the InstanceStepResult is associated.
isLoopStep (Boolean!)
Specifies whether the result was generated by a Loop IntegrationAction.
isRootResult (Boolean!)
Identifies whether this is a 'root level' result or whether this is contained in a loop.
loopInputsMetadataUrl (String)
The presigned URL to fetch metadata of the inputs for this specific step if it is a Loop step.
loopInputsUrl (String)
The presigned URL to download the inputs for this specific step if it is a Loop step.
loopPath (String)
A string containing a sequence of space-separated 'loopStepName:iterationNumber' tokens that allow this result to be requested based solely on loop positions and iteration numbers
loopStepIndex (Int)
The iteration index of the containing Loop IntegrationAction at the time this result was generated, if any.
loopStepName (String)
The name of the IntegrationAction that is the Loop containing the IntegrationAction that generated this result, if any.
resultsMetadataUrl (String!)
The presigned URL to fetch metadata of the result of this specific step of the Instance execution.
resultsUrl (String!)
The presigned URL to download the result of this specific step of the Instance execution.
startedAt (DateTime!)
The timestamp at which execution of the step started.
stepName (String)
The name of the IntegrationAction that generated this result.