InstanceConfigVariable Object
Associates specific values to the Required Config Variables specified by an Integration when creating an Instance.
Return fields
allowRemove (Boolean!)
Specifies whether the signed-in User can remove the InstanceConfigVariable.
allowUpdate (Boolean!)
Specifies whether the signed-in User can update the InstanceConfigVariable.
authorizeUrl (String)
The Authorize URL of this Config Variable if associated with an OAuth 2.0 Connection.
contentMetadataUrl (String)
The presigned URL to fetch metadata of the content used to populate the widget, when applicable.
contentUrl (String)
The presigned URL to download the content used to populate the widget, when applicable.
customerConfigVariable (CustomerConfigVariable)
The specific Customer Config Variable that defines the inputs for the Instance Config Variable.
id (ID!)
The ID of the object
inputs (ExpressionConnection)
The collection of Expressions that serve as inputs to the InstanceConfigVariable.
instance (Instance!)
The Instance with which the Config Variable is associated.
logs (LogConnection!)
The InstanceConfigVariable which relates to the Log entry.
meta (JSONString)
Contains arbitrary metadata about this Config Var.
onPremiseResource (OnPremiseResource)
The On-Prem Resource that is associated with the Config Variable.
refreshAt (DateTime)
The timestamp at which the OAuth2 token will automatically be refreshed, if necessary. Only applies to OAuth2 methods where refresh is necessary.
requiredConfigVariable (RequiredConfigVariable!)
The Required Config Variable that is satisfied with the assignment of a Config Variable.
scheduleType (InstanceConfigVariableScheduleType)
The schedule type to show in the UI when the Config Var uses the 'schedule' dataType.
status (InstanceConfigVariableStatus)
Status indicating if this Connection is working as expected or encountering issues.
supplementalDataMetadataUrl (String)
The presigned URL to fetch metadata of the supplemental data that may have been fetched as part of populating the content, when applicable.
supplementalDataUrl (String)
The presigned URL to download supplemental data that may have been fetched as part of populating the content, when applicable.
timeZone (String)
An optional timezone property for when the Config Var uses the 'schedule' dataType.
value (String)
The value for the Required Config Variable that becomes part of the Instance definition.