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AlertMonitor Object

Represents a set of rules that are applied to a specific Instance which determine when an alert notification is sent as well to whom and how they are delivered.

Return fields

allowRemove (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can remove the AlertMonitor.

allowUpdate (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can update the AlertMonitor.

createdAt (DateTime!)

The timestamp at which the object was created.

durationSecondsCondition (Int)

The execution duration condition to monitor for relevant AlertTrigger types.

events (AlertEventConnection!)

The AlertMonitor to which the AlertEvent is associated.

executionOverdueMinutesCondition (Int)

The execution overdue condition to monitor for relevant AlertTrigger types.

flowConfig (InstanceFlowConfig)

The IntegrationFlow that is being monitored by the AlertMonitor.

groups (AlertGroupConnection!)

The AlertGroups to notify when the AlertMonitor is triggered.

id (ID!)

The ID of the object

instance (Instance)

The Instance that is being monitored by the AlertMonitor.

lastTriggeredAt (DateTime)

The timestamp when the AlertMonitor was last triggered.

logSeverityLevelCondition (Int)

The log severity level condition to monitor for relevant AlertTrigger types.

name (String!)

The name of the AlertMonitor.

systemSuspended (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the Alert Monitor has been suspended by Prismatic.

triggered (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the AlertMonitor is currently triggered.

triggers (AlertTriggerConnection!)

The AlertTriggers that are setup to trigger the AlertMonitor.

updatedAt (DateTime!)

The timestamp at which the object was most recently updated.

users (UserConnection!)

The Users to notify when the AlertMonitor is triggered.

webhooks (AlertWebhookConnection!)

The AlertWebhooks to call when the AlertMonitor is triggered.