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updateUserLevelOAuth2Connection Mutation

Update OAuth2 Connection properties for a given User Level Config Variable.

Access is permitted when any of the following condition(s) are met: 1. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the associated Organization: [org_manage_instances]. 2. The specified object is the signed-in User.

Input fields (UpdateUserLevelOAuth2ConnectionInput!)

refreshAtDateTimeThe timestamp at which the next refresh attempt will occur for the Connection.
accessTokenStringThe OAuth2 access token to use for the Connection.
refreshTokenStringThe OAuth2 refresh token to use for the Connection.
tokenTypeStringThe type of OAuth2 token to use for the Connection.
expiresInIntThe number of seconds until the token is expired and a refresh must occur for the Connection.
contextStringThe context to use for the Connection. Completely replaces any existing value for context on the Connection.
statusStringThe status to use for the Connection.
additionalTokenFieldsStringAdditional fields to store on the token.
idIDThe ID of the UserLevelConfigVariable to mutate.
clientMutationIdStringA unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

Return fields (UpdateUserLevelOAuth2ConnectionPayload)

clientMutationId (String)
errors ([ErrorType!]!)
userLevelConfigVariable (UserLevelConfigVariable)