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createInstanceProfile Mutation

Creates a new InstanceProfile object.

Access is permitted when any of the following condition(s) are met: 1. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the associated Organization: [org_manage_instances].

Input fields (CreateInstanceProfileInput!)

nameString!The name of the Instance Profile, which must be unique within the scope of its Organization.
descriptionStringAdditional notes about the Instance Profile.
isDefaultProfileBooleanSpecifies whether this Instance Profile is the default used when no Instance Profile is explicitly specified during Instance creation.
logsDisabledBooleanSpecifies whether to disable the creation of logs during Instance execution.
stepResultsDisabledBooleanSpecifies whether to disable the creation of step results during Instance execution.
allocatedMemoryMbInt!The amount of memory allocated to the Instance Runner Lambda function.
instanceBillingTypeString!The billing type for the Instances that use this Instance Profile.
quickStartBooleanSpecifies whether instances using this profile have provisioned runners.
clientMutationIdStringA unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

Return fields (CreateInstanceProfilePayload)

clientMutationId (String)
errors ([ErrorType!]!)
instanceProfile (InstanceProfile)