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createInstance Mutation

Creates a new Instance object.

Access is permitted when any of the following condition(s) are met: 1. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the associated Organization: [org_manage_instances]. 2. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the access function context object 'customer': [customer_admin_manage_instances, customer_manage_marketplace_integrations] when 'customer' is provided in the access function context.

Input fields (CreateInstanceInput!)

descriptionStringAdditional notes about the Instance.
customerID!The Customer for which the Instance is deployed.
integrationID!The Integration that has been deployed for the Instance.
nameString!The name of the Instance.
labels[String]The labels that are associated with the object.
configVariables[InputInstanceConfigVariable]Config variable values that are associated with the Instance.
flowConfigs[InputInstanceFlowConfig]Configuration data for each IntegrationFlow that is associated with the Instance.
configModeStringDesired configuration mode.
logsDisabledBooleanThis field is deprecated.
stepResultsDisabledBooleanThis field is deprecated.
clientMutationIdStringA unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

Return fields (CreateInstancePayload)

clientMutationId (String)
errors ([ErrorType!]!)
instance (Instance)