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createAlertMonitor Mutation

Creates a new AlertMonitor object.

Access is permitted when any of the following condition(s) are met: 1. The signed-in User has any of the following permissions for the associated Organization: [org_manage_instances].

Input fields (CreateAlertMonitorInput!)

nameString!The name of the AlertMonitor.
instanceIDThe Instance that is being monitored by the AlertMonitor.
flowConfigIDThe IntegrationFlow that is being monitored by the AlertMonitor.
logSeverityLevelConditionIntThe log severity level condition to monitor for relevant AlertTrigger types.
durationSecondsConditionIntThe execution duration condition to monitor for relevant AlertTrigger types.
executionOverdueMinutesConditionIntThe execution overdue condition to monitor for relevant AlertTrigger types.
triggers[ID]The AlertTriggers that are setup to trigger the AlertMonitor.
groups[ID]The AlertGroups to notify when the AlertMonitor is triggered.
users[ID]The Users to notify when the AlertMonitor is triggered.
webhooks[ID]The AlertWebhooks to call when the AlertMonitor is triggered.
clientMutationIdStringA unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

Return fields (CreateAlertMonitorPayload)

alertMonitor (AlertMonitor)
clientMutationId (String)
errors ([ErrorType!]!)