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UpdateIntegrationInput Input Object

Input fields

nameStringThe name of the Integration.
descriptionStringAdditional notes about the Integration.
categoryStringSpecifies the category of the Integration.
customerIDThe Customer the Integration belongs to, if any. If this is NULL then the Integration belongs to the Organization.
endpointConfigTestPayloadStringData payload for testing the endpoint configuration for this Integration.
endpointConfigTestContentTypeStringContent type of the payload for testing the endpoint configuration for this Integration.
endpointConfigTestHeadersStringA JSON string of key/value pairs that will be sent as headers when testing the endpoint configuration for this Integration.
useAsTemplateBooleanSpecifies whether the latest published version of this Integration may be used as a template to create new Integrations.
templateConfigurationStringSpecifies whether the latest published version of this Integration may be used as a template to create new Integrations.
allowMultipleMarketplaceInstancesBooleanSpecifies whether multiple Instances of this Integration may be created from the Marketplace.
metadataStringA JSON string that represents metadata for the Integration.
labels[String]The labels that are associated with the object.
avatarUrlStringThe URL for the avatar image.
testConfigVariables[InputInstanceConfigVariable]Config Variables that have been specified for the purposes of testing the Integration.
flows[InputIntegrationFlow]The Integration of which the IntegrationFlow is a part.
definitionStringThe YAML serialized definition of the Integration to import.
starredBooleanIndicates whether the record is starred by the signed-in User.
addAttachmentAttachmentInputAdds the specified Attachment to the object.
renameAttachmentAttachmentRenameInputRemoves the specified Attachment from the object.
removeAttachmentAttachmentInputRenames the specified Attachment on the object.
idIDThe ID of the Integration to mutate.
clientMutationIdStringA unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.