name | String | The name of the Integration. |
description | String | Additional notes about the Integration. |
category | String | Specifies the category of the Integration. |
customer | ID | The Customer the Integration belongs to, if any. If this is NULL then the Integration belongs to the Organization. |
endpointConfigTestPayload | String | Data payload for testing the endpoint configuration for this Integration. |
endpointConfigTestContentType | String | Content type of the payload for testing the endpoint configuration for this Integration. |
endpointConfigTestHeaders | String | A JSON string of key/value pairs that will be sent as headers when testing the endpoint configuration for this Integration. |
useAsTemplate | Boolean | Specifies whether the latest published version of this Integration may be used as a template to create new Integrations. |
templateConfiguration | String | Specifies whether the latest published version of this Integration may be used as a template to create new Integrations. |
allowMultipleMarketplaceInstances | Boolean | Specifies whether multiple Instances of this Integration may be created from the Marketplace. |
metadata | String | A JSON string that represents metadata for the Integration. |
labels | [String] | The labels that are associated with the object. |
avatarUrl | String | The URL for the avatar image. |
testConfigVariables | [InputInstanceConfigVariable] | Config Variables that have been specified for the purposes of testing the Integration. |
flows | [InputIntegrationFlow] | The Integration of which the IntegrationFlow is a part. |
definition | String | The YAML serialized definition of the Integration to import. |
starred | Boolean | Indicates whether the record is starred by the signed-in User. |
addAttachment | AttachmentInput | Adds the specified Attachment to the object. |
renameAttachment | AttachmentRenameInput | Removes the specified Attachment from the object. |
removeAttachment | AttachmentInput | Renames the specified Attachment on the object. |
id | ID | The ID of the Integration to mutate. |
clientMutationId | String | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |