name | String! | The name of the Instance Profile, which must be unique within the scope of its Organization. |
description | String | Additional notes about the Instance Profile. |
isDefaultProfile | Boolean | Specifies whether this Instance Profile is the default used when no Instance Profile is explicitly specified during Instance creation. |
logsDisabled | Boolean | Specifies whether to disable the creation of logs during Instance execution. |
stepResultsDisabled | Boolean | Specifies whether to disable the creation of step results during Instance execution. |
allocatedMemoryMb | Int! | The amount of memory allocated to the Instance Runner Lambda function. |
instanceBillingType | String! | The billing type for the Instances that use this Instance Profile. |
quickStart | Boolean | Specifies whether instances using this profile have provisioned runners. |
clientMutationId | String | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |