Get Bill | Retrieve a bill by ID |
List Bills | Retrieve a list of all bills |
Get Business Entity | Retrieve a business entity by ID |
List Business Entities | Retrieve a list of all business entities |
Create Custom Accounting Field | Create a custom accounting field |
Get Custom Accounting Field | Retrieve a custom accounting field by ID |
List Custom Accounting Field | List custom accounting fields |
Delete Custom Accounting Field | Delete a custom accounting field |
Update Custom Accounting Field | Update an existing custom accounting field |
Get Custom Accounting Field Option | Retrieve a custom accounting field option by ID |
List Custom Accounting Field Options | List options for a given custom accounting field |
Delete Custom Accounting Field Option | Delete a custom accounting field option |
Update Custom Accounting Field Option | Update an existing custom accounting field option |
Upload Custom Accounting Field Option | Upload a new custom accounting field option |
Create Department | Create a new department |
Get Department | Retrieve a department by ID |
List Departments | Retrieve a list of all Departments |
Update Department | Update a department by ID |
Get General Ledger Account | Retrieve a general ledger account by ID |
List General Ledger Accounts | Retrieve a list of all general ledger accounts |
Delete General Ledger Account | Delete a general ledger account |
Update General Ledger Account | Update an existing general ledger account |
Create Location | Create a new location |
Get Location | Retrieve a location by ID |
List Locations | Retrieve a list of all locations |
Update Location | Update an existing location |
Get Reimbursement | Retrieve a reimbursement by ID |
List Reimbursements | Retrieve a list of all reimbursements |
Get Transaction | Retrieve a transaction by ID |
List Transactions | Retrieve a list of all transactions |
Delete Vendor | Delete a vendor |
Get Vendor | Retrieve a vendor by ID |
List Vendors | Retrieve a list of all vendors |
Update Vendor | Update an existing vendor |
Post Sync Status | This endpoint allows customers to notify Ramp of a list of sync results |
Raw Request | Send raw HTTP request to Ramp API |